Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(29)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(29)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

I continue to walk with my head held high, not letting them know I know they’re there. I don’t know who they are or why they’re after me, so I pick up my pace and walk faster. Once I reach the end of the street, I step out into traffic trying to lose the van. Horns blare and I’m forced to step back when a car almost clips me. With a racing heart, I look around to see if the van is still here, but they sped away.

I continue down the street when the traffic allows and walk into the parking garage where I left my car. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I remove my keys from my jeans pocket and hold them tight in my fist like Xander taught me. If these jerks come back, I’ll stab them with my keys.

Screeching tires echo through the parking garage causing me to jump. I look around but no one is here. It’s just me. I need to stop being so jumpy. No one will attack me. I hurry my stride, my feet slap against the concrete making an echoing noise. I see my car in the distance and break out into a run. Tires screech again in the distance.

I get closer to my car and hit the key fob nestled safely in my hand. The horn beeps, letting me know the doors are unlocked. I release a shaky breath and relax. I reach my car and open the door. A sharp pain explodes from the back of my head and I’m thrown against the door and the frame of my car. I turn around to see who’s behind me when a bag is thrown over my head. I kick and scream, fighting with everything I have. I dropped my keys in the scuffle. I keep on fighting, not giving up so easily when a fist connects with the side of my covered head, stunning me.

Hands grip my shoulders and feet as I’m being carried away. I kick and wiggle my body making it hard for whoever has me to carry me away. My foot breaks free from their hold and I slam it into a body.

“You little bitch. You’re going to pay for that one,” a man’s voice growls in my ear. Hot rancid breath enters the bag as whoever’s holding my shoulders whispers. I stifle a gag and fight their hold on me. I slip free but only for a moment. I can’t see where I’m going or get the bag off my head quick enough to get away. A fist hits me again in the face and white spots bloom from the blow. Punches and kicks rain down onto me until I’m completely immobile. Pain shoots through my face and body as hands grab for me again.

“Tie her fucking feet and throw her in the van,” a man barks. “She’s going to bring us a lot of money.”

I’m in so much pain I can’t hear the rest of what they’re saying. Hands grab me again and I try to fight but they’re stronger than I am. My hands are bound behind my back and my feet are bound tightly. I don’t have the energy to fight back. I’m lifted and tossed like a rag doll onto cold unyielding steel. I hit my head hard when I land leaving me dizzy.

“Get her to the Prez. And if she comes too, knock her ass out again.” The same man says. A door slams and I’m moving. I wiggle a little bit, trying to see how tight the restraints are but my shoulders are on fire and my face and body aches.

“Don’t fucking move or I’ll kill you,” another male voice says to my right. I try to move my head in his direction but the vehicle turns a corner and I’m thrown to the other side, slamming my head against the side. Dizziness takes hold and I stifle in the vomit trying to make its way up my throat.

“Why are you doing this?” I whisper.

I’m not expecting an answer, but I get one. “That’s for us to know and you to find out soon, Danyella.” The way he says my name sends a chill down my spine. These men will hurt me if I can’t escape. “Don’t even think about it, bitch. You have nowhere to go and no one will save you.”

“Blayze,” I mumble through the bag. “He’ll save me.”

The man barks out a laugh, “If you think that pussy will save you, you’re in for a big surprise. The Royal Bastards are scum. They won’t care that you’re missing. They only care about themselves. You’re in hell little girl, get used to it.”

I sob and curl up into a ball the best I can. They’re wrong. They’re so wrong. Blayze will find me and when he does all these jerks are dead.

I must’ve fallen asleep during the ride because the van brakes hard and I roll to the opposite side. A groan escapes my lips. I have to figure out how to get out of here. The back doors open and strong hands grip my feet, pulling me towards them. I kick and fight through the pain in my body, desperate to get away. A fist lands in my stomach causing the breath to escape my lungs. Damn, that hurts.

“Stop fighting and it’ll go easier for you,” the man that rode in the back with me growls.

“Never. I’ll never stop fighting you.”

“We’ve got a feisty one. She’ll be fun,” another voice says and the blood running through my veins freeze. I know that voice.

He stuns me long enough for them to grab my legs and yank me the rest of the way out of the van. I’m thrown over a bony shoulder and pain shoots through my stomach. I kick my feet but don’t come into contact with anything. A hand grips my hair though the hood and tears spring in my eyes as the hairs are ripped from my head.

“Stop it little bitch or I’ll have to hurt you.” I wish I can see who these men are. “You’re stuck with us and if you don’t fight, my boys won’t hurt you. They like it rough.”

“What do you want from me?” I ask.

“You’ll find out soon enough. Now shut the fuck up before my brother has a go at your precious ass.” He releases my hair and I don’t fight. Fear freezes me. I’m too drained to try again right now.

I hear traffic in the distance when a door opens and slams shut behind us. The man carrying me over his shoulder jars my stomach as he takes quick steps. I can tell we’re going down and not up. That means I’m heading toward a basement of some sort. My heart slams against my chest when we reach the bottom stairs. The man carrying me is panting by the time we stop. No one says a word when I hear another door open. I’m trying to come up with a plan to get the hell out of here but the further we walk, the more reality sets in. I can’t escape.

The stench hits me through the bag before anything else. It’s a nasty smell of pee and poop being stifled in a room. I hold back a gag. The last thing I want is to throw up and have it crusted around my face.

A loud metal rattle causes me to jump. Sniffling and crying pierce the room we’re in. When a man speaks. “Wake up, bitches. I have another one for you.” A loud slam of metal against metal makes me jump and I start kicking again.

“No! You can’t do this. I’ve done nothing wrong.” I cry and kick and fight with everything I have.

“Hold her fucking feet, now.” The man in charge growls. Someone grabs my feet with a strong grip and I’m being lifted off the shoulder of the man carrying me. I’m dizzy from the sudden movement and slammed into a wall. My head bounces off the unforgiving concrete and the air rushes out of my lungs on impact. The bag is yanked off my head and I blink a few times. I’m surrounded by four men wearing cuts. Each states their rank but no road name. What the hell?

“Oh shit.” The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them.

“That’s right little bitch. Oh shit. You’re at my mercy now.” He bends down so his face is right next to my ear. “If you try anything, I will fuck you up. Then I’ll let him,” he motions to another man standing behind us, “have his way with you. He likes the fighters.” The man he’s talking about smirks and adjusts himself.

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