Home > Shattered Souls(48)

Shattered Souls(48)
Author: B C Morgan

“I’m not interested, you’ve spread your legs for way too many guys. Besides, I’ve got the best girl, I don’t want what you’re offering,” he laughs and I swallow hard as I make it to the cut out in the wall which leads to the garden in the center.

She stands between his legs, leaning towards him. She may as well be pushing her chest into his face. He’s just sitting there, can’t she tell that he isn’t interested?

I step into the space and she turns her head to glare at me, I just shake mine in return as I move towards the way out. I’m doing it, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. I haven’t broken, despite Thallon’s efforts to make me do so.

“Moonbeam,” he calls, and I falter. I can’t make my feet move, this is the closest I’ve been to any of them in a week, and Thallon isn’t here.

“Leave her, you weren’t missing her the other night,” Twenty coos. I can feel in my soul that she’s lying, but she’s here. Which means that Thallon will know if I so much as I respond to him calling my name.

I shake my head as I start to run. If I don’t, then I know I’ll turn around and run to him instead. I break out of the exit and someone grabs me from behind. The scream pours from me and Thallon’s laugh registers in my ears.

“Looks like you made it out in one piece. Lucky you.” He releases me and I spin around. I lock my arms at my sides to stop myself from striking him, because damn, the urge is strong.

“Moonbeam.” Tom walks out of the maze and his eyes turn to slits as he looks at Thallon.

“Still pulling the same old shit? Hey, trying to send another girl into the hospital?”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about. Remember, Tom, there are two sides to every story. What about yours?” He slides his arm around my back until he’s gripping my hip.

“Shut your damn mouth, Thallon, you don’t know shit.” He steps closer, his fists clenched.

“Poor Tom, is it all getting too much for you? Poor baby, I wonder, if you have any regrets, do they involve my girl here?” His hand slides up my side and I stay locked in position. Not daring to move. His voice is caustic, he may sound friendly, but it isn’t fooling anyone.

“Mind games, is that all you can do? So pathetic, no wonder your parents sent you back here. They were probably as sick of you as we are. Anyone that listens to Sir has to be feeling pretty desperate,” Tom growls as he looks him up and down. I’m struggling to see his angle here, what is he hoping to prove?

“I couldn’t agree more, what would possess someone to ever align themselves with Arthur? I guess it takes all sorts. Oh well, my reasons are just that, mine. See you around, Tommy boy. Try not to catch anything.” He starts to steer me away, right as Tom grips my wrist and pulls me, hard.

Hard enough that I have to bite down on my lip not to make a sound.

“Let go of my claim,” Thallon orders, but he says it so… lazily. Almost as though he doesn’t care either way.

“No, I have a better idea. I’ll fight you for her.” My head moves back and forth between them, with my mouth hanging open. What is happening right now?

“Tom, don’t do this,” I plead with him, not caring that I’m not allowed to anymore.

“Stay out of this, Luna. It doesn’t concern you.” He releases my wrist and I rub at the red marks lining it.

It doesn’t concern me? Oh sorry, I must have been confused when he said he would fight for me.

“I have nothing to gain from fighting you, so I think I’ll pass. Come on, Little Mouse, we’re going.” He clicks his fingers before pointing to the ground next to him.

“Don’t you fucking move, Luna,” Tom growls, but he’s not the one I have to listen to.

“Grow up, Tom. I don’t fight people unless they pose a challenge to me. You’re nothing, I’d rather have a showdown with a mossi.”

“You looking forward to the wedding, Thallon? You feeling a little sore that Rosalyn chose Shane over you?” Tom taunts him, I can hear it in his voice but all Thallon is doing is standing there, staring at a spot over my shoulder.

“How does it feel? Knowing that no one ever chooses you? I mean, she chose Shane, there must be something fundamentally wrong with you.” He laughs darkly as Thallon cracks his neck.

“Not doing it for you? Okay, how about this? How does it feel knowing the girl who made her life a living hell got away scot free, and I made it happen?”

Thallon turns his dark eyes on mine, they’re as dark as the sky, and I’m downright quivering on the spot.

“I’d stay out of the way if I were you. I wouldn't want you to break something.” He smiles sadistically as I move a safe distance away.

Why is Tom doing this? Can he even fight? I mean, Emmet didn’t even come away unscathed.

“Take the first shot, pretty boy. It’s the only one you’ll get.” Thallon locks his hands behind his back as he waits for him.

Tom roars as he charges and slams his fist into Thallon’s jaw. His head snaps to the side with a sickening thud.

He laughs. What is wrong with this guy??

“My turn.”

He pulls his arm back and I barely see it move as he drives it up and under his chin. Tom staggers back but Thallon doesn’t stop as he keeps moving forward. Tom’s mouth fills with blood and I can’t stop myself from shouting at him to stop.

He sends him to the floor and all Tom can do is cover his head and try to keep it safe.

“Why are you doing this? Please, stop,” I beg, plead, but nothing is working.

He just looks down at Tom as he drives his foot into his ribs and then wipes his bloody fists onto Tom’s shirt.

“Don’t cry for him, Little Mouse. He got what he deserved. Besides, he threw the first punch. Now, move it.” He grabs my elbow and starts dragging me away, but all I want to do is check on Tom, to make sure he’s okay.

“Stop manhandling her, she’ll fucking follow you. She has to,” Aeron shouts, as I stare behind me and watch him help Tom to sit up.

Where did he and Emmet come from? It doesn’t matter, I’m just glad they’re here.

Thallon stops walking and turns back around, laughing good naturedly.

“I’m not pussy whipped like you, I can do what I like. But if you miss it that much, maybe listen out for her moans later.” He drops a kiss on my cheek, but doesn’t stop looking at them.

Emmet starts to stalk towards us, the veins in his neck throbbing. It’s almost hypnotic.

“Now, now, boys. I’m just saying that I’m starting to get it. The reason why you all fought over her, she really knows how to ride a cock.” He throws his head back as Aeron starts to prowl towards us as well.

“I know you held your own against Emmet, but what about him and Aeron? Because they’re not going to hold back. Is this really worth getting yourself bloodied and bruised the week before your friend’s wedding?” I don’t know why I’m saying this. He deserves it after what he did to Tom, but I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.

He looks down at me, his head tilted to the side as question after question fills his eyes. He grips my wrist with a quick nod and starts pulling me away once more. I take one last look behind us, and simply shake my head.

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