Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(131)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(131)
Author: E.C. Land

Headlights coming down the driveway come into view, I move further into the dark so that I’m not spotted. With Victoria on the other side of the property lying in wait on the roof of her adoptive parents’ garage, I wasn’t about to take any chances.

I focus my sight on the car as it stops in front of the house. The back door opens and out steps a woman with snobbish features and looks like a stick. No tits. No ass. Fuck, is she even a woman? If it wasn’t for the fact, she was wearing a skirt, her hair flowing down her back you’d think it was a dude. Then again, I could be wrong and it is.

Nothing wrong with a dude wanting to do that shit, it ain’t mine to judge.

The next person to get out is a man, I’m going to assume is Parker. These two are the ones we’re here to take. I pull my phone out to message Vi, that it’s game time when my attention swings to the woman who is pulled out of the car.

Not just pulled by the arm, no she’s not pulled at all, but dragged out by a leash connected to a collar attached to her throat.


This situation just changed.

Victoria isn’t going to take them out tonight.

No, she’s gonna wanna get the girl.

My thoughts are confirmed when the screen on my phone brightens and I read Vi’s message.

PIMA: Gonna need you to watch for any other cars coming up the road.

When I programmed her number into my phone I decided to go with Pain in My Ass, because the woman can be mind boggling. How her ol’ man deals with her is beyond me. Then again Victoria is one of the best women I know.

I quickly shoot a message back confirming.

Me: I saw the girl.

PIMA: I’m not leaving her here. Plans have changed.

Me: Figured as much.

PIMA: Good I’ll shoot you a text when I’m ready for pick up.

Nodding to myself, I figured I’d give her this play but she’s got a time limit. This will show me just how good she is at extracting.

Me: You have two hours after that I’m coming after you.

PIMA: I don’t need two hours.

We’ll see about that.

Checking the time, I begin the clock.

Keeping an eye out from the tree line. I’m not far from the car we’d used tonight and from here I can listen for anything coming down the road and see the lights before they get close.

The sound of breaking glass pulls my attention to the side of the house, and I watch as one figure climbs out and begins slowly moving down the lattice I’d seen earlier in the day when the sun was still out. Another figure climbs out behind the first and moves quicker.

Once they both make it to the ground, they take off in my direction. Victoria’s hand holding the girls.

“About damn time, you had five more minutes before I was coming after your ass,” I mutter the moment they’re close enough. With one good look at the girl, my heart skips a beat. Ignoring the feeling, I take her from Victoria and help her to the car.

She’s a small thing. Probably from the lack of nutrition.

Shaking my head, I climb in behind the wheel as Victoria follows suit and sits in the passenger seat.

Since the car was still running, I put the car in gear and punch the gas pedal ready to get the fuck out of there.

Eyes on the road, I find myself more than once glancing into the rearview mirror, observing the girl. Something about her looks familiar, I don’t know what it is, but I can’t seem to put my finger on it.

I’ll figure it out though, until then I hope she’s not going to be a problem for either club.



Chapter One




1 year 9 months 28 days later



My life has never been easy. Not once. First, I was born to one of the worst families I could ask to be a part of. Second, when I finally find a passion for myself, follow it and graduate from college in order to pursue said passion, I’m kidnapped, starved, beaten, and raped. I try not to think of the things that those evil people did to me. All because I looked like the woman who saved me.

If only they knew exactly whose daughter I was, I highly doubt they’d have left me alive. From what I’d overheard, they were working with the Delancy family in their drug and human traffic ring. I’m guessing they probably planned to sell me. I don’t know.

Since the day everything happened, from the moment I was rescued by Victoria and Shadow, God the man is gorgeous, I could stare at him for days and never get bored. But from the moment they helped me to now. I’ve not been in contact with my family. I’m sure my dad looked but my stepmother, the one who came into our lives the day my mother died probably drew his attention from me.

As they say every family has a black sheep. Well, that’s me. I have four brothers, who in my stepmother’s mind take precedence over me. I wouldn’t put it pass the woman to have been the one to hand me over to the people who took me.

I’ve counted the days since I left that horrifying time. Before I’d been rescued, I’d already been in their grasp for forty-six days, fifteen hours, and forty-nine minutes.

Most people think I’m weird because I have to know the exact date and time. I didn’t use to do that, I usually only had freak-outs if something was out of place. I’m OCD and ADHD. When I was taken, I went without my medication and in order to keep somewhat of a balance, I’d stare at the clock in the room I’d been in and count.

So now, I’m seen as a freak because not only do I have to have things a certain way, I count time. From the day all the way down to the minute. I don’t worry about the seconds in the day because they all add up to sixty which is a minute.

With my new life, I left Louisiana with Victoria and the guys I’ve learned were a part of the Devil’s Riot MC. I’d heard of them. My dad used to deal with the ones in South Carolina. I don’t know if he does still, considering I haven’t spoken to anyone from my family since the day before I’d been taken.

I didn’t even tell Victoria I had family. I merely took her offer of coming up to Virginia and starting over.

That was what I’d done and here I am now. A first-grade teacher at one of the local elementary schools. It’s a challenge for sure but I don’t mind. Between teaching the young minds to straightening up every day after school lets out, I’m busy. When I go home to the apartment I live in, thanks to the guys from the club, I’m alone and there’s nothing that keeps my mind from wandering to the days I was held captive.

This is why I have four locks on the door other than the lock on the doorknob. In the midst of the night when there’s nothing but the shadows from the streetlamps in the parking lot, I rarely sleep if I don’t take a sleeping pill. Every shadowed movement causes me to jump.

Guess you can say I’m a scaredy-cat and because of this I have no friends. Well, that’s not exactly true. I do have them, but I don’t go out and do the normal things they do. Nope, I go to work, come home, and lock myself in my apartment where I stay until the sun rises the next day. When I go grocery shopping, I do it as quickly as possible.

I don’t go out to eat and if I get the craving for something in particular, I look up a recipe and cook it myself. You can never be too careful. Cooking it myself guarantees no one else can drug me.

That’s how they got me the last time.

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