Home > Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(29)

Once Upon a Temptingly Ruinous Kiss(29)
Author: Bree Wolf

In fact, Lady Hartmore had had her sights set upon Phineas not long ago, intent to see him married to her daughter. She had gone to great lengths in order to see it happen. However, Phineas had always been in love with Louisa, and in the end, nothing had kept them apart. Still, Lady Hartmore was not one to give up easily. Who knew which gentleman she would single out as her next victim?

Christina’s eyes narrowed at the question. “That woman is a vile creature!”

Juliet’s jaw dropped and she swung around to stare at her younger sister. “Christina!” She chided, shaking her head. “Watch your language!”

Christina merely rolled her eyes at her eldest sister. “From a conversation Sarah managed to overhear, we believe that her mother currently plans to sell her to a merchant.” She all but spat those two words.

“What do you mean sell?” Harry inquired promptly.

“I mean,” Christina huffed out, her fists shaking with anger, “that Lady Hartmore is in conversation with a wealthy merchant, who wishes to marry into the peerage. I have no doubt that he is an awful blackguard. He does not deserve Sarah, and she would not have to marry him if her father had not gambled away their fortune.”

Louisa sighed for although she loathed Lady Hartmore, Sarah was a dear friend to all of them. “How do you know all this, Chris?”

Christina shrugged. “That does not matter. What matters is that Sarah cannot marry that man.”

A cautious look came to Juliet’s face. “Christina, you’re not planning to interf—”

“What if I am?” Christina interjected. “Someone has to do something!”

Juliet shook her head. “It is not your place. Let her parents see to her future.”

Christina’s face turned red, righteous indignation glowing in her eyes. She looked like a vengeful warrior goddess in that moment, ready to wipe out mankind with her wrath.

Catching Louisa’s eye, Leonora noticed her sister almost imperceptibly gesturing toward the door. At first, Leonora was confused, but the moment Louisa returned to the conversation, ensuring that their sisters’ attention was focused on her, Leonora understood.

Gently setting down her teacup, Leonora rose to her feet and first ventured over to the windows, pretending to look outside. Then she slowly inched closer to the door, careful not to draw anyone’s attention, most grateful for Louisa for keeping it fixed on her, on Christina, on anything but Leonora.

And then Leonora was out the door, quietly closing it behind her. She glanced up and down the hall and then swung the cloak once more over her shoulders. Careful not to make any noise, she retreated to the back of the house and then slipped out the door into the gardens. Quick footsteps carried her onward, along the hedge and then through the gap.

Leonora knew that Louisa was curious about her, about Lord Pemberton, about what had happened between them. The day they had first met, Louisa had seen with one glance that some kind of connection had formed between her sister and their new neighbor. Leonora had been taken aback by it as well and had been unable to put into words how that meeting had changed her. She had begged Louisa to give her time, and although Louisa had been disinclined to do so, she had promised.

“Are you well?” Lord Pemberton’s voice suddenly spoke out from in front of her, making Leonora flinch and pull to an abrupt halt. He stepped onto the path leading up to the house, his brows drawn down in concern. “You’re late. Very late.”

Leonora offered him a smile. “I’m sorry. My sisters cornered me. Apparently, they have taken notice of my disappearances.”

His brows drew down. “Then perhaps you should better return home. It is too great a risk for you to continue to come h—”

“No!” The word slipped from her lips with more vehemence and volume than she had intended. However, the thought that she would not be able to come here any longer, that she would not be able to see Lord Pemberton day after day had brought forth a deep feeling of loss, one she could not seem to bear.

Glancing over her shoulder, Leonora knew that they could not remain out here, and so she strode by him and into the house, aware that he followed close behind. She did not stop until they reached his study, that familiar place where she had faced her demons and done her utmost to fortify herself against them.

“Do you think they suspect anything?” Lord Pemberton inquired as he closed the door behind them. Curiously, it no longer unsettled her to find herself alone with him.

Not as it had in the beginning.

Leonora shook her head, then removed her cloak and draped it over the back rest of a chair. “They suspect something,” she told him honestly, noting the way his eyes narrowed. “They do not know that I come here. Only my grandmother knows. Louisa might suspect something. However, I never told her what we do here or even that I come here regularly.”

Lord Pemberton moved toward her, a frown upon his face as though he could see that she had not yet told him all. “Then, what do they suspect?”

Why Leonora felt awkward repeating what her sisters had said she did not know. Still, warmth rushed to her cheeks when she next spoke. “It seems they have taken notice of you watching…over me.” Her gaze wanted to fall from his, but she kept it in place, feeling her cheeks warm even further.

Lord Pemberton’s jaw moved as though his teeth ground together almost painfully. “I apologize. I should’ve been less obvious. I shall endeavor to be more inconspicuous in the future.”

“Good,” was all Leonora managed to say, relieved that he did not insist they part ways from here on out.

“Are you ready to begin?” Lord Pemberton inquired, a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Feeling the need to counteract it, Leonora nodded most enthusiastically. “I am.”

As Lord Pemberton had suggested upon their last meeting, their training sessions now changed. They took on a more intense character. Leonora knew that it was necessary for she needed to learn how to react in situations that resembled the one which had brought her here in the first place. She could not afford to lose her head when it truly mattered. She needed to find a way to remain levelheaded when someone stepped close, too close.

Although Lord Pemberton pushed her to the edge, he never overstepped certain boundaries. Despite his closeness or even his touch, Leonora never once found herself doubting that she was safe with him. He always asked for permission before he put a hand on her and gently guided her through the most trying moments when she was close to losing her head.

Another fortnight passed, and Leonora found herself thinking of little else but their training. Her training with Lord Pemberton. Every day, she all but looked forward to sneaking through the gap in the hedge and regretted the days that would not see them meet. She felt herself grow stronger and more confident. Her arms no longer ached after a lengthy training session. Instead, she felt invigorated, powerful even.

The moments when Lord Pemberton stepped close still sent a shiver down her back. She could feel the warmth of his body nearby and all but held her breath, waiting for him to touch her. Sometimes, he would stand behind her shoulder, inching closer, whispering in her ear. He taught her how to use her elbow, how to jab it backwards into his stomach. Once, she actually managed to bring him to his knees yet again.

These moments were the most horrible for Leonora. She could not bear to see him in pain, even though he always reassured her that he was perfectly fine. But how could he be? Not a day passed that Leonora did not feel amazed at his willingness to sacrifice his own well-being to see her reclaim hers. He told her that the eyes were a good point of attack as well; however, Leonora outright refused to even try and jab her fingers into his eyes. She did not care how much he insisted; she would not risk injuring him in such a way.

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