Home > Possessed by Passion(171)

Possessed by Passion(171)
Author: Bella Emy

“What are you doing?”

I smile and see the way his ghostly presence shrinks back in fear. “I’m sending you to Hell where you belong,” I whisper as the fires of Hell itself wrap around him, engulfing him in the horrors he cannot escape. “Tell them Anala sent you. Tell them she says hello,” I giggle as I lift my arms and watch what is left of the bastard obliterate right before my eyes. “You deserve what awaits you in the pit,” I murmur as I let myself relish in the pain he feels upon his entry to the flames.

It takes a few moments for my body to ease and a sense of normalcy to surround me again. Through all my years on Earth, I’ve learned control better than I ever imagined possible. As a Phoenix, I have lived many lives and been reborn to start over. Each time, I return with more knowledge than the last.

“Good riddance,” I tell the air around me as I turn and leave the scene, no one the wiser to my being there.

Walking through Charleston at night helps settle me when I’m uneasy. I knew a demon was close, which sent my entire mind into overdrive. It’s why I avoid them. They do their thing, I do mine. It’s the same with the angels. They tend to seek me out more often, hoping to find me doing something evil, so they can attempt to vanquish me. It’s been tried before. Most of them, even the archangels have cocluded it cannot be done. You still have some, like with the fledgling demons, who think they can win a prize by being the one to finally rid the war of good and evil of the one being no one can control. Me.

The streets are abnormally quiet. Even the wandering spirits seem to have hidden away due to the demon running amuck. I could seek it out. Putting an end to its time on Earth and leaving it to be reborn in Hell until it’s once again ready to emerge. I don’t bother most days. During my previous life, when I lived in New Orleans at the beginning of the new world, I kept them at bay. I didn’t want them intruding on the world that was being built or the opportunities it provided the humans. Since then, I more or less leave them be unless they come after me or those I care about.

It’s hard being the only one of my kind. I was created for evil. I was destined to bring pain and suffering on Earth. I was the being expected to bring forth the last war. The whispers in the pit claimed I was birthed from Lucifer himself and his first demon, Lilith. I have no idea how true it is. Neither of them treated me as they would an offspring. They simply used me as a weapon. They loved the power that seethed throughout me. Until they couldn’t control it. Until it became more than they anticipated. That’s when things changed.

Being held hostage in the pits of Hell is not an easy thing to endure. Demons tortured me. Lilith, my supposed mother, laughed at me. She would insist I bow down and swear fidelity to her. Let her take my power. Like any other demon, she must strike deals to get what she wants. I’m not a deal maker. I knew that when I took my first fiery breath.

The day I rebelled against my mother has become almost a blur in my memories. I remember her rage. She unleashed her powers on me, but they did nothing. The shock of it all is the thing I remember most. She never imagined I could withstand her onslaught. xxx

My rebellion also marked the first time I even encountered Lucifer. Throughout my many lives in the pit, I never laid eyes on him. Not until that day. As his demons lay cowering at my feet and Lilith stood across from me, ready to annihilate me if given the chance, he graced us with his presence. I can’t deny the awe he inspires when he presents himself. He isn’t the red, horned being humans consider him. At least, that’s not how he presents himself to me. He looks like a man. He was warm, inviting, and understanding of my plight. He compared my rebellion to his own, then passed his sentence. I was to be banished just as he was. I would struggle just as he did. I would be left hated by all and loved by none, just as he was. The odd part was, I welcomed it.



Chapter Two


The last time I graced Earth with my presence, the settlers were just arriving in what is now known as America. I’ve watched the world grow, change, fight, and love. It has been quite miraculous, something only my father could envision. I jumped at the chance to be the one to come for what is being considered a needed confrontation. The Phoenix must be dealt with. I feel it is unfortunate, but with the battle now ready to truly begin, we cannot take chances with a being so powerful.

The fiery birth of the Phoenix left all of us in the heavens a bit shaken. The idea of Lucifer himself creating a being so powerful he refused to even attempt to control her was frightening to many and amazing to others. Her ability to withstand Lilith, his first, and all she and her minions threw at her was incredible. Tales of torment, torture, and pain were passed around the heavens. They tried to break her but were unable to. The banishment, though, that was the thing that shocked us all.

Earth and the humans who dwell here are the power source for the battle of good and evil. Their souls, their support, and their love drives the power of the heavens and other angels such as me. For those in Hell, the humans are nothing but cannon fodder for their wanted take over. It’s sad. Demons feed on the deplorables of the human race. They take the weak, convince them they have no other choice but to barter with their souls, and destroy their afterlives like it is nothing. Then comes the damnation and torture. It is horrendous what they experience when the opportunity for paradise had been there for the taking.

The idea of Lucifer sending the Phoenix, a first of her kind, to the very feeding ground he and his disciples use for their power was strange to all of us. She was considered unpredictable when she was first banished. No being had any idea what she would do. The power she holds could have easily destroyed the planet and the humans living there. Yet, she didn’t. Instead, she made it her home. She still dwells here, bothering no one, and seems to be...happy.

The heavens clearly consider this a strategy by the Dark Lord. Taking such a chance must have been a calculated move. At least, that’s what most of them think. Myself, I’m still undecided, which is why I offered myself up to be the one to finally determine her true intentions. I know full well it could go either way. She could easily attempt to destroy me. I know it’s possible. Then again, she could welcome me and my curiosity like she has others who have come before me.

Charleston has become quite a place. Although the dark of night has already ascended upon the streets, I can easily see the beauty the humans enjoy in their daily lives. The buildings are tall yet inviting. The area itself offers that enjoyable sense of welcoming. The trees are full and lush. The flowers are in bloom and the aroma is somewhat breathtaking. I instantly understand why the Phoenix has chosen it as one of her most visited homes.

The silence of night offers me the time I need to decide how to proceed. I’m sure, considering the demons she has encountered over her many lives, the Phoenix will be on edge if I simply show up at her door. Our first meeting must be carefully calculated. I want to know her intentions, not force her to react to the given situation.

I try to block out the prayers and plights of the people surrounding me. I hear them, nestled in their homes, begging for guidance and support in their lives. Yes, as an angel, I hear it all. My orders keep me from intervening. This mission is not to help a soul or to protect a life. No, this visit is only about the beings the people on Earth have no idea share their space. I have permission to rid the realm of demons and the Phoenix if necessary.

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