Home > The Perfect Cover(34)

The Perfect Cover(34)
Author: K. Sterling

“There’s no testability to the Multiverse hypothesis but it offers some sound theories we can use to interpret the paradoxes of quantum physics,” he replied nonchalantly then sneered at Royce. “I heard you were a new addition to Hopkins Creek. What brings you here?” He asked. Royce’s head pulled back and his face pinched.

“I don’t need a reason, I’m fucking rich. I’m here because I want to be here,” he spat back. Grant’s eyes swept upwards as he considered and he nodded. Why bother with a complicated cover if you don’t need one?

“I guess that works,” Sam conceded then smiled at Grant. “I could use a tour guide. Are you free later?” He asked as he dismissed Royce. Grant heard a sharp intake of breath from Royce as he rocked back.

“I’m sure Drew or Sally would be happy to show you around,” Royce suggested but Sam’s nose wrinkled as he shook his head.

“That wouldn’t be very much fun,” Sam argued and he raised his brows at Grant hopefully.

“I’m definitely not fun,” Grant stated. Royce frowned as he put his arm around Grant possessively.

“Nonsense. You’re a blast but we’re going to be busy later. It was nice to meet you, Sam,” he said as he turned Grant. Grant nodded weakly as he waved back at Sam. He looked amused as he watched Royce lead him to the house.

“We’ll be busy but it was nice to meet you,” Grant agreed.

“I’ll catch you later, Grant,” Sam called before he turned and ran across the Lees’ lawn and headed down the sidewalk toward the bridge. Royce glared at Sam’s back as he held the door for Grant.

“Right in front of me! The fucking nerve!” Royce hissed as he shut the door behind him. Grant pressed his hands against his face and finally released the scream he’d kept locked in his chest.

“Another one!” He cried as he pointed at the door and Royce shushed him. Grant shook his head as his arms waved frantically. “I can’t handle two of you!” He complained.

“Two of me?” Royce asked and Grant laugh cried as he clutched his forehead.

“The Lees are spies and there’s two hot gay spies and I have to pretend I don’t know they’re spies which kind of makes me like a spy…” He mumbled as he paced then shrieked as his hands dragged down his face. “What the fuck is going on? Why are there spies all over the fucking place and why do I have to be in the middle of it? I can’t do this, Royce!” He said as he dropped onto the stairs.

“Don’t worry,” Royce said as he crouched in front of him and a loud bark burst from Grant.

“Are you kidding me? There’s a cold war happening on my front lawn and I’m Berlin! Why is this happening?” He demanded.

“I don’t know,” Royce admitted as he stood then winced. “Do you really think he’s hot?” He asked and Grant’s cheeks puffed out.

“I mean…” He held up his hands sheepishly and Royce’s sighed as he looked toward the Lees’ house.

“He was really hot,” Royce agreed and his brows pulled together.

“Not hotter than you,” Grant offered and Royce smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“I think he might be but thank you,” he said then pulled Grant to his feet. “How old do you think he was?” Royce asked. Grant chewed on his lip as he considered.

“Maybe thirty,” he said and Royce’s smile fell. His eyes stretched toward the bridge, as if he was following Sam.

“I think I know who he is and I don’t like it,” he murmured.

“Great,” Grant said with zero enthusiasm and Royce shook his head but he was still following Sam.

“I’ll take care of it. Do what you can to avoid him, if I’m not with you,” he told Grant.

“Is he dangerous?” Grant asked. He didn’t like the way Royce hesitated. “Is he?” Grant demanded as he gave Royce’s shoulder a shove. Royce caught Grant’s hand and held onto it. His eyes remained unfocused and distant for a few more moments before they swung to Grant and he smiled.

“Not to you,” he promised as he slid his arms around Grant. He angled his head so he could kiss Grant’s cheek. Grant shivered as Royce’s lips teased his earlobe. “I won’t let anything happen to you or Audrey,” he whispered but Grant frowned as his hand spread across Royce’s back.

“What about you?” He asked. Royce shushed him softly and gave Grant a reassuring squeeze before he leaned back.

“I’ll be fine but I think I’ll put in some time on the treadmill as well,” he said as he patted his stomach then cringed. “I’ve got to keep up with the competition,” he added as he stepped around Grant.

“No,” Grant said as he shook his head but Royce was too distracted with the pinch of fat he was able to find below his navel. “Don’t make this a competition. Why can’t we just talk to the Lees?” He asked but Royce turned and pointed as he backed down the hall, to Grant’s office.

“Sam might be moving in on you to see what you know about me. Keep acting like you don’t know anything and let me handle this,” he ordered.

“But I don’t know anything,” Grant replied and Royce smiled.

“Perfect,” he said then turned and jogged into the study. Grant groaned as he rubbed his temples.

“I have such a bad feeling about this,” he muttered then headed for the kitchen. “Maybe some breakfast will help…”



Chapter 28

“It’s a good thing I got that run in,” Royce noted when he joined Grant in the kitchen a little over an hour later. Only three places were set at the table but there was enough food for a team of ranch hands. There was already bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs with cheese, muffins and a large fruit salad and Royce’s eyes widened as Grant turned from the stove with a mountain of blueberry pancakes.

“I kind of went on autopilot,” Grant admitted as he passed Royce. “I started making muffins and then the bacon and I just kept pulling food out of the fridge and cooking it,” he explained. Royce groaned as he grabbed Grant by the shoulders and gave them a reassuring knead.

“I don’t want to make this worse but I think it’s time I moved in,” he said gently and watched Grant’s eyes to see if they widened in terror or narrowed suspiciously.

“Good,” Grant sighed as he nodded and Royce’s head pushed forward.

“Good?” He asked and Grant’s cheeks puffed out.

“You’ll keep Sam away and I don’t have to worry that the two of you are off killing each other,” he said as he pushed his hands into his back pockets and scanned the table. “I can throw together some crepes real quick…” He murmured.

“We don’t need crepes but I’m flattered that you’re worried about me,” Royce drawled as he pulled Grant into his arms. Grant’s lips tightened and he looked disgruntled but he let Royce pull him closer.

“I don’t want you or Sam to die,” he said and Royce’s lip pushed out.

“Why can’t you admit that you care about me?” This time, Grant’s eyes did narrow as they searched Royce’s.

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