Home > My Own Personal Rockstar(18)

My Own Personal Rockstar(18)
Author: Kirsty McManus

“Lincoln, get down,” I order.

He must see what I’ve seen and obeys without argument.

“What the hell?” Felix asks as we begin to slow down.

“Keep going!” I tell him. “Don’t stop.”

Felix speeds up again, and we quickly pass the crowd. Thankfully, Lincoln doesn’t live in a dead-end street, so we don’t have to double back.

“It looks like the paparazzi have discovered where you live,” I say, turning to face him. “You can’t go back there right now, so you’re coming to my place. We’ll figure out our next move there.”

“I don’t want to put you out,” Lincoln says quietly.

“You’re not putting me out. No one deserves to have the media following them around. Especially you right now.”

“What do you think they wanted?” Felix asks as I direct him to my place.

“It’s the paparazzi. They want photos that will make them money. But we’re not going to give them anything.”

We arrive at my house, and I get Felix to park in the driveway.

After unlocking the door, I usher them inside. I’m not the tidiest of people, but thankfully I did a clean-up this morning with all my nervous energy.

The guys follow me through to the loungeroom, where I point to the couch. “I’ll make some food.” The kitchen is only separated by a small counter, so I can still talk to them.

“Please don’t go out of your way for us,” Lincoln insists.

“I’d be making myself something anyway, so it’s no trouble.”

I get out some flour, eggs, tempura crumbs, and cabbage. “Are you okay with eggs and dairy?” I ask Lincoln.

“Yes, thanks. What are you making?”

“Okonomiyaki. Have you ever had it before?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Oh my God, Link, you are going to love it,” Felix cuts in. “For the record, we really need to expand your palate. They sell okonomiyaki everywhere now. Haven’t you been to Eat Street in Hamilton?”

“Actually, no,” he admits.

“How can you have never been to Eat Street? I don’t even live here, and I’ve been.”

He smiles sadly. “The girls didn’t handle late nights very well, so we didn’t really go out for dinner that much.”

“I don’t get out much either,” I tell Lincoln. “Millicent and I try to have a kid-free night once a month, but we often just stay in and binge-watch TV.”

Lincoln stares bleakly at the wall. “I can’t handle the idea of starting over. And not seeing my girls…” He breaks down again, and this time Felix comes to the rescue. I continue cooking, hoping my food will distract him for a few minutes.

I have a little rice left over from last night, so after I’ve put the first okonomiyaki in the fry pan, I cut up some seaweed and shape two balls to look like pandas. I put each of them on a small plate and carry them over to the coffee table, placing them down in front of the guys.

“Oh my God, I love these!” Felix says, picking one up and inspecting it. “Link, aren’t these fantastic?”

Lincoln musters a small smile. “They are very cool.”

“They don’t taste of much, but obviously they’re edible,” I provide.

Felix takes a big bite. “What are you talking about? They taste great.”

“You’re easy to please,” I say dryly.

“You are way too humble,” Felix argues. “I can’t wait to try your okonomiyaki.”

I flip my first ‘pancake’ and serve it up on a plate, covering it in sauce and mayonnaise and taking it over to Lincoln. “They sometimes put squid in them, and bonito flakes on top, but I left them out today.”

Lincoln gives me an appreciative look. “Thank you.” I watch as he cuts a piece off and puts it in his mouth. I can usually tell if someone is just pretending to like my food or if they actually enjoy it. The pleasantly surprised expression on Lincoln’s face is genuine.

“Wow. How have I never heard of this before?”

“Because you’re basic,” Felix jokes.

I quickly go back and make a second one for Felix. “Are you okay going vegetarian today?” I ask him.

“Sure. Why not? I wouldn’t say no to anything you wanted to make, but I’ll be vegie in solidarity.”

I finish his and take it over. He dives on it, cutting a huge chunk and shoving it in his mouth. His eyes roll back in his head.

“You need to open a restaurant,” he says.

“Actually, I did markets for a long time, but it’s easier to manage my schedule around Daisy if I do the online stuff. And my supermarket deal now takes up any other spare time I might have had.” I look at my watch. “Which reminds me, Daisy will be finished at school soon.”

“Please do whatever you need to,” Lincoln says. “We’ll leave after eating.”

“Oh, no. I’ll ask Millicent to pick her up today. Please take your time. I don’t think the paparazzi will give up that easily.”

“I’ll book a hotel for tonight,” Felix says. “And then if it’s not clear by 4pm, you can come stay with me.”

Lincoln shakes his head. “This is all so weird.”

“It does feel a bit like a spy movie, doesn’t it?” Felix says. I think he’s enjoying the drama a little too much.

I get out my phone and send a text to Millicent.

Can you please pick up Daisy and bring her home? I have an important work call I can’t get out of. I’ll owe you big time!

I decide not to tell her about Lincoln and Felix’s presence in my living room, figuring she’ll find out soon enough. I hadn’t filled her in on my recent communication with Felix because I knew she’d call me a stalker.

She types back. When you say owe, do you mean in terms of a certain car I’ve been bugging you about?

I know she’s just continuing the earlier joke, but I’m tempted to put a big bow on Felix’s car outside and trick her into thinking I’d followed through.

Me: We’ll see. I will at least return the favour and pick up Ryder for you next week.

Millicent: Good enough. See you soon!

I can’t wait to see her face when she gets here.







I hear a woman’s voice before I see her.

“Holy shit, Tash! You didn’t actually go out and buy me a…” She appears in the doorway and stops dead. Two kids, presumably Daisy and Ryder, comically bump into the back of her.

“Ow,” Daisy squeaks. “Ryder! Why did you stop?”

“It’s my mum’s fault!” he protests.

Millicent’s eyes go wide as she sees me. I half wave. “Hey.”

Daisy peers around Millicent’s legs and then stares up at Tash, looking terrified.

She quickly does the introductions. “Millicent, Daisy, Ryder, this is Felix and Lincoln.”

Millicent is the first to recover and sits down on an armchair next to the couch. “Hi.” She then leans in, and in a loud mock-whisper says, “Blink once for yes and twice for no if Tash is holding you hostage.”

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