Home > My One Night (On My Own #1)(31)

My One Night (On My Own #1)(31)
Author: Carrie Ann Ryan

I tried to grin to lighten the mood a bit. I didn’t want to get too emotional since we were working, and I was already worried about Elise.

“I think there’s some processed wing sauce on your chin. Tasting the wares, were you?”

My brother’s eyes narrowed even further, and his cheeks reddened. “How dare you utter such foolishness. Number one, if anyone ever heard you, I would have to kill you—and possibly them, as well. Number two, I would never dare grace these lips or these walls with processed wing sauce. We make it from scratch, you asshole.”

“But you’re still making wings,” I teased.

Aiden flipped me off this time. “You’re an ass. And, of course, I’m making wings. It’s a bar. They just don’t realize they’re eating fancy wings.”

“Is that what you call them now?”

Aiden groaned. “I’m going to end up with wings at the new restaurant.”

“Just to annoy the highbrow people that come in and eat at your restaurant?”

“We’re not going hoity-toity highbrow.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” I asked honestly.

“Nothing at all. I’m finding my groove. Now stop changing the subject. Why do you keep looking at your phone?” Aiden asked, and I shook my head.

“Elise isn’t texting me back. I want to know how her dinner went with her parents.”

My brother gave me a knowing look and then went back to plating an order. We were slow tonight, mostly because it was late on a weeknight, and we’d already hit our two rushes. But we still had a few orders to fill.

I was working in the kitchen tonight, though I had been up front for most of the evening. Now, Aiden was alone because his other cook was out thanks to a sprained wrist and a long day, and I had filled in. I didn’t mind, and my brothers made sure they compensated me for my lack of tips. Plus, I got to hang out with Aiden. I had once thought that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but maybe I’d help again in the kitchen with Aiden more often. I just wasn’t sure. I needed some time to figure out what I wanted. And I was blessed as fuck to have a family who understood that.

“Do you know if she’s avoiding you? Maybe she just had a long night. Or her phone’s off.”

I sighed. “My mind’s already gone through a thousand different scenarios. I’m just overreacting. She’s fine. Everything’s okay. I’m just tired, I guess. Or maybe I’m not used to this.”

“For a guy who was so good at helping all of us settle into our relationships, you’ve never had a serious one of your own.”

I shrugged. “No. I haven’t. I guess that makes me kind of an asshole for forcing you guys to listen to me before.”

Aiden shrugged. “No. You’re not an asshole for that. We didn’t have to listen to you. We could’ve ignored you, acted like you were just some kid. But we didn’t. We wanted to know what was up. We listened to you. Still do. We like you. And you’re smart. You evidently knew what you were talking about, so I guess now you should listen to your own advice.”

“And what advice was that? It’s been a couple of years.”

Aiden laughed. “Yeah, it has. You guys are young. You have time to figure things out. I know you’ve got a thousand things on your mind, though. And you texted her, I take it?”

I winced. “Twice. Once to see how it was going, another to ask how it went. I don’t want to be that guy and text a third time, acting like a possessive jerk.”

“You’re right. You don’t want to be that guy.”

“It would be easy to become him, especially since I just want her to be all right, and I don’t know how to make that happen.”

“You can’t hold the world in your hands. You can’t make her feel like she can do everything either. But you can stand by her side and help.”

“Is that what you say to Sierra?”

Aiden snorted. “I have never once been able to tell my wife what to do. I can guide her down the path, but then she shouts at me, pushes me off the path, and finds her own. And that’s why I love her. Because she takes no shit, no prisoners, and knows I will do the same.”

“I do love your wife.”

“Watch it.”

“Not like that, come on.”

Aiden just gave me a look. “So, what kind of dinner was this with her parents?”

“One where she was supposed to explain to them that she’s going to stick with the major she is paying for, to be a physical therapist, and that she wants nothing to do with being a doctor like they are.”

Aiden winced. “Oh, that’s going to go well.”

“Elise got scholarships and is pretty much paying her own way. Even if they were paying for her school, I don’t know if it’s okay for them to direct her in that way.”

“I think if you go into a partnership with your family where they pay for your school, there needs to be an understanding of what that means. In terms of actually passing classes and graduating, but not directing them down a path to a major they want nothing to do with.” Aiden gave me a pointed look.

“I know you guys would pay for my classes, but if I keep doing as well as I am, then I’ll get the full-ride for the rest of my years at this school.”

“And that would be fucking great,” Aiden said, finishing up another order. “But if, by chance, you don’t get that full scholarship and only keep with the partial, don’t get a loan. Not these days where interest rates are insane. Let us help.”

“You guys have kids to worry about.”

“And everything that Brendon touches turns to gold. Let him use his fancy money. Hell, let us help you. We may not be billionaires, but we’re not in debt either. We can help you. You’re not in an Ivy League school getting a degree in underwater basket weaving. You’re working towards something important. To help with the family. So, let the family help you.”

I winced. “I haven’t been good about seeing it that way.”

“No, you haven’t. But I figured I’d start here, and then let Violet and the girls get to you later.”

“They’re going to gang up on me, aren’t they?”

“You know it. The only reason we even let you work like you are is because it’s with and for the family. If we didn’t have a place of business where you could work with us, you wouldn’t be.”

“I need to make my own way, Aiden. Earn it.”

“And you do. You have.” There was a lot in that statement, and I stiffened.

“I know. Thanks.”

“Anyway, we like you, kid.”

“Thanks,” I said dryly.

“What? Now, work on this last order and then check on Brendon and Cameron. Brendon’s upstairs working on the books since it’s nearly tax time. And Cameron is behind the bar. If they’re good for the night, head home.”

I shook my head. “But it’s not the end of my shift.”

“Well, go check on your girl, then.”

“And that’s not being too possessive?”

Aiden shook his head. “It’s just checking on her. You told me she was having an emotional evening. Just make sure she’s okay. Or see if she’ll text you back. If you show up there with her favorite treat or drink, hand it off, say you were thinking of her, and then walk away. That’s not being too much. That’s just showing you care. Hell, we’re allowed to do that, you know? Guys don’t have to be gruff and in the corner hiding their feelings and shit all the time.”

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