Home > Possessed by Passion(181)

Possessed by Passion(181)
Author: Bella Emy


The words are whispered so softly, a human wouldn’t have heard them. I turn to see Arwen using the wall to guide herself back down the hall. I have no doubts what has happened. I feel it. Although she was a demon, Darwen was known to me. The suffering of those around me is something me and every angel in creation is able to feel. Darwen is suffering. It’s clear she will not be with us much longer.

Following the trail of blood on the wall, I find Arwen perched on her knees beside her sister. The slashes on Darwen’s body are deep. If there wasn’t a demon dwelling inside the vessel it would already be over.

“Sister mine,” Darwen mutters softly as the black ooze sputters from her mouth. “Are they...”

“They ran. They’re gone. You’re safe now.”

A light smile lights her face as she raises a slow, shaking hand to touch her sister’s cheek. “The angel will help you now. He’ll protect you. I’ve seen it.”

“Oh sister, I’ve told you, you aren’t an oracle. You don’t see the future.” Arwen’s words are littered with sobs, but it doesn’t keep Arwen from hearing them.

“You always say that, but you’re always wrong.”

“Please don’t leave me. I can’t be without you. I can’t be here and take care of Anala on my own. I can’t exist knowing you’ve been sent back to that pit of doom to suffer for eternity.”

“It’s okay, Arwen. I’m not afraid of them.”

The realization of what is happening hits me hard. Darwen, who has spent years on Earth as a demon, has fought to be better than what she was in her previous life. She has learned to love, care for others, and above all else, has worked hard to live a life away from the darkness Lucifer and his fallen had lured her into all those many years ago.

Her eyes, black as they are, turn to me. “Thank you for helping my sister. Thank you for coming to help, Anala. Please, promise me you won’t leave them alone in this fight.”

In an instant, I’m knelt by her side. “I promise you, Darwen, I will die to protect them if I must.” I lay my hand on her forehead gently. “Just as I will protect you.” I close my eyes and begin to pray. Even us angels know how to speak with our father when needed. I need the reassurance right now. I need to know what I’m about to do is the right path to take. The warmth and solitude that flows through me tells me it is. Without words, he has told me it is okay to help her.

“What are you doing?” Arwen presses.

It’s a simple question, without an easy answer. “Darwen, your time has come. I’m here to offer you peace. I’m here to offer you salvation. I’m here to offer you paradise. All I need you to say is that you accept my offer, and you accept him as your savior.”

A smile lights her face and for the first time since I met her, I no longer see the demon dwelling inside the frail, old vessel. Instead, I see a beauty. Her hair is long, inky black, with a slight curl. Her eyes are a wonderous blue and a slight sprinkle of freckles line her cheeks. I’m seeing Darwen as she was in her human life. She is truly ready to give herself over to the Lord and find her a place in the heavens.

“Say your goodbyes,” I tell Arwen as I let the light of salvation begin to flow through me.

“I will see you again someday, sister mine,” Arwen whispers as she kisses her twin’s forehead gently. “I love you.”

“Until we meet again, sister,” Darwen sighs as she squeezes Arwen’s hand tight. “I love you.”

Knowing there is no more time to waste, I let my light wash over her. It is as painless as breathing. By accepting my father into her, Darwen has vanquished the darkness that once dwelled inside her and will have the opportunity to have the heavenly afterlife she deserves.

Feeling the life leave the vessel, I look up to see Arwen still staring at her sister. Yes, she is a demon. Yes, she is what most would consider a monster, but the love radiating from her is hard to deny. She has lost her best friend. The one being she always had when times got tough. The pain is almost too much for me to bear.

“Arwen, I can offer you the same salvation. You can accept...” She cuts my words off before I can finish.

“I want it. Someday. Not now. I can’t. Anala needs me. If I give myself over to you, angel, I have nothing to offer her. I’ll die eventually. I won’t be here when she is reborn each time. There will be no one to raise her, care for her, or stand by her side. It isn’t fair the life she’s been born into, and it’s more unfair that she would have to face it alone. Until she doesn’t need me, I can’t take your offer no matter how much I want to.”

I reach out and take her hand. “I understand, Arwen. I promise you, once this battle is over, I will do everything in my power to make things right for both you and Anala. I swear it.” Her head nods slightly as she reaches out to close her sister’s eyes. “There is one thing I can do now, however.”

She looks up at me and cocks her head to the side. I see the curiosity. “What are you talking about?”

I reach out and carefully wipe the tears from her eyes. “There’s no need in you dwelling inside a broken and frail vessel. I’ve seen the true visage of what you and Darwen were. It’s time you returned to yourself, Arwen. There’s no need in hiding any longer.”



Chapter Nine


Beings like me, those from the pits of Hell, dwell on pain and suffering. Other than the torture inflicted on me by my own mother, I’ve never truly experienced what it was like to hurt. That is, until now. All the powers I possess, all the terror I inflict on those fearful of my strength is meaningless when it comes to my Darwen. I can’t fix her, and I can’t bring her back. Yet, I can’t force myself to let her go. Instead, I cradle her in my arms, rocking back and forth, as tears stream down my face.

“Anala, your tears.”

Remembering Arwen is also in the room, I look up at her. The sadness in her face is evident. So is the anger. “I’m so sorry, Arwen. This is my fault. They are after me. I should’ve kept my distance from the two of you and this wouldn’t be happening.”

“Nonsense,” she answers, a smile set on her newly beautiful face. Since the angel’s touch, I no longer see the monster dwelling inside her. Instead, I see the woman she once was when she was human. It is a sight to see. “You are the reason we escaped the pit. Without you, we’d still be there. Darwen is forgiven. She’s in the heavens. She’s at peace. None of that would be possible if we hadn’t given up everything to follow an angry Phoenix.”

Her words grant me some solitude. I even allow her to reach out with the tissue in her hand to wipe my tears. Never, before this day have I cried. When she pulls her hand back, I notice the coloration. Black tears. I should’ve have expected anything less.

“Your mother is determined to bring Hell to earth, Anala. We’ve waiting in the wings, enjoying a sense of normalcy until now. That’s no longer an option. If you want to save this world we love so much, you have to fight back. You have to send her back to Lucifer.”

I know she’s right. At the moment, however, fighting seems like the farthest thing from my mind. All I can think about is full destruction. In my mind, I’ve wondered if I could destroy the pit completely and put an end to everything, they all stand for.

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