Home > Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(25)

Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(25)
Author: DL Gallie

Handing my phone over to her, she takes it from me. I lean toward Marvin and wrap my arm around his shoulder. We smile for the photo. Taking my phone back from the nurse, I send it to Avery before I forget.

FLYNN: Marvin says hi **attach photo**



“All sent.”

“Good, now get out of here. I want a rest without a chugga chugga disturbing me.”

Laughing, I stand up. “I’ll catch ya later. Bye, Marvin.”

“Later, Doc.”

As I’m stepping into the elevator, my phone pings with a text.

AVERY: My two fav men **smiling emoji**

AVERY: Thank you for checking on him.

FLYNN: Happy to do it.

FLYNN: He seems in good spirits this morning.



I leave out the part where I’m worried too, she doesn’t need that on her plate.

FLYNN: P.S. He wanted to send you a dick pic **shocked face emoji**

AVERY: **Wide eye emoji**

FLYNN: He also thinks I snore like a freight train.

AVERY: I plead the Fifth.

FLYNN: I do not snore.

AVERY: If you say so Thomas.


AVERY: Gotta get to class. Chat soon. Xo

FLYNN: Have a good day. Xo



With a goofy grin on my face, I head to the doctors’ lounge to grab my things. Climbing into my car, I drive home. Forgoing a shower, I strip off and collapse into bed. I think I’m asleep before my head hits the pillow. Falling into a deep sleep, I dream of Avery…and dick pics from Marvin.









After a lonely and long week, Friday finally rolls around. Tonight, Cress and I are going out for drinks, it’s been weeks since we went out. Actually, the last time we did was the first night I hooked up with Flynn.

Taking my time, I run a bath and pour myself a glass of wine. Climbing into the jasmine-scented bubbles, the warm water envelops me and I sigh. Nothing beats a relaxing bath. When the water turns cold, I climb out. Wrapping a towel around me, I head into the kitchen and pour myself another glass of wine before heading to my room to get ready. Deciding on a black, knee-length halter dress, I pair it with my trusty Louboutins. Curling my hair, I slap on some lip gloss and then I’m ready to rock.

Ordering myself an Uber, I message Cress and tell her I’m on my way to pick her up. As I’m climbing into the car, a feeling of unease washes over me. Looking around, I see two guys, whom I’ve never seen before, loitering around the entrance to our building. They look out of place, one of them catches me staring at him, he nudges the other guy, and they both watch me intently as the car pulls away from the curb. A shiver runs down my spine, goosebumps appear on my skin, but as quickly as they appeared, the bumps and feeling vanish the farther we drive away from the apartment. Looking out the back window, I see them still standing there, watching as we turn the corner. Shaking my head, I sit back in my seat and start thinking about this evening, I cannot wait to let loose tonight with Cress.

Forty minutes later, after stopping to get Cress, we arrive at the Tavern. Walking inside, we make a beeline for the bar and excitement bubbles when I see the cocktail of the day is a mojito. Ordering two, I wait for our drinks and Cress goes to snag a table that was recently vacated by a couple. I lean against the bar and look toward the alcove where Flynn accosted me that first night. My body thrums as I remember what his magic fingers did to me…and what they do to me now on a regular basis. Grinning to myself, I grab our drinks and head over to Cress.

“Cheers,” we both say in unison. We clink our glasses together and drink our cocktails. The tart, tangy liquid quenches my thirst and I take another sip. My phone rings, digging it out, I see Flynn’s face smiling at me. “It’s Flynn, give me a sec.”

Cress nods and finishes her drink. She then mimics the drinking motion and makes her way to the bar to order more drinks.

“Hi, Dr. Kelly,” I say, as I answer my phone.

“Good evening, Ms. Evans,” he croons down the line. “How are you this fine evening?”

“I’m good. And you?”

“Glad to be finished for the week and looking forward to a weekend off. Today was dead quiet so it dragged and dragged. But I did see your number one fan.”

“Marvin,” I say with a smile, “How is he?”

“He’s doing better. He escaped…again.”

“Sounds like him. That definitely means he’s doing better. I was so worried earlier this week. If you see him again, telling him I’ll pop by after work one day next week.”

“You really are a gem, Avery. It sounds loud, where are you?”

“Cress and I are at the Fat Fox.”

“You mind if Preston and I join you ladies?”

“Not at all. I haven’t seen you since last weekend and that was forever ago.”

“Aww, did you miss me, baby?” He throws my taunt from earlier this week back at me.

“I’ll never tell,” I playfully reply.

He laughs and the timbre of the sound reverberates through my body, leaving me a wanton mess. “Sooo, just how badly did you miss me?”

“You’ll see, and feel, just how badly I’ve missed you when you get here.”

“You can’t say shit like that to me when I’m not in the same room as you.”

“Well, hurry up and get here so you can see and feel for yourself.”

He groans and I laugh. “You are an evil minx, Avery Evans. Just you wait until I get there.” Dammit, this has backfired on me, I think to myself when he says, “See you soon, gorgeous.”

“Can’t wait. Drive safely,” I say in reply. Placing my phone down on the tabletop, I realize I’m beaming. Cress returns with two decadent looking cocktail glasses full of mojito. “I love you,” I tell her, as she places our drinks on the table and takes her seat across from me.

“You only love me for my cocktails.”

“Yeah, and?” I teasingly reply. Picking up my drink, I raise up in a toast. “To a fantabulous night with my fabulous girlfriend.”

“Cheers to that.” We both sip and let out an “ahhhh” as the refreshing drink dances on our tastebuds.

“What’s got you so chipper?” Cress asks me, as she rocks to the beat of the music.

“Flynn and Preston are stopping by. I hope that’s okay?”

Her eyes widen in delight. “Is it okay that two sexy as sin doctors want to stop by? One who happens to have a sexy as hell Irish accent, and the other could be Channing Tatum’s twin, let me think about that…hell to the yes it’s okay.” She takes another drink and again moans. “I really need to get laid. Since Mom has Lexi for the night, I can do it without needing to fuck and chuck to get home to her.”

“Get Cress laid is my mission tonight.”

“I’ll drink to that.” She lifts her drink and salutes me. “I like this sassy side of you. Who knew you getting laid would also be good for me too? Prior to Flynn, you’d never suggest something like that.”

“I know, right? I’m just so happy and I want you to be happy too.”

“Ahh, thanks, babe, but try not get finger fucked here again, save that for the privacy of home, or at the least, the car.”

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