Home > From Alaska with Love(24)

From Alaska with Love(24)
Author: Ally James

   Gabe stopped by the restroom before slowly making his way to the baggage claim. He’d learned years ago not to be in a rush to collect his luggage. It was better to arrive later and miss everyone tackling each other over a generic black suitcase. He’d shipped most of his things from Iraq to his neighbor’s house. It was much easier traveling with just a carry-on. Although in this instance, that hadn’t worked out, since the overhead compartments had been full. It was a pain in the ass, but he hadn’t argued. He was too distracted by the woman he’d soon be surprising in person. Luckily, he had her address, since he’d insisted on buying her plane ticket. She’d argued and said she would pay him back, but he wouldn’t take her money. After all, she was flying over three thousand miles to visit.

   He’d have to go to the base for some post-deployment protocol, but he’d have several weeks before he returned to his regular schedule. He often wondered if that was necessarily a good thing. The military felt like it was the least they could do after separating you from your loved ones for long months. Yet reintegration was always a challenge, and from personal experience, he found it went better the sooner he got back on his normal routine. Otherwise, he had too much time to dwell on everything he’d experienced while he was gone. He could see a few weeks to take care of all the shit that had piled up while you were away. But post-deployment leaves could easily run for a month. Most of the soldiers he knew were going stir-crazy before it was over.

   Gabe easily snagged his green duffle bag and looked around until he spotted the sign for the car rentals. He’d reserved one with a GPS, since he wasn’t about to attempt to find his way around without one. He figured he’d pick up his car then go see her. He’d slept a good portion of the trip, so he wasn’t too tired. Plus, he couldn’t imagine being this close to Sara and waiting another day to see her. He only hoped that showing up unannounced wouldn’t scare the hell out of her. In his mind, after her initial shock wore off, she’d be thrilled by the visit. Every stalker probably thinks the same thing.

   He would have never guessed in a million years that he’d begin his deployment single and end it damn near head over heels for a woman he’d never laid eyes on in person. He couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms. To smell her skin and hear her laughter. Even though they video chatted often, it still wasn’t the same as being in the same room together. Several months back, she started mailing him a card every week. And in one of those, she sprayed her perfume. He must have sniffed that damned thing a dozen times a day. It seemed to fit her so well. It was light and sweet, with a hint of something sexy. In a word, intoxicating. Like a sap, he’d kept every letter she’d ever sent. He’d read through them all again during his flight. Now they were safely put away in a large manila envelope.

   Sara had turned what were usually endlessly long months into some of the best moments he’d ever experienced. He was almost sad when his time was over because he’d gotten so used to their routine. But he was also excited about starting what he hoped was a new chapter with her. It wouldn’t be easy, he knew that. They were strangers that knew each other better than a lot of married couples. Since there hadn’t been the complication of sex thrown into the mix, they’d actually communicated with words instead of jumping into bed, then finding out how the other liked their coffee. Hell, he didn’t think he’d ever been this well acquainted with anyone he’d dated in the past. Might explain why he was still single. For a man as level-headed and cautious as he’d always been, this was a huge leap of faith. She might not know it, but the fact that he was here spoke volumes about his feelings for her.

   He opened the door to his midsized SUV and tossed his bag into the passenger seat. In less than an hour he’d be with her. He only hoped it was the dawn of a new beginning and not his first true heartbreak. He’d never been so nervous over meeting a woman before.


* * *


   • • •

   Sara was tired and irritated. It had been one of those weeks. Kaylee had been unusually uncooperative, and her mother, who was staying with them until her broken furnace was repaired, hadn’t been much better. Which unfortunately coincided with the start of Nicole and Chris’s vacation. They were leaving for Mexico with some friends tomorrow afternoon, but until then, they were all home and annoying the hell out of her. She’d been beyond grateful when Nicole had announced she was going shopping. Her sister-in-law had probably planned to enjoy a few hours of alone time, but her mother had jumped at the chance to go to the mall. She hadn’t missed the beseeching look Nicole had thrown Chris, and even though he acted dumb, she was sure he’d picked up on the hidden plea to accompany them. It had gotten even more amusing when their mother attempted to talk Kaylee into going as well. Sara was certain Nicole couldn’t imagine a worse hell than shopping with her mother-in-law and five-year-old daughter. But Kaylee had taken a page from her father’s book and said no.

   When the door shut behind the two of them, Chris released a loud sigh. “I’ll pay for that later, but it’s worth it for some peace. I swear, Nicole and Mom are driving me crazy. They’re worse than a bunch of kids hyped up on sugar.”

   Kaylee walked over and wrapped her arms around Sara’s leg and made a sound similar to her father’s. It seemed they were all relieved to have some quiet time. “I’ve got nothing.” Sara shrugged. “I’d love to say I’m enjoying all this togetherness, but—not so much. Is it just me, or is Mom extra annoying today? I literally cannot get away from her. I resorted to staying in the bathroom because she was trying to organize Kaylee’s toys by size, color, and condition. This was after she arranged the contents of the kitchen cabinets. I don’t know about you, but I’ll certainly sleep better tonight with everything in alphabetical order.”

   “She’s trying her best to get into my office and ‘improve my flow.’ Not sure what that would entail, and I don’t intend to find out.” Chris shuddered. “For someone who has been limping around for weeks, she’s certainly spry. She didn’t even think twice about the shopping trip.”

   They were still standing in the foyer joking around when the doorbell chimed. All three of them jumped guiltily. “It’s not them. They would have used their key,” Sara whispered.

   Chris stepped forward, looking through the peephole. “It’s some guy. First time I can recall being happy to see a salesman.”

   “Buy whatever he’s hocking,” Sara smirked as she turned to walk away.

   “Um—hello. I’m here to see Sara. Is she available?” Sara froze in place. That voice. No . . . it couldn’t be. He’s on his way home.

   Chris was looking over his shoulder, obviously puzzled by the stranger asking for her. She shook her head, trying to communicate her panic to him without putting it into words. It’s not him. There is no way . . . “Could I get your name?” Chris asked, clearly having no clue as to what to do. Men didn’t show up at their door out of the blue asking for her.

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