Home > Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(27)

Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(27)
Author: DL Gallie

Swallowing deeply, I look into his eyes. “I’m down with that.” Reaching up, I hook my arm around his neck and bring his lips to mine and kiss him deeply. The sound of Preston slamming his beer down on the table pulls us apart. Looking over, I see him ask Cress to dance and she blushes. Yes, my best friend blushes, but she takes his outstretched hand and they head toward the dance floor. Watching them, my eyes are focused on the chemistry radiating between them.

“Wow, those two are, ummm…” Flynn says, his eyes looking at our two friends dirty—almost dry humping—dance with each other to “Pony” by Genuwine.

“Yep,” I say, nodding my head. “Wanna show them how it's done?” I sexily purr.

“Hell yes. Any chance to have my hands all over your sexy body sounds perfect to me. Let’s go get our groove on.”

Laughing at his reply, I place my drink on the high-top table. “Don’t ever say that again.”

“Don’t fret, don’t plan on saying it again. As soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted them.” We both laugh.

Leaning into him, I whisper with a wink, “I’ll spank you later.”

Gabbing his hand, I pull him onto the dance floor just as “Sexy Back” by JT starts to play. We begin to bump and grind and we take on Cress and Preston in a dance-off. Somehow it becomes Cress and me against them. Flynn and Preston totally win, they left Cress and me for dead, but watching Flynn dance is totally fucking hot.

The rest of the night flies by and it’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time. We dance. We slam back shots like we are in college. We dance some more. We eat gross greasy food that can only to be consumed when you’re drunk and then we drink some more.

At stupid o’clock in the morning, Flynn and I leave Cress and Preston at the club, they are still dancing and the two of them are getting hotter and hotter the more we drink. We stumble back to Flynn’s place and once inside, we ravish each other’s bodies multiple times before we pass out from exhaustion just as the sun is rising.

When I wake several hours later, I’m wrapped in Flynn’s embrace. My body aches from head to toe, and I’m not sure if it’s from all the dancing last night or the multiple orgasms I had once we got back here. My head is pounding and my stomach is queasy, damn shots.

Sliding out of bed, I slip on his shirt from last night and head to the kitchen to make some coffee and get some water, my mouth feels like a dirty ashtray. The only downside to a big night out is the morning after. I’ve just turned the coffee machine on when my phone rings. Looking down I see that it's Bay.

“Hey, Bay.”

“Where are you?” she snarls.

“Good morning to you too.”

“Whatevs, where are you?”

“Not home.” I don’t tell her where I am because I don’t want any grief from her concerning Flynn.

“Well, I need a ride. I drank too much last night and I need you to come and get me.”

“No, Bay, I’m sorry, I can’t.”

Flynn comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. Cupping my boobs, he squeezes them and a moan breaks free.

“Ugh, seriously, Ave? You can’t wait until I’m off the phone?”

Even though I’m holding my phone to my ear, I totally forgot she was there. “Sorry, I’m busy, Bay. You’ll have to Uber it.”

“Some sister you are. I’d be there for you if you called me in need.”

“Yeah, right,” I scoff. “Grab an Uber and I’ll see you when I get home.” Another moan slips out when Flynn pinches my nipple.

“Is that sexy as sin doctor with you?”

“No,” I snap, but it's not convincing at all.

“He’ll be mine soon,” she softly says, and before I can tell her off, she hangs up on me.

“Gah!” I shout, as I throw my phone on the counter. “I hate her stinkin’ guts.” I pause, and then playfully tack on, “You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes. Love Alfalfa.” I laugh as I recite this verse and when I spin around to look at Flynn, he’s looking at me like I have two heads. “It’s from Little Rascals.” He’s still looking at me with a blank stare on his face, and I realize he has never seen the movie. “You’ve never seen it, have you?”

“Seen what?” he asks, shrugging his shoulders, utterly confused right now.

“Little Rascals, the movie.”

He shakes his head side to side. “Nope. Never seen or heard of it.”

I scoff in fake shock, “Well, then we need to rectify this. Later today, me. You. Little Rascals. A bottle of red and popcorn.”

“Can we be naked?”

I laugh at his request. “Sure, why not.”

“Perfect,” he reiterates, “later we will watch Little Rascals, naked, while drinking red wine and eating popcorn. But first, coffee.”

“I like that plan.”

We sit at the island, drinking our coffee, and we chat about the movie. I pretty much tell him everything that happens since I know the movie from start to finish. Baylor and I loved the movie growing up, we must have watched it a million times over the years.

Finishing our coffee, we head back to bed and sleep for a few more hours. Seriously, I am never drinking again. I’m too old to party ‘til the wee hours and then fuck ‘til the sun comes up. Not that I’ve ever done that before, but I can unequivocally say, I’ll do it again because last night was amazing and anyone who says they are never drinking again is a big fat liar, because they totally will drink excessively again.

After our nap, we order Chinese and eat our weight in Mongolian beef and watch Little Rascals. Like I agreed, we watch it naked while drinking red wine—see, I drank again—and eating popcorn. I recite just about every line and then we make sweet, sweet love on the sofa. I completely forget about all my concerns with my sister because I’m with Flynn.

He hops up to refill our wine and as I watch his naked ass, I realize that no longer am I falling for Dr. Kelly, I’ve fallen head over heels, ass over tits, in love with this sexy as sin Irish doctor, and I’ve never been happier.









Grabbing a glass of water, I sigh when I realize it’s been three days since I saw Avery in person. Seems three days is my limit before I turn into a total girl and start whining like a little bitch. We had a quick FaceTime chat earlier but that’s not the same. She left my place Sunday at dinnertime after we spent the most of the weekend together. Apart from a few text messages and our FaceTime, I’ve missed seeing her…damn double shifts and life getting in the way.

Even though I’m dog-tired, I want to see her. Picking up my phone, I go to call and see if she’s free for dinner, but I’m interrupted by a knock at the door. Walking over, I open the door and I’m pleasantly surprised to see Avery standing there. My mouth drops open at the sight before me. She’s wearing a figure-hugging, pink dress that leaves NOTHING to the imagination, I’ve never seen her dress like this before. “Fuck me, you are gorgeous.”

“I know,” she replies.

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