Home > Possessed by Passion(177)

Possessed by Passion(177)
Author: Bella Emy

I can feel my blood boiling. If there is one thing Beau is good at, it’s getting under my skin by making me feel too young. I know he’s attracted to me. He hasn’t been able to hide it. The few times we’ve been alone in the bar, after hours, things like slight brushes of our hands, a stolen glance, a near kiss have been commonplace. Each time I push for more, the gentleman in him reemerges and I’m left wanting more.

“I can’t imagine Anala with her hair up.” A voice of reason breaks the silence as Elena makes her way out of the kitchen carrying two plates of mouthwatering food. “Ignore my big brother, Nala. He’s being an ass.”

“I noticed.”

She sits the plates down in front of us then runs her hand over her forehead slightly. The heat from the kitchen already getting to her as the day warms up. “Who’s this cutie pie?”

I quickly make the introductions between Elena and Sebastian. It’s clear he’s already completely taken with her like most men who enter the bar. Her inky black locks and shapely form drive local men crazy. It also leaves Beau having to play bodyguard more often than either of them would like.

“I think your cousin has a crush,” Beau whispers beside me.

I look his way and chuckle. The idea of an angel having a crush is more humorous to me than I care to admit. The flash of humor in Beau’s eyes melts me once again, and I catch myself staring at him.

“Aww, come on now, Nala.” He reaches over and gently lifts my chin when my head drops. “We’re still good, right?”

“Of course, we always will be.” I notice the way his finger lingers against my skin. Slowly, it moves ever so slightly before his thumb reaches out and runs across my cheek. “Don’t say it, Beau. I don’t need to hear it again.”

“If only you weren’t so young, babe. You got too much living to do.”

The words burn. They sizzle worse than the fires of Hell itself. Knowing the lives I’ve led and the experiences I’ve had, and I still cannot convince the one man I want that I’m the woman for him. I open my mouth, hoping maybe this time my words will reach him. Before I can say the words, a flurry of movement and a shriek beside me makes both me and Beau jump in shock.

“Dear heavenly father! I had no idea cow was so amazing! It is perfection! It is delicious! I want cow all the time now!”

I grab Sebastian by the arm hoping to settle him down before the wings fly out. His eyes are bulged, and he is quickly cramming more of his burger into his mouth. Thank goodness. The look on Elena and Beau’s faces leave me scrambling with something to tell them. Anything, to cover the angel’s mad outburst. It finally comes to me and I laugh slightly as I shrug. “He was vegan until we walked in here. It’s his first cow.”



Chapter Six


I don’t understand Anala’s need to fit in with the humans so much that she insists on walking everywhere she goes. With the powers she possesses, she could easily orb herself to any location, in any plane of existence, in mere moments. But no. She insists we walk. Luckily, I don’t feel pain. Unfortunately, I do suffer from annoyance. Yes, I have come to appreciate the beauty of the area, but I’m to the point of being bored with the same things already.

“I’m sure you know where the house is. Can you stop huffing and puffing? We’re almost there.”

“This is insanity, Anala. We could’ve been there an hour ago.”


“Why do you insist on being like this?”

“Like I told you, I try to be as human as possible. There’s no sense using my power when I can simply use my legs.”

“Legs are useless.”

“So are wings.”



“My wings are a sight to behold.”

She stops dead in her tracks. If I hadn’t been paying close attention, I would’ve run into her and knocked her to the ground. She whips around to face me, and I can see a curiosity in her eyes.

“How often do you use those glorious wings?”

I begin to reply, then find myself pondering her question. Yes, in Heaven, we are in our natural, beautiful states. When on Earth, we must hide our true forms as human eyes cannot comprehend the pure power. I don’t find myself flying around the heavens. The last time my wings were truly used, I flew down to Earth to help my brother reign fire and brimstone on sinners of ancient times.

“Well? Do you whip your wings out for everything?”

“No, I guess I don’t.”

“Exactly. So, why should I use my powers to orb around and take the chance of being seen. I can walk just fine. You’re simply being a baby, Sebastian. This isn’t Heaven where angels are waited on hand and foot. You have to do shit yourself here. That includes walking.”

I fall back in step behind her as she quickly moves back along the path like she said nothing. How dare she make it sound like I am pampered in heaven. I’m a warrior. I’m always training, waiting for the time to come for me to be called upon to help my brothers and sisters in the great war.

“Your concept of Heaven is horribly skewed. Considering you haven’t been there, perhaps you shouldn’t be so opinionated.”

“True. Maybe I should keep my opinion on a case by case basis. You know, judge each angel by their merit. So far, Mila has you beat. She didn’t whine about walking and never once did she sing the praises of the heavenly sent cow to the masses in a bar.”

“Ah, that’s why you’re angry. I embarrassed you in front of the man you like. Now, I understand.”

Her pace slows and her shoulders drop. My words bother her although I didn’t intend for them to do such a thing. “Anala, I meant no offense.”

“I know. You’re right though. I am interested in him, but he won’t give me the time of day. He claims I’m too young to be tied down with an old guy like him.”

I hear the pain in her voice and instantly want to help. “He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t know you are far older than the body you are in. I’m sorry you are hurting over his dedication to being a good person, Anala.”

“Thank you.”


“I knew that was coming,” she moans.

“Yes. However, I do admire him for his dedication. As an angel, I can easily read his thoughts and his true intentions. He cares deeply for you. He wants more with you but...”

“There’s always a but.”

“He thinks he will hinder you from what your life could offer. It’s admirable. He isn’t a...I’m not sure what humans would call it.”

“He’s not a douche.”

I tilt my head slightly as I contemplate her vocabulary. It was not the word I was looking for but considering she has taken more to the human way of speaking than I have, I will go with it. “Exactly. He is not a douche.”

“I suppose it makes total sense. A Phoenix born from the pits of Hell, birthed by Lucifer and his dark whore, Lilith, falls for the last good guy left on Earth. Poetic justice.”

“He isn’t the last good guy left on Earth. There are quite a few. You just haven’t met many. Most are married and have families of their own already.”

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