Home > Possessed by Passion(175)

Possessed by Passion(175)
Author: Bella Emy

“I have studied the lore featured in the texts. I have read the Bible. I listened to Mila explain things for hours on end. Does any of what I’ve been told change my point of view? No. I still do not appreciate my home being a playground for your grudges. The powers held within beings such as us would permit you to take this battle to another plane of existence. The humans could be completely spared of your, excuse the phrase, bullshit. But none of you will allow that.”

I can feel her becoming uneasy with the idea of Earth and the humans being in danger. I don’t want to upset her any farther. “I didn’t bother introducing myself.” I laugh lightly. “That is rude. My name is Sebastian.”

She glances my way. “I’m Anala, which I’m sure you already knew.”

“Mila told me. You are quite talked about in the heavens.”

“The Hell spawn banished for her tantrum.”

“That’s one way of looking at it. Many think you were brave to stand up to Lilith and the torturous things she inflicted on you. Others wonder if it was all a ploy to have you on Earth, waiting for this to happen.”

“I can answer that riddle for you simply enough. I was not sent here purposely. I don’t work for my mother, and I damn sure don’t work for my father. Do I work for you, or my, what would you call him? My grandfather? No, I don’t. I use my own mind. I use my own will. And I do what I think is right. I will not be bent to anyone’s will. Especially, if I think it to be wrong.”

“What happens if the spawns of Hell ascend to Earth, ready to destroy the life you lead?”

“I will send them back. And they will not like the way they arrive back in the pit.”

I hide my smirk. Whether I can convince her to side with us or not, I am loving the attitude she has about those who would do her harm. She is a strong being who doesn’t want anyone controlling what she does. I respect that. Unfortunately, my instructions are clear. If she doesn’t bend to our will and aid us in the fight, heaven doesn’t want her around. It’s a sad situation.

“Don’t give me that pitying look, angel. I know exactly what is going through your mind. You have orders. If I don’t do as the big man says, I’m to be dealt with. You don’t like the idea. Like Mila, you think I’m different. You’re curious about me.”


“Don’t feel bad though,” she says calmly as she rises to her feet then looks my way and winks. “You won’t be the one to destroy me if it comes to that. I know you angels have this thing with thinking you are far more superior than any other being in existence. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you don’t have enough gusto in there to take me out. Your kind has tried. Maybe a higher-ranking angel? An archangel perhaps? Not you though. Not Mila. So, don’t cross me. I’m not hurting anyone, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her words strike a chord in me I cannot ignore. My intuition tells me she is right. If we were to fall into battle, I could easily fall at her hands. The damage she inflicts on Hell spawns is sinister. It’s unclear what she would do to an angel such as me.

“Understood,” I finally manage to utter. “Still, while I’m on this plane, I would like to talk more. You are unique little Phoenix. I want to learn more about you and what drives you to be so protective of this world littered in sin.”

“That’s the problem with you angels. Mila was the same way. All you see is the sin. You see the humans as a by product of God’s holiness. If you would open your eyes and see them as the beautiful creatures they can be, you would understand my connection with Earth. Until then, you’ll stay in the dark.”

“You can show me then. You can show me the good things here. You can make me see humans in another light. I don’t want to be one of those blinded by my loyalties. I do believe everything my father created is beautiful in its own way. The sin though, it’s there and I can’t deny it.”

“Only a supposedly perfect being would say something like that. I get it. And if you wish, you can try to see things my way. We may even be friends like me and Mila were. Don’t expect me to step aside though and let you destroy this world. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s the only thing I have left.”

“If the war can be avoided, we are all for it. None of us are ready for that reckoning.”


“We will not run from it either.”

A glint of sadness settles in her eyes. She knows, one day, the foretold battle will play out. It may be today, tomorrow, or a millennium from now, but she isn’t blinded by her ties to humanity.

“I know,” she sighs lightly. “Let’s hope I can keep the monsters in Hell where they belong a little longer. I’m not ready to give up this life, or this world, just yet.”

Her honesty resonates through my being. She hasn’t lied to me once. She has nothing to hide. I like it. In the heavens, although we are born into perfection, my brothers and sisters all have ulterior motives. Humans are the same. This creature, the Phoenix of Hell, doesn’t. She is the first creature I have encountered who truly has no interest in wars, power, or glory. Being around her is simply refreshing.

“What do you normally do on a day like today?” I question. The way her eyes light up and her body comes alive furthers the proof of her loyalty to this world. Several lifetimes here and she is still excited for what each day brings.

“You need to meet Beau.” The excitement bubbling from her is contagious.

“Who’s Beau?”

“You’ll see,” she insists as she snatches my hand and easily pulls me up from the bench. I am now at the mercy of this deadly creature and oddly enough, I’m not the least bit worried.



Chapter Five


I stop in front of The Brigade and stare up at the wooden sign. Compared to other bars and nightclubs in town, this one is plain. The lettering on the sign is hand carved. The intricacy shows the care put into it. Even if I didn’t know Beau, and the story of him making the sign by hand himself, I would still appreciate the beauty of it.

“This is a bar.”

I glance back at the angel. His untidy dark hair is hanging in his eyes. I know it isn’t affecting his vision. He is an angel, after all, but the look he is going for doesn’t suit him. He reminds me of the millennials, as they call themselves, running around town. I should be happy he didn’t show up with a man bun. I may have torched him on sight if he had.

“Yes, it’s a bar. It’s my favorite bar. The man who runs it is...”

“Beauregard Michelson.”

I cut my eyes at him.

“Sorry. It’s an angel thing.”

“It’s annoying. But yes, Beau is the owner of this place. He was in the military for a while. When he came home, he and his dad opened this place. His father passed a year or so later and Beau runs it on his own now.”

“The two of you are friends?”

I nod my head. He doesn’t need to know more about mine and Beau’s relationship. Yes, we are friends. At times, I thought we may end up being more. Each time though, Beau has slowed things down. He’s always telling me he’s too old for me. He doesn’t understand the lifetimes I’ve lived, of course, but in his eyes, the ten-year age gap is a bit much.

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