Home > Shattered Souls(53)

Shattered Souls(53)
Author: B C Morgan



We pull up to a mansion built from luxury. The moment we drive through the security gates and up the long driveway, I see it in all its magnificence.

A brilliant white, with not a speck of dirt to be seen. Blood red rose bushes run the length of if and there’s at least four stories. The pillars that stand proud on either side of the door look as though they have been fashioned out of quartz, and two onyx doors have the Harkwright emblem emblazoned on them. A proud eagle, sits inside a shield, with a letter H, above and to the right side of it.

“Welcome to the Harkwright mansion. I’m sure you won’t fit in at all.” He snickers at his own words before he climbs out of the car and I rush to follow him. Because, of course, he isn’t going to wait for me.

The doors are pulled open by two maids who lead us to our room, which is just as opulent as the rest of the place. I mean, I can’t call it a house. I’m not even sure the word mansion does it justice.

The bed is a four poster with velvet drapes, that makes me want to shudder just looking at them. It has a black bed set that I’m scared to touch. It looks too expensive to sleep in, not that I plan on doing anything more than sleeping. Hopefully, Thallon feels the same way.

There are two walk-in wardrobes and two high back chairs that sit in front of an open fireplace. It’s decorated in cream with embellished wallpaper.

The bathroom has his and hers sinks, with a claw foot bath and a shower big enough for four. It’s all wood panelling and dark blue tiles.

“I assume you bought the dress you were required to choose for the reception. You better not embarrass me, Little Mouse. I do not have time to be worrying about what you may or may not do.” He steps up behind me and I can feel him like the foreboding presence he is.

“I won’t. I don’t want to upset the bride on her wedding day,” I say softly, and he snorts.

“Right, because you care about Rosalyn,” he says mockingly. I turn to look at him and he curls his lip at me.

“I don’t know her, and I don’t h-h…” I groan as I try to keep myself together. “I won’t hold what Shane did to me against her either. Why won’t you tell me why you hate me so much?” I pull hard at my hair and he grips my wrists before forcing them down to my sides.

He stares at me, neither of us saying anything. The tension between us is thick, almost tangible, and I jump as a knock sounds on our door.

He tears his eyes away from mine before strolling over to the door, only seconds pass before a girl, no woman, is throwing her arms around him and he’s spinning her around. They’re both smiling from ear to ear and her eyes are shining bright.

“Thallon, I’m so glad you made it,” she says, her smile never faltering.

“I wouldn't miss this for the world, Roz. I can’t believe you’re getting married.”

Hang on, this is Rosalyn? Didn’t Tom imply that Thallon had feelings for her? If that’s the case, then how can he be so happy?

“I know, it’s come around so quickly. I mean, it wasn’t even supposed to happen until next year, but Sir wanted us to bring it forward.” He lowers her down and tucks her hair behind her ears.

“As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. You are happy, right?” He stares deep into her eyes and she doesn't look away.

“I am. I actually came to ask you something. My father isn’t coming, he still can’t accept that I chose to marry Shane, so I was wondering…” Her cheeks turn bright red, and I’m scared to make a sound or move. “If you would give me away?”

“Roz, you honor me, of course I will. Damn, girl.” He drops a kiss on her cheek and she shoves him away with a loud laugh. Then her eyes fall on me.

“Hi there, you must be Thallon’s date. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She holds her hand out and Thallon sneers at me as I step forward and take it within my own.

“Roz, this is Luna Carter.”

Her smile falls and her hand goes limp in mine, before she seems to recover and shakes it firmly.

“Happy to have you here, Luna. I hope it won’t be too boring for you.” She steps back and folds her hands behind her back.

“Congratulations on the w-w-wedding. Th-thank you for h-having me.” I shuffle on my feet and her eyes soften.

“Of course. Well, the party should be killer. Even with all the oldies in attendance.” She laughs again before returning her attention to Thallon.

“Be nice, Thal. I know what you’re like. Take it easy on the poor girl.” She hugs him one last time before leaving the room. The minute the door closes, he’s in front of me and I’m against the wall in a nanosecond.

“You even managed to fool her. You’re smarter than I thought. People like you sicken me.” There’s barely an inch between us and I can see the different flecks of color in his eyes. They’re almost golden, and I’m struck with the overwhelming urge to count how many there are.

“You think I’m a fake? What does that say about you?” I jut my chin up and he pinches it between his thumb and finger.

“Oh yeah, and what exactly do you mean by that?” He smiles coldly at me, I think if a snake could actually smile then it would look a little like this.

“The carefree attitude, easy smile, and surfer persona. It’s all fake, though, isn’t it? I mean, look at you now. Is this the real you, Thallon? Do you just use the other one to lure your unsuspecting victims in? And what about the way you are with the bride? That was a whole new personality right there. You call me a fake, and yet…” I swallow hard, terrified of the way his eyes are growing darker with each word I say. “You’re nothing but a hypocrite.”

“A hypocrite? Sure. Why not? At least I know I can leave with my many different facets. Can you say the same? Eventually, the lies will catch up with you, and you’ll be left with nothing. It’s nothing more than you deserve. You heartless, vindictive…”

“I am not a bad person,” I scream, my entire body shaking at the force it leaves me. His hand falls away as he takes a step back, his eyes wide. I think I’ve really shocked him. “I have never claimed to be perfect, because I’m not. Thallon, I am as far from perfect as you can get. I know I stutter when I get overwhelmed, when I feel nervous, or when I’m scared. You want to know why it doesn’t happen as much with you anymore? It’s because you make me so goddamn angry that you make me want to lash out. Do you know how much I want to curse you out? And I don’t swear, outside of my head, or when I’m sober.” I’m shaking so much and my whole body is growing hot and I don’t even care who can hear me right now. “I am shy, and I didn’t stop hating myself until I came to the Academy. As crazy as that may be. I’m not full of confidence and I don’t enjoy hurting people. I would rather bake my troubles away then deal with confrontation. But, despite all that…” my head drops and my voice lowers as well. “Despite it all, when I was ordered to hit Four and when I fought Twenty, I enjoyed it. That moment I lost control and stopped caring about right from wrong and what my mama would think. I stopped obsessing over having to be the good daughter, and knowing how disappointed she would be to see me doing something like that. A part of me relishes the violence, so maybe you’re right. Maybe you do see the real me, but you don’t understand me because you don’t want to. You want to hate me? Fine go ahead. But don’t call me fake, because you don’t know the first thing about me, Thallon Harkwright.” My eyes snap to his before I walk into the bathroom, slam the door, and lock it behind me.

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