Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(146)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(146)
Author: E.C. Land

“Umm, I don’t think I’m hurt badly but I’m sore and uncomfortable,” I mumble.


“Umm, the toys.” I almost feel embarrassed by admitting that out loud.

“Fuck,” Shadow mutters and moves quickly, unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down enough to remove both things. Tossing them into the woods, he pulls my jeans back up and fastens them back into place. “The rest of it we’ll get checked out at the hospital. Now let’s get moving. I don’t know where Mareena went or the woman with her and I need to get a clean-up done before someone comes across the wreck.”

Taking Shadow’s hand, I let him guide me the rest of the way to the clubhouse. Neither of us spoke the entire way. I didn’t want to take Shadow’s focus off of getting us to the clubhouse. At least that’s something I don’t have to feel guilty for, I was heading in the right direction he’d told me.

The rest? Yeah, I can feel it nearly choking me. If it weren’t for me, Shadow wouldn’t be hurting right now. My stepmother is a total bitch and that’s saying something since I rarely ever say or think using those types of words.

After about an hour of walking, well Shadow walking me nearly tripping over fallen branches on the ground, we finally step through the tree line on the side of the clubhouse. Several of the members of the club turn in our direction as if they could sense us approaching and take off at a run toward the two of us.

“What happened?” Blaze asks, making it to us first.

“Tell you in a bit, need a couple brothers up to Old Miller and do a clean-up,” Shadow states, his arm moves to wrap around my waist. “Car’s in the creek, body laid out near it.”

“Fuck, we’ll get it done. We need to get you looked at.” If I didn’t know Stoney well enough, I’d be taking a step back at the way his eyes hardened.

I hope he doesn’t blame me for his brother being hurt.

“I’m good need a shower to clean up. Luna needs to go to the hospital and be checked out,” Shadow mutters.

“You need to be checked out too,” I utter, lifting my head to meet his gaze.

“Kitten, I’m good. Nothing I can’t handle. We need to get you and the baby checked though. ‘Cause telling you now. That cunt causes you to lose our kid I won’t just kill her, I’ll dismember the bitch one body part at a time and send the pieces to Delano.”

I can feel the color nearly draining from my face at the mention of that name. “Did you hear what Mareena said about Delano?” I ask.

“No, I was trying to get my bearings when I saw fuck face with his gun to you as you fought to get away from him.”

“Delano was at some airstrip waiting for her to bring me to him so he could personally take me to my new owner,” I murmur, casting my gaze to the ground.

“What?” he growls.

“Venom, take Whip, Coyote, Viper, and Neo to the airstrip. If that fucker is still there, make sure to nab his ass and bring him to the Pocket,” Stoney snarls.

“You got it, Prez,” Venom grunts before taking off.

“Come on, Kitten,” Shadow says gently while guiding me closer to the clubhouse. Thankfully my brothers nor father are anywhere around.

“I still say you need to be seen as well,” I grumble.

“I’ve had a lot worse than this, Luna. This is nothing compared to some of the shit I’ve had. I’ll be sore as fuck later on but I can handle that, I promise.”

“Okay,” I nod in understanding. He’s going to be all alpha he man on me until after I get checked out.

“Good girl,” he murmurs leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead. “Let’s get inside. I’m going to take a two-minute shower and then we’re heading to the hospital.”

“Yes, Sir,” I whisper for only him to hear which causes him to grin down at me.

How is it this day goes from wonderful, to shit, to being thankful neither of us are hurt worse than we are now?

And in all this, Mareena is still out there.



Chapter Fourteen




It takes everything in my control to keep from going in search of that fuckin’ bitch and ending her life right now. Normally the club has a policy of not harming women; however, Mareena isn’t a fuckin’ woman, she’s a monster that needs to be put down.

I would have done it too, if she didn’t hightail it out of there with that other woman on her heels as I took fire, killing the asshole who held a gun on my woman.

Guilt nearly eats me up when I think about it. If I’d been paying more attention to the surroundings as we were going down the road. They wouldn’t have been able to ram into the back-passenger door on the driver’s side. They sure as hell wouldn’t have gotten the car over the side of the road and into the small creek. Unfortunately, I’d had my mind on what Luna was wearing for me and didn’t have my full focus on the road.

It’s my fuck up and I’ll live with it for the rest of my life knowing I could have prevented that shit from happening in the first place. Never again will it happen. I make this promise to myself as I hold Luna’s hand as we wait for the emergency room doctor to come in and check to make sure she’s okay.

When we’d walked in, they thought we were here for me. Yeah, fuckin’ right. Unless I have to, I’m not going to the hospital for myself. Last time that happened was when Dragon and Gadget’s ol’ lady’s house was bombed while I was watching their son, Logan. Ended up admitted due to smoke inhalation and a bump on the head.

Felt like shit because I hadn’t been out there helping them get Logan back from the Dragons Fire MC . . . thoughts of anything else rush out of my mind as I realize something very fuckin’ important.

The Dragons Fire is starting to rebuild itself, they attacked us not that long-ago wanting Coyote’s son. Now just several short months later, Mareena is coming after Luna. Something doesn’t add up and I’d take a hefty bet that we have a rat somewhere in our midst.

But who?

It can’t be one of my brothers or the prospects. Nerd vets them to the point he knows them better than they know themselves.

Pulling my phone out, I shoot Stoney, Tracker, and Blaze a group message, at the same time a knock sounds from the door to the hallway.

Me: We have a hole in our walls.

This is my way of letting them know my suspicions. Sending the message, I turn my focus on the doctor coming in the room.

“How are we doing in here?” The doctor asks as she steps into the room, her eyes locked on Luna as she smiles. “I’m Doctor Lenox.”

“I’m okay. I’m sore and have a headache but that’s it,” Luna states.

“That’s to be expected when you get into a wreck,” Doctor Lenox nods. “I’m just going to give you a quick exam.” I stand back giving the doctor enough space to work around Luna, but I don’t take my eyes off of her every move. “Looks like you have a mild concussion and some whip lash. Rest will definitely be your friend for the next few days to a week. As for the pregnancy. Long as there’s no bleeding, follow up with your OB/GYN.”

“Thank you,” Luna murmurs and nods.

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