Home > Click (White House Men #3)(56)

Click (White House Men #3)(56)
Author: Nora Phoenix

"I love that British TV series you recommended."

"Hustle?" Kenn nodded. "I know, right? I keep telling people about it, but it's not that well known here. But it's so good."

"It is. It's got that dry, British humor I love, plus action, smart plots, and more."

"I couldn't agree more. I love heist movies, and this is a whole series on heists and smart cons."

"Professor Duvall is here. Coming up in the elevator now," a voice in his earpiece said. "Your tutor has arrived," he told Kenn, whose smile immediately vanished.

Kenn bit his lip. "What if he doesn't like me?"

Seth's heart went out to him. He'd broken the official protocols a hundred times already since he was placed on this detail, and the president didn't seem to mind, so Seth ignored them once again and put a hand on Kenn's shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you."

"Have you met him?"

"No, but I know he's a good guy. Otherwise, your father would never have hired him. I'm telling you he spent more time selecting the right tutor for you than he did on choosing people for staff and cabinet posts."

Kenn relaxed. They both knew Seth was exaggerating, but it had been effective in helping the kid release some tension.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, and Seth let go of him. Duvall looked exactly like his pictures, with brown short-cropped hair and a pair of friendly brown eyes in a slightly round face. He was dressed in an expensive-looking suit. A suit he didn't seem used to wearing if the finger between his collar and his neck was anything to go by. Then again, Seth understood dressing up for the occasion. A first day on the job was scary, but a first day in the White House, meeting the president's son, was intimidating in the extreme.

"Hi," Duvall said, and a quick frown passed over his face as if he was irritated with himself. He stepped up to Kenn and extended his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Shafer."

"Kenn," the kid said, so soft it was almost inaudible. "You can call me Kenn."

Duvall looked at Seth as if he expected him to approve or disapprove, but Seth merely shrugged. That wasn't part of his job description. Besides, if Kenn was okay with it, what was it to Seth?

"Right. Kenn. I'm Warrick Duvall. Professor Duvall. Which you probably figured out by now."

He was nervous, and Seth suppressed a smile. The White House did that to people, robbing them of their usual eloquence. Even the most extroverted types could have issues getting their brain to function properly.

"It's nice to meet you, Professor," Kenn said.

Duvall looked at Seth again, then back at Kenn. "You'll have to forgive me, but I'm not familiar with the protocol here. Do I…?" He gestured at Seth.

A smile spread across Kenn's face as if he realized he wasn't the only one who was nervous. "That's Seth. He's one of the agents on my Secret Service detail. Technically, the agents are not supposed to start a conversation with their protectees, but Seth is a little different. He and I are…"

His smile evaporated, and he shot Seth a pleading look that took him only a second to figure it out. "We're friends. As much as my job allows it. With his father's permission, obviously."

Duvall cleared his throat. "Okay. That's good to know."

"Generally speaking, you can ignore us," Seth said. "Just pretend we're not there."

"That will take some adapting, I'm afraid. Neither pretending nor ignoring people are habits of mine."

Damn, Seth was already starting to like him. "You'll get used to it after a few days."

He stepped back, taking up position against the wall to indicate that as far as he was concerned, the conversation was over.

"Right. President Shafer…your father, I mean…told me you're interested in law school. Can you tell me what draws you to studying the law?"

Kenn looked at Seth again, who subtly nudged his head toward the sitting area. The kid nodded, then said, "Why don't we sit down for this conversation? I'm sure you have more questions for me. Can I offer you something to drink?"

Seth smiled at him, proud of how the kid had handled this despite his shyness and nerves. He was making progress.






"How's the law professor working out?" Calix asked Del.

He sat slumped on a gorgeous-looking but slightly uncomfortable couch in the Oval Office while Del lounged in a reading chair across from him. Everyone called it the president's chair, since Del usually sat there during meetings. It had been a long day with way too many meetings, and a headache was brewing behind his eyes. Maybe he could ask Rhett for another massage. The man had magical hands.

"Kenn seems to like him. It's only been a few days, but he shared some stuff he learned yesterday, and he was genuinely excited about it."

"Good. God knows you set the bar high enough."

"This whole situation sucks for him. The least I can do is find him a great teacher so that when he gets accepted into law school, he'll be ahead of the rest already."

"He probably needs the distraction too."

Del sighed. "Public appearances aren't his thing anyway, but we're still on a severely restricted schedule because of Sarah's health issues and the high threat level. After everything that's happened, I'm not convinced the Secret Service can keep us safe, no offense to the brave men and women who serve there."

What a disheartening statement, but Calix couldn't disagree with him. There was too much they didn't know, too many questions that were still unanswered. "Not what we had expected when you became vice president, was it?"

"No. Sometimes it still feels like a dream that I'm the President of the United States. That I work from this office." He gestured around them, and Calix followed his eyes. This room was…unique. It was hard to explain, but it radiated power from the legendary desk to the equally famous Lincoln bust, the paintings on the wall, the antique furniture, the presidential seal on the carpet.

"Every time I set foot in this room, I have to take a deep breath," he admitted.

Del chuckled. "Same. Though walking into the Situation Room is even worse."

"God, yes. That's fucking intimidating."

"Who would've ever thought I would one day have the nuclear launch codes?"

"Pretty sure your father had hoped so…and your grandfather."

Del's smile faded. "Yeah, but not like this. Not the kind of president I am."

"They're still not over you being bisexual? I figured that you becoming president would make them get the fuck over themselves."

"Nope. Not happening. I spoke to my father yesterday, and he brought it up again."

"Why? I mean, it's not like you can take it back now. Everyone knows."

"He's worried I'm setting the wrong example for Kenn, that I'm influencing him."

Calix frowned. "Is Kenn…?"

"I don't know. He's never said anything, but… I'm not ruling it out."

Neither did Calix when he thought about it. He'd never been super close with Kenn despite his long friendship with Del. Matthew, on the other hand, had loved Kenn, and the feeling had been mutual. Kenn had been inconsolable for months after—a fact Calix hadn't known at the time. Del had wisely kept that from him.

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