Home > Shattered Souls(132)

Shattered Souls(132)
Author: B C Morgan

“Don’t worry, I have no intention of losing her to one of them. I know dad better than he thinks, if he’s taking her somewhere, then they’ll be a paper trail. We just have to find it. Aer, are you up to the task?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll try. I think my mom could be a good stop as well. She has many secrets, how about we exploit them for ourselves?” A smirk travels across his face, and we return it easily, even if there is more than just a little bit of bitterness thrown in.

I just gave up power to a madman, to protect a woman I wasn’t sure I loved. Well, I guess I don’t have any doubts now!


I always know where to find mom, she’s a creature of habit. If she isn’t spreading her legs, drinking in a wine bar, or using her special skill of blackmail, then she’s at her house. Not a home, nothing is ever a home if she’s there.

I walk in, the guys close behind me. We walk through the house until we make it to the living room, and the thick plume of smoke surrounding her head tells me she’s settled in for the night.

“What are you doing here, Aeron? Come to trash more of my things? Well, you’ll be the one fixing them.” She laughs a low, throaty sound, and I fucking hate her.

“Where is Arthur?” I have nothing more to ask, and she inches closer in her seat, her elbows resting on her thighs.

“Oh dear, what has my big brother done this time?” She smirks, as if she already knows, and I don’t doubt it.

“Cut the shit, where is he? You pride yourself on knowing everything, so tell me where he has taken her?” I try to keep my voice calm, but she won’t miss the edge to it, or the way my hands shake with unbridled rage.

I’ve moved past the point of freaking out and wallowing in despair. It’s time to be proactive.

“Ahh, so he finally did it. I’m surprised it took him this long, he’s never been a patient man. Well, if he’s got her, you may as well cut your losses. Plenty more willing women out there, I’m sure they’d be more than happy to spread their legs for you, son.”

“I’m sure they would. I’m sure the world would also love to know all of your dirty little secrets. So, tell me, mother, how long do you want to play this game for?” I lace my tone with condescension, as she narrows her eyes at me.

“You don’t know anything, nothing more than a disappointment. You’re too fucking high to use that brain of yours, if you even have one.” She snickers, and Tucker steps forward. “Oh no, is big bad Tucker going to teach me a lesson? Want to press a pretty blade to my throat too, darling?” She winks at him, and Thallon gags.

I’m used to it, but his parents are normal, not the fucked up mess me and Emmet have had to deal with since the day we were born.

I hold my hand up, and lower a finger with each secret, that is ready to spill from my tongue.

“The five hundred grand you stole from the company.” Her nostrils flare. “The video of you degrading yourself to a twenty-one year old, begging him to slide his dick into you.” Her chest heaves. “How about the young mother you killed in a hit and run two years ago? I believe the cops are still looking into that one. I can even give them the proof. But no, that wouldn’t scare you, would it, mother?” I arch a brow, before stepping closer, ready to deliver my final blow. “How about the fact that your heir was a twin, one that you gave up because you didn’t want a girl. Because God forbid she turned out prettier than you. Oh, but you didn’t just give her up, did you? No, you sold her, and didn’t bat an eye when she later died. Did you know that the mother you killed was your daughter? Did you even care? Oh yes, mother, I know all your dirty secrets. And one more, in case you’re not scared enough.” I lean even closer and she flinches away.

“Shut up, you don’t know anything, and you have no proof. I will destroy you, Aeron,” she screams, and I laugh in her face.

“I have a video of you fucking Simon, your own flesh and blood. I’m sure there are laws against that, seeing as he is your nephew.” She screeches as she jumps out of her chair, and everyone shoots her with looks of pure disgust. Thallon looks as though he’s about to puke at any moment, I didn’t expect it, but again, violence and incest are too very different things.

“You don’t have anything on me,” she screeches. I pull up my phone, and show her the video. Her eyes widen, as her face drains of color. If Thallon doesn’t puke, she may do.

“Now, tell me where he’s taking her.” I step into her until she’s backed against the wall, and shaking like a leaf.

“He has a property about forty minutes from here. You’ve already wasted too much time. If they’re there, then you’ve already lost.” She slides down the wall as I walk away, and I don’t stop to listen to what Emmet has to say to her. Although her screaming gives me a good indication. Oh yeah, her secrets won’t stay hidden for long.















Looking at my daughter, everything feels right with the world. It’s taken us a long time to get here, but all the heartache was worth it. It wasn’t easy growing up in the care system, but it led me to this place, with Luna, and the guy I am going to marry one day.

Deacon Cannery, the guy who made me realize that I could definitely do better than Arthur. That man terrifies me, but it’s been so long since I left, maybe he has moved on. I mean, how could he expect me to say yes to his proposal when he was already married? He had a son, Shane I think his name was. I was nothing more than an obsession for him, but he didn’t care. He would have thrown all of that away for me, and I will always be haunted by the look in his eyes when I told him no.

Speaking of, Deacon should be here by now. He was supposed to bring his brother by, to show me pictures of their baby scan, and then I can tell them my happy news. I know Luna is going to dote on her little cousin. She’ll spoil them with her love and attention, and think up fun games to play. She already has the biggest heart, and she’s only four. I’m still worried about that car I saw though. I know it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but it looked so much like Arthur. It’s like the boogeyman, only I thought his name too many times, and he appeared.

My back door opens, and I spin around with a smile on my face, only for it to fall away.

“Hello, Selene, it’s time for you to come home.” The man standing before me fills me with dread, as my hands tremble at my sides, I glance over my shoulder to make sure Luna is still in the living room, and inch away from the doorway.

“What are you doing here? How did you find me?”

“I will always find you, I told you that. Did you really think I could ever let you go? You belong to me.” He steps into me, and I try to move away, but he grips my wrist and holds me in place.

“It’s time to come home, no more running, and no more games. Get the girl, and we’ll be on our way.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, it never really did.

“No, I will never leave with you. Luna belongs with me and her daddy, not a sick fuck like you.” I know I shouldn’t make him angry, but fear always affects me in the worst ways.

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