Home > Labeled(41)

Author: Jenni Linn

"What?" Taylor asks quickly, "Who's that?"


"What'd he say?"

Taylor rolls to a stop at a red light, and I flip my phone towards her so she can see.

"Well damn..." she says.

I stare blankly at my phone, totally taken aback by the message displayed on my screen. This is all I wanted to see all day, but since Devin arrived, Chase hasn’t crossed my mind...until now.



Stupid Over You



I stare at his text, torn at the emotions singing through me. This is what I was hoping for, yet at the same time, I'm angry with him. I had a nice enjoyable night with Devin. It’s almost like he knew that I could have something with someone else.

I glance at it again.

McSwoony: I'll be at your house at seven AM.

I push on the power button, making the screen turn back to black. "Who does he think he is?" I say, to no one in particular. Taylor remains quiet. The light turns green and she presses on the gas pedal, making the Jeep move forward. "Like, seriously? I don't hear from him in what...two days? And now he thinks he can just text me like everything is peachy keen?" I huff, "I don't think so."

"Are you going to respond?"

"Yeah," I swipe open my phone, "I'm gonna tell him to go to hell."

Tay laughs lightly, "Calm down."

"Stupid. He's so stupid," My ranting continues.

"Yeah. Stupid over you."

"Isn't that a song?"

"Stuucckkk on sttuppiiddd for yyoouu." We both bust out in song, stare back at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"Damn. I needed that." I say wiping away the tears from my eyes. I grab the phone from my lap to send him a response.

Me: No.

"What did you say back?" Tay asks, making the turn onto my street.

"I told him no."

"Really?" she asks, surprised.

"Yep." My phone pings, and I'm slightly surprised he responds so quickly. My heart rate has kicked up a notch.

McSwoony: Yes. I will be there at seven to take you to school. We need to talk.

He's not leaving it up for discussion--this I can tell. I sigh. "He wants to talk," I tell Tay. I look over at her and ask, "Should I talk to him?"

She smirks, "Well, do you want to talk to him?"

"No," I pause, and a puff of air escapes my lips, "Yes. Kind of?"

"You do," she confirms.

"I do. I just don't wanna be this yo-yo. He either wants me, or he doesn't...yanno?"

She pulls into my driveway, "Then you tell him that."

Instead of pulling up to the front, she parks towards the garages. Her phone lights up in the cup holder and she quickly glances down. "It's probably Wes." I watch her unlock her phone, a small smile playing on her lips when she reads whatever's on her screen, "oh shit girl...he really wants to talk to you." She flips her phone my way, and I snatch it from her hand whether she intended me to or not.



Chase: Do not pick her up tomorrow.



"Oh my gosh!" I groan, handing her the phone back with wide eyes. She doesn't even hesitate. Her fingers moving over her phone at high-speed, "Wait, what are you saying?" I lean over the center console to peek at her screen, but I can't see the messages. I sit back in the seat.

"I'm not gonna make it easy for him." She smiles at me and says, "Let's see what he says first."

"Oh no." I laugh, covering my face with my hands. Her ringtone chimes and I uncover my face to watch her reaction.

"Ohhh. He's good."

"What! What? What is going on!" I hunch over again, but she pulls the phone away. "Why are you doing this to me?"

This goes on for another minute--her fingers moving and the phone pinging, I'm biting my fingernails to the quick. My nerves are eating at me. There's a tap on my arm so I swing my gaze to Taylor's face. She smiles and hands her phone over with a shrug. "He's picking you up." I take the phone from her hands and take a deep breath before reading their conversation.



Taylor: I don't think she wants you to.

Chase: Taylor, you will not pick her up tomorrow.

Taylor: Or what?

Chase: I don't want to play dirty with you, but I will.

Taylor: Hasn't Wes told you? I like to play dirty.



That makes me laugh. "Oh my gosh, Tay!" but I don't look at her, I keep reading.



Chase: Not going there. I think it would be quite difficult to pick her up in a missing vehicle.

Taylor: And how in the world would you manage that?

Chase: It's a secret--one I doubt you want to mess with ;)

Taylor: I knew I liked you, Chase Daniels.

Chase: Right back atcha, Taylor Sullivan.

Taylor: She's all yours.

Chase: I hope so.



My heart sores at that last text. Oh my. I place her phone back into the cup holder and turn to look at her, "I guess he's picking me up tomorrow."

She nods.

"I am so nervous."

"Go get some rest. Don't be nervous."

I take a deep breath, "Okay. Yeah. Thank you."

"Anytime doll face. Now bring it in."

I giggle and lean in to hug her.

"I wanna hear all about it tomorrow."

"Duh." I pull on the door handle to let myself out and hop down onto the pavement. Once I reach my front door, I wave to Tay as she drives away before heading inside. My parents are in the living room. Dad’s passed out in his chair and Mom is doing a puzzle on the sofa.

"Hey, Mom." I sit next to her, laying my head on her shoulder.

"Hey baby, have a good night?"

"Of course, I was with Tay."

She laughs lightly. "She was always a wild child. I mean that in the best way possible."

"Yeah," I agree, "I'm heading up."

"Is Taylor picking you up tomorrow again?" she questions.

"No, uh, Chase is."

"Hmm..is everything okay?"

"I don't know." I sigh.

"I'm always here if you need me. I may be old, but I was young once. I may understand better than you think." I wrap my arm around hers and squeeze. "Thanks, Ma. I love you." She reaches her hand up and pats my cheek. "Love you too, honey."

"Kay, well I'm going up."




Good Surprise



I wake up way before my alarm clock, but instead of laying in bed and allowing my nerves to take control of me, I get up and keep myself busy. I take a long hot shower and shave my legs until they are nice and smooth. I dress in some black leggings and a cream lace top. It's a rare occurrence when I take the time to blow out my hair, but I have time to kill and a mind to occupy. When I'm finished my hair looks gloriously shiny and straight. I dust my face with some light makeup--nothing crazy--and do my usual eyeliner. I take a quick glance at the clock and sigh. Looks like I still have a good forty-five minutes yet.

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