Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(127)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(127)
Author: E.C. Land

Without breaking the kiss, Coyote lifts me up and presses me into the wall. A shiver runs through me at the cool touch.

Coyote makes quick work of releasing himself. He presses his dick against my core and surges upward until he’s to the hilt. I cry out as I’m hit with so many sensations at one time. A pleasurable pain is the main one as he slowly pulls back and does it again. Repeatedly going slow at first but picking up the pace only when my moans into his mouth turn into screams of pleasure as I feel myself building up to something I’ve only ever read about in books. The orgasm rips through me and I break the kiss as I call out his name.

Grunting, Coyote stills inside me as he follows me into oblivion.

“Fuck, Luce Mia, you undo me,” he murmurs, leaning his head against my own.

“I should say the same thing,” I whisper.

“Where’s Cody?” he asks as I start to come back to myself.

“At the clubhouse with Momma B. She said he could stay with her tonight.” I hold my breath hoping he’s not going to be mad about this.

Putting his forehead against mine, he grins. “Good, because I intend to fuck you all fuckin’ night. Now, let’s get you out of here.”

“Umm, how are you going to do that? You ripped my clothes,” I mutter.

“Baby, those were clothes but don’t worry I’ve got you covered.” Chuckling, Coyote sets me down on my feet again. Glancing down, I realize in the haze of all that is Coyote I managed to keep my heels on.

God, how did I end up doing that? Oh well, they’ll be coming off once we get home and I don’t think I’ll be wearing them again.

Focusing back on Coyote, I smile as he removes his shirt and places it over my head.

“Now, let’s get you out of here,” He commands taking my hand and leading me out of the strip club to his bike where he sits me. Coyote pulls his helmet off the handlebars and places it on my head. After strapping it in place, he climbs on, reaches behind me and pulls me flush against his back.

By the time he gets us to the house, I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been, and it’s all thanks to the vibrations of his motorcycle. We barely make it into the house before we’re on each other. Clothes going everywhere. Well, mainly his clothes.

Then he proceeded to do just what he said, fuck me the rest of the night.



Chapter Nineteen




The feel of Tinsley’s naked thigh brushing against my cock is almost more than I can bear. However, I know she can’t handle anymore right now. Not after last night. Besides, we’d fallen asleep right around the time the sun was coming up.

Only reason I’m awake now is due to plans my brothers and I have for the day.

For the past month, we’d been planning on the best way to take out Mason and his gang for what they did to Tinsley, as well as Milley.

When Tinsley burrows further into my side, I groan at how good she feels against me and want nothing more than to slide back into her body.

“Coyote,” she murmurs in her sleep.

Fuck me, images of her from last night pop into my head. As pissed as I was seeing that it was her dancing erotically for all of us to enjoy, I gotta admit it was a fuckin’ sight. She’d entranced us all. The room had grown quiet when the first song came on and no one could see the face of who was dancing only the body. The way Tinsley’s body naturally flowed to the music put together with the words of the song, her moves spoke volumes of what the lyrics meant.

My phone vibrates from its spot on the nightstand, drawing me out of my thoughts about last night.

Without jostling Tinsley too much, I reach out to grab my phone. Glancing at the screen, I find Blaze’s name.

“Yeah,” I say as I answer and put the phone to my ear.

“Change of plans, Cane and Neo just reported Mason and his crew are on the road and heading this way. Prez’s calling lock down on all the women.” I tense at the knowledge that those fuckers were headed this way.

“Alright, I’ll get Tinsley up and we’ll be on the way to the clubhouse.” Tinsley tenses and I know she’s awake.

“Make it quick. We need to get our plan in place before they get too close,” Blaze states then disconnects.

“Luce Mia, we gotta get moving,” I murmur, putting the phone down and pulling her into my arms.

“What’s going on?” She murmurs, lifting her head to meet my gaze.

“Club business, baby. Prez called lockdown. Need to get to the clubhouse. Pack up some stuff for you and Cody. I don’t know what all we still have at the clubhouse for him and I don’t want either of you without what you need.” With that, I lift my head and press a kiss to her lips.

“Okay,” Tinsley nods her head and gets up, puts on a pair of undies that I’m going to enjoy taking off her later, then dresses in a pair of leggings that she pairs with one of my long sleeve shirts.

As I focus on her, I grab my own clothes and get dressed. Pulling on my boots, I start helping her so that we can get out of here and to the clubhouse.

By the time she comes out of Cody’s room, I’m holding her bag in my hand. “Ready?” I ask her.

“Yeah, I’m ready. I just need shoes,” she answers, nodding to her feet.

“Grab them and let’s go,” I command.

Quick as she can, Tinsley runs back into our room and is back with a pair of boots in her hand. A grin slides into place as I watch her dance around, putting the boots on as she moves for the stairs. Once in place, she looks up to find me staring at her.

“All ready,” she smiles.

“Good, now let’s go,” I say, leaning in to kiss her once more.

Locking up the house, I guide Tinsley over to my truck. The weather is too cold to have her on the back of my bike this morning. I need to get her the proper gear for riding behind me. Last night was the first time I’d ever had anyone riding bitch and fuck if I don’t want to do it more often.



“Have they said where they’re at now?” I ask after taking my seat in church. After getting to the clubhouse, Momma B was in the main room with Cody. Grabbing him, I thanked her with a kiss to the cheek. I’d taken him and Tinsley to my room to get them situated before heading to church.

“Yeah, they’re a little over an hour away from here,” Nerd says from where he’s sitting with his laptop in front of him. Probably tracking Neo’s truck. All of our vehicles have the device in them so if anything happens, we’d be able to find them or at least the vehicle.

“What are we going to do?” Shadow asks.

“Do what we had originally planned, except we tweak it some,” Tracker announces.

“Exactly, we’re going to take them out; however, they’re coming to our backyard. I’m betting they probably know by now that Tinsley isn’t at her apartment anymore and that she’s here. These guys haven’t gotten away with what they have for so long by being stupid. So, I’m sure with us allowing her to leave the clubhouse they’ve probably spotted her and found this information.” Everyone around me including myself nod in agreement.

The Demon Raiders are not stupid. It’s why when Tinsley went off with either the women or with me, we had someone following behind to make sure nothing goes sideways. They are sneaky pieces of shit, like vermin they will pop-up when you least expect it.

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