Home > Possessed by Passion(170)

Possessed by Passion(170)
Author: Bella Emy

“I think I need to show you just how much,” he said, lifting the two of them up in one swift movement.

Lara let out a shriek. “I really love your supernatural strength sometimes. Care to show me some more of it?”

His lips pulled into a wicked smile. “Gladly.” He pushed his lips into hers once again and kissed her, carrying her out of the cellar, and toward the flashing police lights.



The Arisen

Rena Marin



Chapter One


The stench of his scorched flesh ignites my long dead senses like a firecracker on the 4th of July. Every fiber of my being is now alive after lying dormant for so many years. I can’t quite remember how long it’s been since a demon has ventured into my neck of the woods. Mostly, they leave us alone. Especially, now, since I’ve made my way out of the big cities and away from the macabre, they entail. Still, every now and again, a brave damned soul will decide I’m a prize they are willing to die for. Although it’s been peaceful since my last rebirth, I’ve always known it wouldn’t stay that way.

I wander on, knowing exactly where the body is lying. My senses, dulled as they’ve become, are still sharp enough to know he was male, in his mid-fifties, and bound for Hell due to the paths he chose to walk in life. The deal he made with a demon doesn’t help matters, but clearly, he would’ve found his way to my former home either way.

The streetlights flicker, alerting me to darkness being present and leaving the cobblestone of the path barely illuminated under my feet. I don’t need the light though. My eyes see just as clearly with or without the help. I’m used to being in the darkness. I’m one of the beings that causes disturbances when I’m around, so you learn to adapt. Considering the darkness, I was born into and the powers I possess, I could easily operate without the assistance of my eyes. Still, I do like seeing the beauty my home has to offer.

The poor man who has been sent on his way lingers in the night air. That’s what happens after a demon claims your soul. Part of you lingers, it begs to find another path, another realm, another avenue for escaping the darkness they are destined to spend eternity in. The soul is gone, mostly, but the spirit remains. It’s the very reason ghosts roam the earth. They are the ones who weren’t ready to face their afterlife. The choices they made, the ties they have, and the unknown that lurks is too much for them to face, and their essence stays behind as their soul is taken to whatever awaits. The part still on Earth has no idea what Heaven or Hell is doing with their soul. All they know is they are aimless, they are alone, and in many cases, they are evil.

Stepping into the darkened alley, I’m not surprised to find his body lying behind a dumpster. Tomorrow, a poor shop keeper or garbage man will stumble upon the charred remains and be horrified. It’s not something I can prevent. No, the man deserves to be found. The people in his life will know he’s gone and won’t be left scouring the globe hoping to find closure. They’ll have it in some way. They may never know what happened to him precisely, but they’ll be able to say goodbye, like humans need to, and carry on with life. The pain will become tolerable, and they’ll never have any indication that he sold his soul for whatever he deemed more important than them.

“Can you help me?”

I hear his spirit speaking to me. I can choose to ignore it. Considering the choices he’s made, it would be best. I’m not that type of being though. I hate the idea of them not understanding what they’ve become. Perhaps it will give him the opportunity to make the right choice and move on to what awaits him in Hell. If not, eventually, he’ll become vengeful and wreak havoc on those he encounters. Then it will be someone’s job to banish him. Just like I was.

“Nothing can help you,” I tell him silently. Communicating with the dead is easy for me.

“What was that thing? What did it do to me?”

I turn, allowing my eyes to settle on him. His appearance is that of a normal businessman. He’s wearing his suit and tie. The color is grey on grey and boring. Immediately I know he cares little about his appearance or what people think or thought of him. He’s quite round. The demon could have simply made it appear he had a heart attack or died of another natural cause, but no, they chose to make him suffer. Clearly, he wasn’t a nice person while he lived. That’s usually their way in those instances.

He pushes his mangled glasses up on his nose and looks around. I can feel his fear. As a being from Hell myself, fear is something I know well. We feed on it. “I’m dead, aren’t I?”

“You are.”

“Because of the deal I made?”


“What happens now?”

The questions are so typical. It’s one of the reasons I try to avoid these situations. It gets repetitious quickly. “You choose. Either you let the rest of you follow your soul to Hell, or you linger.”

“What happens if I stay? I won’t feel the suffering?”

“No. You’ll feel nothing. You’re nothing more than the ghost of your former self. You’ll wander aimlessly, but due to what you did, you’ll eventually become something unrecognizable. Something evil.”

He ponders his choices. They always do. “I don’t want to go.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Then that’s your choice.” I’m not overly shocked by his decision. Many make the same one. It is why the earth is filled with spirits. “I’ll be on my way.”

“You aren’t reporting me dead? You aren’t going to help me figure out what to do?”

“You aren’t my problem. You brought all this on yourself. Figure it out yourself,” I finish as I turn and walk back down the cobblestone. I sense him following me. Annoyed, I stop and turn back to him. “You can go now. There’s nothing left for you here.”

“You owe me more of an explanation.”

“I owe you nothing.”

I can see he plans on pressing me, wanting more information.

“What are you? Can you fix this? Can you send me to heaven, so I don’t have to be tortured?”

I laugh. I can’t help it. He truly thinks he can change his arrangement now that it’s been collected on. “There is no helping you. The deal was made and collected upon. Your soul is already in Hell and most likely being torn to shreds by the demons. Heaven is no longer an option for you. I am sorry about that.”

“No, there must be a way. I know I killed that girl, but it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t help myself. She was just so...so...perfect.”

His words make me reach farther into him. I see it with my own eyes. A young girl, not even ready to become a woman. Her hair is strawberry blonde, and her eyes are a beautiful, vibrant blue. He stalks her. He finds her attractive. He wants to do bad things to her. He’s a monster. He’s the perfect being for the afterlife he’s chosen.

I avoid seeing the horror he inflicts on the child. Instead, I focus on her lifeless body lying on the ground at his feet as he zips his pants. He looks overly satisfied. I instantly want him in pain.

“Please, you have to understand. I couldn’t help myself.”

I turn, feeling the rage inside me burning. It sears through every fiber of my being. I want him suffering. He deserves it. My body slowly leaves the ground, levitating as it does when I unleash the darkness inside me. The world itself glazes over in a black haze, matching the darkness of my eyes as I set my sights on him, my victim.

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