Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(148)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(148)
Author: E.C. Land


Shaking my head, I climb in the front seat as Harley climbs in the back. All of us put on our seatbelts and Charlotte starts the car, puts it in gear. Only she doesn’t remove her foot from the brake. Nope instead she twists her body and the next thing I know everything is going dark as I hear Harley scream.



The air around me is stifling and I can barely catch a breath. It’s also as if my airway is compromised by something. Only I don’t know what it is.

I go to lift my hands and find out but I’m unable to do so with them tied to the arms of a chair. The room is dark and I can’t see even an inch in front of me.

“What’s going on? Hello?”

The last thing I remember is getting in Charlotte’s car.

Oh God.


The contorted look on her face.

Harley’s screams as I black out due to the taser Charlotte used against me.

Harley. I hope she’s okay.

It’s all I can do to keep the nausea at bay.

The creak of something above me causes my heart to race in my chest. A door slams and another opens. When this door opens the lights flare to life, and I’m blinded by the sudden brightness.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” My heart plummets at the sound of Mareena’s voice as I tilt my head in her direction and find Charlotte right behind her naked with a collar around her neck and a leash connected to it in my stepmother’s hand. “I see you already met my pet,” Mareena cackles, tugging on the leash and Charlotte flies forward.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask.

“Because you and your cunt of a mother and her entire family have ruined my family’s life,” she snaps.

Furrowing my brows in confusion, I divert my gaze and scan the room, only to fall on an unconscious, naked Harley with bruises battering her body as she lays there tied to the bed.

“Pet, go nibble on your toy like a good girl and while I play with this cunt,” Mareena orders. I return my gaze back to her just in time to see her drop the leash, grab Charlotte’s arm with one hand, and shove a hand between Charlotte’s legs no doubt from the cries thrusting her fingers into her body.

Releasing her, Mareena shoves Charlotte in Harley’s direction. If I wasn’t focusing on Mareena and whatever she has planned for me, I still don’t think I could watch Charlotte take advantage of Harley.

“You know, I loved your father once, I truly did. However, he refused to merge his business with my brother. I’d given him some excuse and left him thinking he would wallow and come back to me. He didn’t and my brother, Delano, came up with a brilliant plan. My sons would take over the business and merge with his making the entirety of South Carolina to the border of Texas the Delancys’ territory.”

“Only your mother sunk her claws into him, they had you and our plans changed. I had to take my time, in order to get rid of your mother. Even if she stepped aside and didn’t mind. She knew her place was to be a whore, not a wife. Same as you are to be. With Diana gone it seems my brother wants you as his and that is what he’ll have. The same as he had your mother before she died. I’d poisoned her food on several occasions and she finally died the night after she was raped.”

I close my eyes and shake my head as I try to block out any more of her words. Only it doesn’t work that well with the noises coming from the other side of the room. The cries of pain from Harley, the moans of pleasure from Charlotte.

Oh God.

Leaning forward as much as I can, I choke on my puke as it gets caught in my throat from whatever is constricting.

Please, let Shadow find me.

I don’t want to go through this again.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a different scenario or not. I don’t know if I can make it out again and I promised Shadow I wouldn’t go to that place again.

However, I can feel myself slipping, shutting down.

Sending a silent prayer, I pray he finds me and soon. Not just for me but our child. The one no one but the club members know about.

Not even the ol’ ladies know yet.

Opening my eyes, I focus them on the wall past Mareena as she steps forward.

“Don’t worry, cunt, Delano won’t be gentle. And neither will I.” Her cackles are the last thing I hear before the blow lands against my temple and everything goes dark.




Chapter Sixteen




“According to what I’ve found on the clubwhores, no one has been going against the club on anything they shouldn’t be. So, I’d decided to broaden my horizons to people who associate with the club. Considering there are a shit ton of those people between the ones who work for us, hang arounds, as well as those who are friends of the ol’ ladies, I started with Luna’s friends. Glad I did because I found the link to Mareena,” Nerd says as we all sit around the table in church.

“Who?” I demand.

“Charlotte,” he grimaces. “Seems she likes her two major things and they play a role with each other. One she goes for the women who are dominant she also loves her coke. Seems since Mareena got to town she’s the one who supplies Charlotte.”

“Fuck,” I mutter just a someone knocks on the door.

“Come in,” Stoney yells.

The door opens and Aries is standing there, face bloody.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Tracker demands.

“Where’s Cyprus?” I ask. The two of them were supposed to be at the school with Luna.

“He’s following the car Luna got in with her friends. Someone ran their fuckin’ car into both our bikes. Then they ran into me. Cyprus was able to jump out of the way. Both our phones; however, were broken in the process. He was following them while I came here in Luna’s friend Harley’s car. Which is a fuckin’ piece of heap.” My gut plummets further with each word out of Aries’ mouth.

“Do you know where they were heading?” I ask this as I stand to my feet.

“I’m betting I know,” Nerd states typing something into his phone at the same time standing up. “Sending address to everyone’s phones as I speak.”

“Good, let’s go,” Stoney commands and we all head out to our bikes. “Aries, you’re in the cage with Fist. We may end up needing it. Who knows?”

Grunting, I rush for my bike, pull out my phone and scan over the map with the address Nerd sent, memorizing where I need to go and put the device back in my pocket.

Bringing my girl to life, my brothers follow suit and we all roar out of the parking lot without hesitation.

This time when I get my hands on Mareena, I’ll coat them in her blood, as I sink my blade in her throat. She fucked up the first time but got away from me. That won’t happen this time around and when she dies at my hand, I’ll still be sleeping like a baby at night with Luna in my arms.

I’m not one for praying but I hope whoever is up there they fuckin’ watch over my woman.



“You sure this is the place?” Tracker mutters as we all make it the rest of the way up to the house on foot.

“Yep, from the address Nerd gave us this would be it,” I confirm, my gut tells me this is it. I know without a doubt. Don’t know how, don’t care how either. Long as I get to my woman and make sure she’s safe.

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