Home > Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(26)

Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(26)
Author: DL Gallie

Choking on my drink, I shake my head. “Why did I tell you that?”

“Because you know I need to fuck vicariously through you at the moment. This dry spell is killing me. My rabbit died from overuse, and at the rate I’m going my bullet is going to burn a hole in my clit.”

“Evening, ladies,” Preston sneakily says from behind Cress. He steps around her and I notice his eyes are lingering on hers. Her face goes beet red as it hits her that he heard what she just said. I burst out laughing. I’m still laughing when Flynn walks over to us with two beers and two more mojitos on a tray.

“Hey, babe,” I say, hopping off my stool to greet him. I place a quick kiss on his cheek but he has other ideas: he dips me back and fucks my mouth with his tongue. This kiss is totally not appropriate for being in public, but the bliss I’m currently in makes me not give a shit. I give myself over to the kiss and lose myself in all that is Flynn Kelly. Everything around me fades away. It’s just the two of us.

My bubble is burst and I’m snapped back to reality when Preston teases, “Get a fuckin room, you two.”

Flynn places me back on two feet and I wink at Preston as I take my seat. “Preston, great to see you again.”

“You too, Avery.” He turns his attention over to Cress. “Cressida, it’s nice to make your acquaintance again. Since we didn’t get a chance to formally chat last time, I’m Preston Knight, pediatric doctor and this thing’s best friend.” He flicks his thumb toward Flynn, but I notice his eyes are locked on my best friend…and hers are locked on him too.

“Thing, really?” Flynn scoffs. Preston just shrugs his shoulders but continues to focus on my best friend. Hmmmm, interesting.

“Cressida Bayliss, but my friends call me Cress,” she purrs in reply, yes my best friend purrs. “I’m a mom, grade school teacher, and this sex fiend’s bestie.” She nods her head at me and takes a sip of her drink, as if she didn’t just insult me.

My eyes bug open at her description of me.

“And are we a sex fiend too?” Preston questions her.

She nonchalantly shrugs her shoulder and takes another sip of her drink, seductively wrapping her lips around the straw. After taking a drink, she murmurs, “You already know the answer to that…” then she adds “…and you may find out again later.”

Flynn laughs. Preston’s face lights up and I shake my head at Crass Cress, clearly she has been keeping secrets from me. The four of us start chatting, and I notice that Preston and Cress are ignoring Flynn and me. They only have eyes for one another. My eyes are locked on the two of them when Flynn sits next to me and affectionally squeezes my knee.

Turning my attention to him I smile. “That was quite the welcome kiss.”

“Only the best for my girl.”

“Your girl. I like hearing you say that.”

“I like saying that.”

We stare at one another. Our focus is solely on each other. It isn’t until I hear Preston say, “They’re eye fucking each other again.”

Cress replies with, “At least he isn’t finger fucking her again.”

My mouth drops open in shock. “Cress,” I scoff, “I’m not telling you anything anymore, and you’ll have to suffice with your bullet from now on.”

Preston leans into her and not so quietly whispers, “I’m more than happy to assist.”

My eyes once again bug open in shock. Cress stares at him, smiles, and winks.

Flynn says, “Umm, I think I missed something.”

“I wish I missed something,” I say.

Cress shrugs.

Preston continues to stare at my best friend. If he was in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, hearts would be coming out of his eyes and baby Cupids would be shooting arrows into the sky.

Flynn looks lost.

And me, I just laugh. I seriously cannot remember the last time I had this much fun, and we’ve only been here for thirty minutes.

“Ohh, tonight is going to be a hoot.”

And a hoot it was. We went from the Tavern to some new club, Tingle, which recently opened. The four of us do shots at the bar before grabbing our drinks and walking around. We find a table and settle in. My eyes gravitate to a throuple grinding together on the dance floor. She has vibrant copper hair and the two guys she’s with are hot—not as hot as Flynn—but I can appreciate the opposite sex. I’m getting turned on watching them but when the music changes, they head toward the bar and out of sight.

The four of us are all well on our way to being drunk as skunks when “Acceptable in the 80’s” by Calvin Harris begins playing. Flynn and Preston surprise Cress and me when they jump up and make their way to the edge of the dance floor. My mouth drops open as they both start to dance and holy-freakin-moves-Batman, the two of them are carving up the dance floor. Think Channing Tatum in Step Up moves—yes, I’m aware that Preston looks like him too but he also moves like him—I fucking love it.

My eyes however are locked on Flynn. His body twists and moves in sync to the beat. He’s completely lost to the music, it’s so good to see him relaxed. This week at the hospital has been tough for him, it’s nice to see him let his hair down and chillax. This week has been tough for me too. Things with Bay have taken a turn. I’m not a fan of the new people she’s hanging out with, and they keep thinking I’m her. They make me feel uncomfortable and when I confront Bay, she just laughs it off and ignores my concerns. I was ever so glad to be coming out tonight, and seeing Preston and Flynn dancing right now is making tonight amazeballs.

“Holy shit, Ave, you didn’t tell me your sexy as sin doctor could dance too,” Cress says.

“I had no clue. But have you seen, Preston? He’s totally carving up the dance floor.”

Cress and I watch as my sexy as hell boyfriend and his best friend groove away in front of us. Their moves draw in a crowd, everyone mesmerized by the two of them. The songs changes to one I don’t know and both guys walk back over to us.

“Holy shit, dudes, where did you guys learn to dance like that?” Cress asks as she hands them each a beer.

“Med school,” they reply in unison.

“Preston and I were the dance kings in our frat house.”

“You guys were in a frat?” Cress and I ask at the same time.

“Jinx,” she says, I shrug and turn my attention to Flynn.

He nods. “Yeah, Preston and I were Phi Kappa Psi at Stanford.”

“I did not pick you as a frat guy.”

He shrugs his shoulders. “There’s still a lot you don’t know about me, Avery Evans.”

“So tell me then, what else don’t I know about you, Flynn Kelly?”

“Weeeell, I’m crazy about this sexy as sin school teacher, and I’m pretty sure she’s crazy about me too.”

Shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly, I grin at him. “Go on.”

“I love that when I touch her here…” He steps to me and drags his fingertip up my thigh. “…she quivers with desire and her panties dampen.”

“What else?” I huskily breathe and my panties do indeed dampen as he continues to draw circles on my thigh.

He leans into my ear. “I cannot wait to get you back to my place where I’m going to strip you naked, even though this little black dress is fucking divine on you. I need you naked so I can fuck you repeatedly. All.Night.Long. Just like our first night together.”

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