Home > Possessed by Passion(173)

Possessed by Passion(173)
Author: Bella Emy

My home doesn’t cry out rich and powerful. I try to blend in. It’s sizeable and slightly old. The story is the home has been passed down for generations. Truth be told, I watched it be built ages ago. I witnessed it all. I’ve seen several homes erected around the United States over the years and still have control of each one of them. No matter where I go, I have a place to dwell.

The home in Charleston is clearly one of my favorites. It’s a large colonial that’s built strong and has withstood everything mother nature and normal day to day life has thrown at it. Strong bones are the phrase people use when speaking about it. I agree, it has that. Over the years, she has been updated to keep with the times. Currently, the dark grey paint and white shutters stand out in comparison to other homes in the neighborhood. I don’t mind being different though. It’s my thing, actually.

As I step up on the large, wrap-around porch, the front door swings open quickly. In the doorway stands Darwen, one of the demons who has chosen to spend her life with me. Her sister, and identical twin, Arwen, are the most faithful beings I have ever encountered. Unlike me, they do not age. They inhabit human bodies to avoid their true, ghastly forms being seen by those they meet. Why the two chose older-aged twins is beyond me. I don’t see the human bodies when I look at them. I only see their true forms. Which, I honestly don’t mind a bit.

“Are you alright? I felt you. What happened?”

The twins, as annoying as they are, can be quite motherly and overbearing at times. They are sweet though. It’s clear they weren’t destined for life in the pit. No, the choices they made sent them there and if given another chance, they wouldn’t walk that path again. I’m thankful they clawed their way out when they did. Their desire to follow me has made things easier on Earth. I grow quickly once reborn, but it does take a few years. Life as a babe or child would be difficult without them here to help me.

“A soul was claimed. Of course, he lingered. He was an asshole.”

The answer is enough to explain exactly what took place without the need for details. Darwen instantly understands. “Things are changing. I feel it.”

My head tilts slightly at her words. She hasn’t mentioned sensing anything before now. Considering their time in Salem before their lives on Earth ended, the senses the twins still utilize are quite useful from time to time.

“Come on inside then I’ll explain.”

She moves from her perch in the doorway to let me slip into the house. The cool air wafts me in the face instantly and a peace settles over me. Due to my nature, air conditioning runs constantly in our home. During the winter, the windows stay up and the chilly air is welcome. It’s mid-summer, and the temperatures are reaching unsettling highs this year. I’m not a fan, and neither are my twins.

“Arwen will return soon,” she announces as she crosses the room. I watch as she smooths her salt and pepper hair in an attempt to maintain the bun it’s pulled into. There’s no hope. No matter what she does, she always looks disheveled and nervous. Arwen suffers the same fate, minus the nervousness. Arwen is the more confident of the two. My poor Darwen slinks away from most issues and prefers staying at home to avoid any conflict with possible demons in the area. Angels terrify her no matter how many times I’ve tried to explain their continued absence on Earth.

“She isn’t looking for me, is she?”

“No. Like I said, something is shifting. She couldn’t be cooped inside the house. I’m sure she’s made her way to the cemetery to center herself.”

As former witches, the twins need to connect with the universe from time to time. It’s understandable. Arwen clearly needs that connection more than Darwen. Every now and then, especially when the moon is full or the seasons change, she finds herself in the local cemetery near our home. The late-night visits help her ground. It also makes her senses clearer and more precise. I welcome her taking the initiative when it’s needed.

“Explain this shift.” I settle myself on the sofa, hoping she can find the ability to settle down. Instead, she continues to pace, the long dress she’s wearing dragging the ground due to her lack of posture. “Stop slinking around, Darwen. You’re fine. I promise.”

“You are the most powerful being, besides Lucifer himself, I’ve ever encountered. Do you not feel the changes in the air? Are you that comfortable in the state of things?”

I close my eyes, trying to think of ways to calm her nerves. More than once I’ve tried to explain to her my outlook on things. If the angels and demons leave me alone, I don’t care what they do in their silly battle between one another.

“Don’t say it, Anala. I already know. You aren’t concerned with what they’re doing. You never are. Keep in mind though, my sister and I aren’t like you. A powerful demon, any angel who graces us, can send us directly back to the pit without you being able to do anything about it. I don’t want to find myself back there. Ever. I’m not as fearless as you.”

I get to my feet and cross the room quicker than her eyes can track. It isn’t often Darwen needs me to reassure her but when it happens, I do not leave her suffering. I wrap my arms around her frail body and pull her close. During my time on Earth, I’ve learned how to show emotion and incorporate the human actions into my life. With my twins, it’s necessary. They need me to show a human side.

“You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you my dear Darwen. Neither of you. Never worry about that. I will face Heaven and Hell if they try to take you from me. That is a promise.”

There’s no need for me to instill more fear into Darwen than she’s already experiencing. Demons are constantly wandering the Earth, claiming the souls they’ve damned with their promises and gifts. The angels? Those are the ones who have mostly abandoned the people of Earth. I am not a celestial being; therefore, I have no idea why they’ve chosen to do as they have. I do however know what it feels like when one graces the Earth with their presence. I knew the moment the angel emerged. Darwen doesn’t need to know the situation though. There’s no need for it. If he approaches us or makes a move, then I’ll fill her in.

“Anala, you are too good to us.”

I smile as she buries her head against my shoulder. It is true, I am good to them, but they offer me the same care. Without them, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am. They are family to me. Before I can tell her this, however, the front door swings open, slamming against the wall behind it. The sound makes Darwen jump in fear while I turn quickly to see Arwen standing there.

Letting go of Darwen, I fly across the room immediately looking Arwen over. Her clothes are ripped, her face clawed. Her wide-eyed look tells me something terrible has happened to her. The blackness filling her normally brown eyes also speaks volumes. Whatever happened was enough to trigger her dark nature which is something she and her sister constantly struggle to suppress.

“Arwen, speak to me,” my demand brings her focus back. Her eyes instantly change back to the chocolate brown I’m used to. “What has happened?”

“A demon. It appeared in the cemetery. It was so strong. I barely escaped.”

“It knew you?”

“Yes. She said Lilith sent her. She said it was time you chose your side, and we suffered our punishment for rebelling.”

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