Home > Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(66)

Better If He Goes (Always You #1)(66)
Author: Allie Everhart

My phone rings and I race to pick it up, knowing it's Brad. It's nine, and he always calls around nine.

"Hey!" I answer, a big smile on my face.

"Hey. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I have good news."

I jump off my bed, bursting with excitement. "You're coming to see me?"

"No." He sighs. "I'm sorry, Riley. I really do want to get back there, but things are crazy right now."

I sink down on the bed. "So what's the news?"

"We sold the house. Well, we have an offer. They still need to do an inspection, but after that, it's officially sold."

"Brad, that's great!"

"Yeah, it's a huge relief. My mom thought it'd take months to sell."

"Does that mean you'll have more time now?"

"I wish. Things are only going to get worse. The new buyers want to move in in a few weeks, which means we either need to sell everything or get it into storage. I vote for having a huge sale, but my mom's not ready to part with her stuff."

"But you need the money."

"I know, but at least we'll get money from selling the house."

"Enough money for you to go to school?"

"No, but that's the other news. It's good—really good—but I want to talk to you about it."

"Go ahead."

"I've been talking to the admissions department and financial aid about how to handle my situation. Up until now, there really wasn't anything they could do. Then earlier today, the guy I've been working with there called me up and said one of their incoming students had to drop out because of a family emergency. The guy was on scholarship and now he can't use it. So guess who they gave it to?"

"You?" I ask, hesitantly.

"That's right." His tone brightens. "It was part need-based, part academic. I already had the good grades and good test scores. And now I have the need. It's mine if I want it."

"Brad, that's awesome! So you can go back in the fall?"

"Yeah, actually next week. They want us to move in and get settled before orientation."

"Next week? That's soon."

"Not really. It's already the middle of August and I wouldn't be leaving until the end of the week. Classes start the first of September."

"Can you find an apartment that fast?"

"That's the other thing." He pauses. "The scholarship covers housing in the dorms. I can't afford an apartment right now, so the dorms are my only option if I want to do this. And my room has already been assigned. With a roommate."

"Oh," I say, trying not to sound disappointed. But the tears are already falling.

"Riley, we could still find you a place in New York. You'd have to get some roommates in order to afford it and you'd probably have to work a couple jobs, but we could make it work."

"I'd never see you. If we don't live together and you're spending all your time at class or studying at the library, I'll never see you."

"Then maybe I just don't do this. Maybe I stick with the plan and get a job and try to save up the money I need to go back. You could come here. We'll get an apartment and—"

"No. Brad, you can't do that. You need to take the scholarship. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I love that you're even considering not taking it because of me, but it's not the right decision. You know that, and so do I. This scholarship came at a time when you needed it the most. That's proof it was meant to be. You always say things will work out and they did."

"But not with us. Riley, I don't know what to do. I agree this scholarship coming out of nowhere seems like a sign that I should go, but I don't want to leave you. I said I'd be back and now I don't know when that'll be."

"Don't worry about that. We'll just keep talking on the phone and texting and you can send me pictures of New York." I'm trying to sound happy for him, but inside my heart is breaking.

It's over. If he leaves, it's over between us.

But he has to go.

"As soon as I have some money, I'll send you a ticket," he says. "You're going to love New York. There's so much to do."

"I can't wait to see it," I say, tears sliding down my cheeks.

"I love that you're supporting me in this. I wouldn't have felt right going if you didn't want me to. I know we can make this work. It'll just take some effort."

"Yeah." I wipe my eyes. "So when do you leave?"

"Next Friday. Until then, I'll do as much as I can to get the house ready for the sale."

"When do you think you'll be back?"

"Hopefully Thanksgiving. You should come here for that. We always have a huge dinner and it'll give you a chance to meet my brother. You could even bring your mom."

"Not sure your parents would go for that."

"They'll warm up to you. They just need to get to know you."

They'll never warm up to me. I'm not the type of girl they want for their son. They made that clear at dinner that night with their disapproving looks and comments.

I won't be going there for Thanksgiving. I doubt Brad will even come home for it. He'll probably have to stay in the dorms and study.

The more I think about this, the sadder I feel. But I know this is what's best for him. It's his dream. It's what'll make him happy. It's what he needs to do.

"I'm really happy for you, Brad. You're going to do great there."

"Enough about me. Tell me what's going on there. How was work?"

"Same as always. Some kid slipped and fell into the deep end, but Nate jumped in and saved him. It sounds more dramatic than it was. The kid was only in there a few seconds. Oh, here's some news. Nate took me to breakfast this morning."

It's news because I haven't gone out with Nate since Brad left town. Nate and I talk a little at work, but that's about it. We're more acquaintances now than friends, which makes me sad, but I don't know how to fix it. He still doesn't want me dating Brad. And sometimes at the pool I catch him watching me, giving me that look that says he wishes I was his girlfriend, which makes it hard to be friends with him.

"Why'd he take you to breakfast?" Brad asks.

"He wanted to complain about his mom. She finally told him about her boyfriend."

"And he didn't take it well."

"No. He was mad she didn't tell him sooner and then he went on this rant about how everyone lies to him and he's sick of it."

"People only lie to him because he acts like a child when they tell him the truth."

"He doesn't get that. He thinks everyone's against him. I don't know what happened, but Nate's really changed. He's always complaining and jealous of everyone. He never used to be like that."

"Nate's always been someone who's wanted things to work out exactly how he imagined. When they don't, he gets frustrated and blames other people instead of just figuring out a different solution."

"But by doing that, he pushes people away."

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