Home > Saving Ryder(47)

Saving Ryder(47)
Author: Jane Blythe

“You haven’t touched me since I had that breakdown at the beach and I … well, I understand if it’s because you see me as a victim, but …”

Spider cut off her words by crushing his mouth against hers and hauling her onto his lap. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured to do anything you weren’t ready for.”

“I don’t feel pressured.” One of her hands curled around his shoulder, the other touched her stomach. “The only pressure I feel is here, it’s need, I need you, Ryder, I need you to treat me the same way you would if I hadn’t been kidnapped, I need to feel normal. I know you keep telling me everything I’m going through is normal but I don’t feel it, and I need to feel it, Ryder, please make me feel normal again.”

Her pleas left him with no doubt that Abigail knew exactly what she needed and more than happy to oblige, he pulled her tank top over her head baring her beautiful breasts. As he took one nipple into his mouth, one of his hands held onto her hip while his other slid inside the waistband of her capris.

A whimper fell from her lips as he began to touch her, and her moan when he pushed a finger inside her had him so hard he was almost coming in his pants like he was still a teenager.

“Ryder, more, please,” she begged.

Adding another finger, he stroked deep then curled them around so he could touch that magic spot inside her that would have her seeing stars. Keeping steady pressure with his thumb he worked her inside and out, and it wasn’t long before her entire body went taut before it began to shake as her internal muscles clamped around his fingers.

Eyes glazed with pleasure, cheeks flushed, pink lips plump, breathing heavily as she sagged down against him, Ryder thought his woman had never looked more beautiful in her life.



Chapter 14



June 27th



8:28 A.M.


She could stay like this forever.

When she was curled up on Ryder’s lap, his arms around her, his lips on hers, just kissing and touching each other like they were a normal couple and there wasn’t a crazy ex-SEAL out there who wanted to abduct her and use her as bait to lure in Ryder and his team, the whole rest of the world faded away.

Abigail never wanted this to end.

She hated that they had lost so much time, but she had decided she wouldn’t dwell on it anymore, what was done was done and she couldn’t change it, but she could make sure that no one messed with their future.

Which meant she knew what she had to do.

Ryder—and Eric, too—weren’t going to like her decision, but as far as she could see it was the only way to end this once and for all. Once Alex was caught then they would be free and clear to make the future they wanted a reality.

“I could kiss you forever, you taste so good,” Ryder murmured against her mouth.

“Then why did you stop?” she asked with a laugh.

“Because I want to taste every inch of you,” he said as his lips touched her jaw then trailed a line of kisses down her neck to her collarbone, making her shiver in delightful anticipation. “Baby, you’re going to do more than shiver like that, you’re going to come all over my face, so hard you can’t even remember your own name.”

“Ryder,” she moaned as heat immediately flooded her system, and she shifted restlessly on his lap.

His head lifted, his dark hair messy from her curling her fingers in it and his blue eyes dark with desire, his smile did things to her insides that no other man could do. Even though he had broken her heart and she had believed that they were finished for good, no other man had ever been able to affect her like Ryder had, to the point she had almost given up on being able to move on.

Now she knew why.

Ryder was her soul mate, and although fate had tried its best to keep them apart it had failed.

“You have way too many clothes on,” he said as he slipped a hand up under the pale pink sundress she was wearing. “You’re naked under there.” He groaned as his fingers whispered across her aching center.

“Took you long enough to realize,” she said, sucking in a breath as he found her swollen bud and began to roll it between his fingertips.

“I was a little busy with that delectable mouth of yours,” he said as he plunged a finger inside her making her gasp and then moan in delight as he started to stroke her.

Not wanting to just sit back and take, Abigail slipped her hand inside Ryder’s shorts and grasped his already hard length, smiling as she felt it jerk in her hold.

“Sweetheart, that does not help my getting you naked so I can taste you plan,” Ryder said tightly, like he was holding back.

She didn’t want him to hold back.

She wanted him to let go and give her every single inch of himself.

“I want to touch you, I like touching you. Are you going to deny me that?” she asked, arching a brow.

His fingers stroked deeper, and his thumb pressed firmly against that sensitive bundle of nerves making her insides clench in anticipation. “Baby, I couldn’t deny you anything.”

Satisfied, her free hand cupped the back of his neck as she drew his mouth back to hers while she continued to stroke him and he continued to plunge in and out of her.

He was close, she knew he was, but still holding back. “Let go, Ryder,” she begged.

“Can’t, you have to come first,” he said tightly.

“No, you’ll come first this time. I … I need to know I can still make you come,” she admitted.

With a growl he claimed her mouth again.

A knock at the door had them both stopping what they were doing as disappointment washed over her.

“They can wait,” Ryder said.

Maybe it should make her uncomfortable to be touching the man she loved while her brother and the rest of Ryder’s team waited outside her door, but it didn’t. She was too far gone, too desperate to feel her man come in her hand to care about anything else.

Moving her hand faster, a heartbeat later she was rewarded by his orgasm, and his pleasure became her own as she found her release. It shuddered through her with the power of a tsunami and continued to roll over her in wave after wave as Ryder refused to stop touching her until he had wrung out every last little drop of pleasure.

“Is it just me, or does that get better every time we do it?” she asked, drawing lazy circles on his abs.

“It’s not just you,” Ryder said with a quick kiss. “And I wish we could do that again, I wish I could take you to bed and spend all day there with you, but unfortunately I can’t.”

She groaned, imagining how wonderful an uninterrupted day in bed with Ryder would be and reluctantly climbed off his lap. “We better wash up,” she said as another knock sounded at the door.

They both washed their hands in the bathroom while Ryder changed his shorts, and she slipped on a pair of pink panties that she was already picturing Ryder pulling off, then while he went to the door she headed for the kitchen to make coffee.

“Don’t think we don’t know what you were doing in there,” Charlie said as soon as Ryder opened the door.

“Don’t think we care,” Ryder shot back, making Abby laugh.

Eric just growled, and she laughed again, for breaking them up he deserved a lot more than to know his best friend and little sister had been making out on the other side of the door while he’d stood there and no doubt had no choice but to listen to them.

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