Home > Shattered Souls(5)

Shattered Souls(5)
Author: B C Morgan

“Don’t worry, Tiny One, I’ll make sure to catch you.” Her eyes meet mine right before her walls tighten and her arms wrap around my neck.

Our mouths meet, hot, needy, and teeth clashing like crazy. So fucking perfect, and I’m more screwed now than I was before.



Two days since we got here, I can’t even count how many times I’ve been inside her or how many times I’ve made her come. I like that she’s getting along well with Liz, but she wasn’t my concern. It’s Belle she needs to win over, at least while she’s here. If Belle doesn’t like her, I’ll relinquish my hold and send her back to the Academy.

Would I really? Fuck, I don’t even know. Maybe I should though, priorities and all that.

My phone pings and I have to take a deep breath before I pull it out and glance at the screen.

Rachel: You can take Belle now. I have somewhere I need to be!

Me: We agreed tomorrow. I asked to take her earlier, but you said no. You can’t keep changing your mind just to suit yourself.

Rachel: Get her now, or don’t get her at all. I’m not fucking around, Tucker. I have better things to do then have it out with you. Take your daughter now or no party.

Me: I’ll be there in twenty.

Fucking bitch. I’m glad I get to spend more time with my daughter, but I’m sick of her doing this. You shouldn’t use a child as a weapon and that is exactly what she is doing. If we really could get away with murder, then I’d be seriously tempted to do it. I just couldn’t do that to my girl, Rachel will always be her mother and kids need that. I just wish she had someone who could see how wonderful she really is.

“I have to go and get Belle, will you be okay? I know I shouldn't leave you alone, but she hasn't given me any time to organize anything,” I can’t help but growl it out.

“Hey, it’s fine. I won’t leave and I promise I won’t even look at your landline.” She stares up at me with wide eyes, and I might be an idiot… but I trust her.

I drop a kiss on her forehead. What the fuck? Why did I do that? No, I am not going to obsess over this, I’m going to get into my car and get this done.

It doesn’t take long to get down to the parking lot, and then drive to their apartment. It’s in a shitty neighborhood, but she won’t let me buy her something better. I think she believes I will still take her back, but I’d rather take a knife to the dick than even consider it.

I pull my phone out and shoot her a text. No way am I stepping foot inside that place she calls a home. The car is a safer alternative.

The door opens after a few minutes and she stands there, cigarette in one hand, and the other resting on Belle’s head. Even Aeron doesn’t smoke around her, and he’s never without a cigarette or joint.

“Hey, baby daddy, looking good,” she says with a warm smile, and I stay quiet. I can’t speak, not with Belle here.

“Daddy.” Her whole face lights up as she runs for me, or at least she tries to. Rachel won’t let go of her and she grips her shoulder.

“Let her go, Rachel,” I speak slowly and carefully. I’ll promise her death if my best girl wouldn’t hear it.

“I don’t feel right letting her run to the car, come and get her.” Her eyes are wide and she’s the picture of innocence. I’m not buying it for a second. My hands shake as I climb out and make my way towards them.

She finally moves her hand and Belle is in my arms in a matter of seconds. I inhale her scent, and everything is suddenly right with the world. If only I never had to give her back. Then life truly would be perfect.

“You have four days. Please, try to get her back on time.”

“Or what, you’ll call the police? They can’t do anything, and you know it. But I'll keep my word, see you then.” I turn around and walk away before placing Belle in her car seat.

“This could all end, T. All you have to do is come back.” I turn around to see her suddenly behind me. She really doesn’t waste much time and I watch as she glides her hand down her chest, and bile fills my mouth. She steps closer and places her hand on my cheek, I want to move away but I don’t want to make a scene, not with the most precious set of eyes staring at us. “We used to be so good together, why can’t we have it again? You, me, and Belle. You’d never have to be apart and we can give her the family we never got to have. She deserves to grow up loved and in a stable home, just think about it.” She moves her hand down until it’s pressing against my chest and I finally find the energy to move away.

I want to say no, but I still can’t say anything. All I can do is get back in the car and drive away.

It would be easier, I’d never have to say goodbye to Belle again. But I can’t sell my soul and body away like that. I guess I finally understand how the Academy girls feel, even more. I finally understand Luna.

“Daddy, you happy?” So much innocence in that question and it warms the darkest parts of my heart.

“I am now, Princess. I’m always happy when I have you,” I reply easily. I hate that I’m driving and can’t look at her.

“We going to see nanna and grandad?” she asks with a smile in her voice.

“Tomorrow. Today, you’ll be meeting a friend of mine. She’s very excited to meet you.”

“Okay, daddy.”

I switch on a film to play for her while I drive. It isn’t a long trip but I’m not in any rush. The car fills with the Frozen soundtrack and I feel my body begin to relax.

So much had happened since I last saw Belle. Declaring Luna as my own, and not letting anyone else be with her. To this day, I still don’t know why I changed my mind so suddenly. I’d like to believe it was simply a matter of convenience and a way to make Emmet suffer for just a little longer. Now, though, I think I was simply lying to myself. If I’m being honest with myself, I think it’s because for the second time in my life, I have found someone I don’t want to share with anyone else. Not the fucked up family I was adopted into and certainly not this cruel world that my little Princess will have to grow up in.

Maybe I have to accept that Luna does mean more to me than a woman who was in the right place at the wrong time. I’m not saying that I love her, but there is something there. I wonder if I could share her if I had to. Maybe. But what would that act of selflessness bring out in me? I have no fucking idea.



We ride the elevator up in silence, or at least, I’m quiet. Belle is talking about Frozen and Moana. She’s happy and that is all that matters.

The doors slide open and we walk into the penthouse. I have no idea where Luna is, but Belle wastes no time in walking in and bouncing on the sofa.

“Isabelle, what have I told you about bouncing on the sofa?” I raise a brow at her and she gives me a full tooth grin.

“Not to,” she sing songs before jumping one more time and landing on her bum. Cheeky little madam, but I wouldn’t have her any other way.

“Daddy, where’s your friend?”

“I’m not sure, princess, I’ll go find her.” I run my fingers through her hair until she bats me away.

Luna, come out, come out, wherever you are.



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