Home > Shattered Souls(142)

Shattered Souls(142)
Author: B C Morgan

He doesn’t stop until I’m a shuddering, shaking mess, barely able to hold myself up. He returns to his feet, and slides me closer to him. My legs wrap back around his waist, as he slowly, so slowly, slides inside me. His mouth drops to my breast, while one hand falls on my waist, and the other cups the back of my neck.

He starts moving, slowly at first before he begins to pick up speed. He doesn’t rush, drawing out every single second. Stars flash behind my eyes as they fall shut, and my head drops to his shoulder. My hands cling to his back, holding on for dear life, as I crest and fall over. Screaming his name, over and over until my voice grows hoarse. He is right behind me, my name falling easily from his lips, as he reconnects are gazes, and brushes his lips across mine.

“I love you, Snowflake, and I will never get tired of telling or showing you just how much I do.”

“I’m right there with you, mountain man. I love you so much,” I gasp the words, as my orgasm still quakes through my system, leaving me one hundred percent satisfied.



I’m making pancakes, and I have the chocolate chips off to one side to add to Belle’s. They’re her favorite, and I can never resist making her them, when I have the time.

“Hello, wife.” His words wash over me, as he kisses the side of my neck.

“Hello, husband. Would you like some pancakes, Tuck?” I arch my head to kiss him, and he mock glares at me.

“That’s it, no more Tuck. I want a new nickname.” He sticks out his bottom lip, as I shake with laughter.

“What’s wrong with Tuck? It’s what I call you, don’t you like it?” I spin in his arms as Sin laughs loudly from his kitchen stool.

“No, everyone calls me Tuck, you just jumped on the bandwagon. You call Aer Sin, Emmet Em, which I still find funny as fuck.” He smirks as Em throws an apple at his head.

“Watch it, fucker,” he throws out, but Tuck doesn’t even look back.

“Darius is mountain man or Knight, depending on your mood. I want my own name.” he stamps his foot as I lose it, bending over as tears stream down my face.

I calm down as quickly as I can, before I move towards the living room.

“Belle honey, can you come here for a minute, please?” I walk back over to my husband, still feels weird, and wait for his trouble maker.

“Hey, daddy. What’s wrong, mama?” She bats her lashes at me as I struggle for breath. Did she just? I turn to look at Tuck and he looks as shocked as I feel.

“Sweetheart, what did you just call Luna?” His voice is gruff and full of emotion, as she giggles at him.

“Silly, daddy. I called her mama. She is, isn’t she?” She sticks her hands on her hips, reminding me so much of D, that I almost smile.

“Honey, you know you’re mom is the woman in the picture upstairs, right? The one in your room?”

We only have one photo of Rachel, that Tucker put on her bedside, the rest is filled with our family, but he didn’t want her to forget who her mom was. She may not have been the nicest person, but she was still her mom, that’s never going to change.

“I know, daddy, but Luna is the one who makes me breakfast. She holds me when I’m hurt or sad, and plays with me even when she’s tired. Doesn’t that make her my mom too?” Her bright eyes fill with tears as her bottom lip starts to shake, she’s nearly seven and sometimes I forget how young she still is. Too wise for her years.

“Guys, I don’t know what to say.” Tucker looks at everyone before returning his full attention to Belle.

“Please, don’t cry, baby girl, you’ve done nothing wrong. I just… I don’t know if Luna would feel comfortable with you calling her that.” He rubs at his chest, as her lips only shakes more.

“She loves me though.” Her voice is so small, and I can’t just stand here frozen by insecurities, not when she needs me.

I drop down beside Tucker, and he sags with relief. It’s no secret how much we’ve helped each other, it wasn’t easy to get to this point, and it took him a while to trust me with Isabelle, but he soon started to lean on me, and seek my help whoever he started to struggle.

“Sweetie, of course I love you. You honor me by calling me that, but I don’t want to replace your mom. It wouldn’t be fair to her memory.” My heart is aching, and I try to ignore how much it meant to me when she said that one little word, that holds so much power and meaning.

“You won’t let me forget.” She bobs my nose as I give her a watery smile. “You are my mama, Luna.” She wraps her arms around my neck, and I don’t hesitate to return it.

“What did you want, mama?”

“Umm… your daddy wants a new nickname, want to help me pick one?” I feel so out of my element, but this I can do.

“Olaf,” she shouts, as he groans.

“Ooh, good choice, or Sven. I think he’d make a good reindeer.” I stick my tongue in my cheek as he starts chasing after us, and we squeal with laughter.

This right here, this is what makes all the heartache worth it.



Emmet is back today. It’s hard when he has to go back to New York, but we’ve all settled into a routine. I’m in his arms before he can even put his bags down, and he clutches me tightly against him.

His fingers dance across my ribs, and I squeal with laughter, before he sets me down, and my mouth drops as I see who’s behind him.

“Alexa,” I throw my arms around her, and his mouth drops open.

“Did I miss something? Since when were you on hugging terms with my sister?” He arch’s a brow, and Alexa taps him on the face, before strolling past.

“Since we’ve been texting on and off for the past year, brother dearest,” she drops me a wink and I smile. “Are you kidding? Alexa, no. I am not having you rubbing off on, Luna. You’re a bad influence.”

“Maybe she’ll be a good one for me. I mean, look what she has here. I think I may need to get one of these harems for myself.” She laughs as the guys join us, and all but Darius, look horrified.

“Not happening, you are not having more than one boyfriend, Lexi.” He steps into her, and she just pops her hip, as she arches one perfect brow.

“Oh really? Why not? If Luna can, why can’t I?”

“Because Luna isn’t my sister,” he throws out, and we all groan, apart from Emmet, seeing where she is going to go with this. The vein in his neck will end up bursting by the time she leaves.

“I should hope not, seeing as you fuck her on the regular. Not unless you like incest. Don’t worry, little brother, no judgements.” Her smirk is devious, and his vein is pulsing like crazy.

“Can we not do this right now, seriously? I can’t be sober when you two are around,” Sin groans, grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room.

Belle is with her grandparents for the weekend, which means he’ll be getting stoned, and I’ll probably join him.

“Ooh yes, come on, Aer, whip the big boy out?” Alexa looks excited, and Sin shoots his eyes to me.

“Little Zero, I swear, it’s not how it sounds…”

“What the fuck, man? That’s my sister, and your cousin,” Em shouts, and I shake my head in defeat.

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