Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(30)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(30)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

“Why are you doing this? What has my brother done to you?” I plead for an answer. When one doesn’t come, I lean my head back against the wall and blow out a breath of frustration.

The man stands up and grabs my feet, dragging me across the floor. My shoulders and arms burn and I have nothing to grab ahold of to stop myself from going. He yanks me up and plops me down onto a bed in the corner of the room. The zip ties are cut and I move my arms, trying to swing but I’m not fast enough. My one hand is cuffed to the wall, stretched beyond normal.

“Now, if you’re a good girl we’ll leave you alone. If you continue to be a pain in my ass, I’ll break you.” The man in charge growls.

“You still didn’t answer me. Can you please tell me why you’re doing this and who are you?” I plead with tears in my eyes.

“Let’s just say your brother owes me. The whole MC owes me and the only way to make them suffer is through you. You’re just an unlucky bitch caught up in a war.” He glances around the room before his brown eyes land back on me. “And the Los Demons take no mercy.”

A gasp leaves my lips. Oh, this is bad. This is really, really bad. Los Demons are a horrific MC. They’ve been known for human trafficking. Girls enter their clubhouse never to be seen again and I ended up in the middle of it.

I glance around the room and see around twenty women down here. Some are watching us and others have their backs to us like they’ve given up hope. Each has their own cot and one of their wrists is cuffed above their heads. There is no way out of this. Fighting just causes them to get pissed off and hurt me. Crying does nothing for the psychopaths. I have to stay strong and pray Blayze will find me before they either kill me or sell me.



Chapter 15



I can’t take my baby sister telling me anymore right now. I know I have to, but my heart is shattering with every word she speaks. Every tear she sheds, every shudder that passes through her body. The Los Demons beat her, raped her and broke her so badly she almost gave up hope. My blood is boiling thinking about them hurting her like they did. Violating her body, shattering her mind, abusing her soul. I will rip each and every one of them apart with my bare hands. I’m going to fuck them up so badly, their mamas won’t be able to identify their bodies.

“I was so close to ending my life. That was until Aerial and Daisy came.” Danyella has silent tears rolling down her cheeks. “They needed me just as much as I needed them. Together the three of us helped each other. When one of us was suffering, the others would be there. We grew a bond and it pissed some of the other girls off. Then Daisy disappeared.” Danyella’s voice is full of pain and despair.

“That must’ve been when we found her.” I clench my fists on my thighs thinking about what that weasel dick fuckface was doing to her. What the Los Demons could be doing to Monica right now. “Did they take you anywhere? Anywhere you might remember?”

Danyella wipes the tears from her face and squeezes Capone’s hand. Her eyes widen, “Yes. They would always put a bag over my head and bound my feet and hands when transporting me. But one time they didn’t. One time we walked down the street. Me, Aerial and a member of the Bloody Scorpions. It was right before Monica rescued me.”

“Where did you go?” Capone asks through clenched teeth. The tick in his jaw is visible. He’s seething with rage.

“We went to a strip club down the street. In the back, there’s a secret room where they took a picture of me and Aerial. I remember the Bloody Scorpion telling a member of Los Demons something about the two of us making them a lot of money. That there will be top dollar paid for the little girl and because I was a family member of the Royal Bastards that enemies you guys have will run the bids up so high, they’ll be swimming in cash.”

I look at Capone with fury in my eyes. We’ve got a lead. He nods his head once and I’m out of my chair. I approach Danyella and cup her precious face in my hands. “I’m so sorry you went through that because of us. Because of me. I swear we will make this right.” I hug my baby sister tight, hoping that she can get past the abuse she endured, giving her some of my strength to fight through the dark days.

“It’s not your fault, Xander.” Danyella cries against my shoulder. Her tears seeping into my cut. She wraps her arms around my waist holding tight. “If anything, it was their choice to do what they did. I’m grateful for you shutting them down and rescuing me. Now, go find Monica, she’s in danger.” Danyella squeezes my waist one last time before releasing me.

I turn and walk out the door, taking one last glance at my sister. She’s silently crying while Capone holds onto her, giving her strength. Capone looks up at me with cold black eyes. He wants revenge just as much as I do. We’re going to get revenge on every single Los Demons and the little bitch working with them.

I walk down the hallway and into the common room. Most of the girls are sleeping on makeshift beds scattered across the room. Krimson and her crew are still here, they’re all sitting at the bar watching over the girls with concern. I approach them and Krimson and her boyfriend Nolan turn in my direction.

“What’s going on?” Krimson asks. Her honey-colored eyes and sultry voice sends a chill down my spine every time she speaks. I imagine she has the same effect on every other male in the United States.

“We have a lead. Danyella just told Capone and me where they took her right before Monica rescued her. I’m riding to check it out.” I contain the rage pouring through my blood long enough to speak, but it’s hard. I want to rip their heads off and spit down their throats. “And it wasn’t just Blood Scorpions. They were a front being used by Los Demons.”

“Los Demons? Are you sure?” Krimson asks. She stands quickly and paces back and forth. “That can’t be right. Los Demons have been on the down-low for quite some time. Not even showing their faces or cuts in the city. I would’ve known.”

“Obviously they pulled one over on you too. They have a strip club near the warehouse where they kept the girls.” I’m pissed the fuck off that Krimson thinks Danyella is lying. “My sister wouldn’t lie about this shit. Not after what she fucking told me.”

“Hold on a second, Blayze. Going there will tip them off. We need to play this one smart.” Krimson whisper shouts so she doesn’t wake up the girls.

“I won’t hold on,” I roar. Fuck the ones sleeping. I’ve lost all rational thought when she told me to hold on. “If you heard what those pencil dick motherfuckers did to my sister and then had the only person you’ve ever loved drugged and kidnapped, you’d be ready to rip some heads off too.”

“I get it, I do.” Krimson takes a step putting her right in my face. “But if you go in there now, they’ll kill Monica the moment they hear your bike rumble down the street. Let me send two of my crew in. Have them scope the place out.”

“That could work,” Capone says from behind me. I turn to look at my Prez. He has murder in his black eyes. “But I’ll only give you an hour. Then we’re coming in and gutting each and every person in that club.”

“Fine. I can work with an hour.” Krimson turns and walks toward the Latino chick sitting at the bar. I think her name is Hotflash. They whisper back and forth, Hotflash’s hands fly up and down as she speaks. Then she leaves with a dark-haired man with blonde highlights trailing behind her. “Hotflash and Rush are heading there now. They’ll report back to me as soon as they have something. Wait! Where are you going?” Krimson is right behind Capone and I as we head into the garage.

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