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Author: Karla Sorensen

Casey set her hand on my arm. “Thank you. Seriously.”

“That’s my job,” I told her.

And it was.

She waved goodbye, and I sat on the edge of the center ring, leaning up against the ropes when I felt him approach.

Neither of us said anything, and I had to close my eyes to fight the urge to escape. The urge to stay. It was a constant battle when it came to him.

“Ward,” he said.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. I wanted to hear him whisper that in my ear.

He was staring at the parking lot, where Casey was pulling her car out of her spot. “Whatever you need to get some classes like that on the schedule, you make it happen.”

My throat was tight as I nodded.

“If you want,” he added quietly.

“I do.”

“Good.” He exhaled, eyes coming to rest on me for just a moment. But I felt like he’d just wrapped his hands around my hair again, like his fingers tightened in the strands and tugged my head back.

For a moment, we were quiet.

“You taught a lot today,” he said.

I glanced up at him. “I don’t normally do that much.”

“How many more do you need?”

He’d seemingly plucked my earlier thought from my head, and after a deep breath, I said, “Two more would make things more comfortable.”

Aiden nodded. “What else?”


“What else do you need?” he asked.

I blew out a breath. What a question.

Heavy eye contact. Loaded subtext. Sex vibes, wasn’t that what Emily had called it?

There was no way he was feeling what I was feeling, and even if he was, it had to be switched all the way to max in my stupid, never-been-unlocked virgin head. This was a man who’d had an entire marriage with someone good. And I was the silly girl spinning scenes in her mind.

“Nothing right now,” I answered.

If Aiden felt the need to push me on it, he didn’t. But he did watch me for another moment before nodding.

He walked away, and I had to close my eyes again, allowing the charged feeling to settle and then pass.

Eventually, it had to pass, I told myself. I’d go home that night and think about what had just happened, keep the scenario locked away safely where no one could see it. But before I did, I’d play it back over in my head and imagine it unfolding in another way. One where we were alone, and he was holding me in place to do something very, very different.

In that safe space in my head, I’d pretend he had fingers fisted in my hair and his breath hot on my neck while he came up behind me. My heart raced, sitting there in the middle of the gym, and I had a visceral image of Aiden holding my hip with the other hand. My fingers curled into fists, a helpless gesture I couldn’t control as I let it play out for just a few selfish seconds.

What had I thought only a handful of days earlier? Skin-to-skin contact might cause me to spontaneously orgasm. Well, apparently, I had pent-up sexual fantasies that had been lying dormant with Aiden Hennessy as the proverbial fucking key, ready to unlock them.

That small brush of his fingers along the nape of my neck was the most action I’d gotten in a couple of years, and I should not want to pretend what those fingers would feel like anywhere else on my body. I really, really shouldn’t.

But as I stood and walked back to my office, I think, even then, I knew I was lying to myself.



Chapter Nine






“You coming back anytime soon?” Phone wedged between my ear and my shoulder, I waved at the guys leaving as they finished a group training session with Aiden.

Involuntarily, my eyes strayed over to where he was wiping down the equipment they’d just used. Each flex of his arm had my body humming some happy little tune. Gawd, I needed a hobby.

Or a better vibrator.

Or a dog.

Or a new brain.

Kelly sighed, yanking my attention back to our conversation. “Doctor wants me to stay off my ankle for one more week, then I can try teaching. As long as I’m not going crazy.”


“I know.”

I pulled up the schedule, squinting at the computer screen. “I can probably shift around a couple of people so no one takes on too much to cover you for one more week.”

“You don’t want to pull another three-class day?” she teased.

“Hell no.” I arched my back, which was still sore. “Not when I do two the day before. I’m too old for this shit.”

“You’re twenty-five, Iz.”

“Yes, but my attitude is so, so much older.”

Aiden approached the front desk, eyes on a small piece of paper in his hand. His arms were still sweaty from his session, and I wondered—just a teeeeeeny tiny bit—what they’d feel like if I trailed my fingers down the curves of his biceps.

“How many people did you have in class last night?” Kelly’s voice pulled me out of my little stare-fest, which was good because so far, I’d done nothing to abjectly embarrass myself. My current streak felt very, very impressive, all things considered.

“Ummm, hang on.” I clicked the mouse a few times, leaning in to see the tiny numbers. Maybe I needed glasses. “Thirty.”

“Oh, you bitch, my highest is twenty-five for that time slot.”

I laughed under my breath. “Anything else, Kell? I need to get some work done before a training session.”

“Nope! Love you, bye.”

I was shaking my head as I hung up. Aiden’s eyes flicked to my face as he set the paper down next to the phone. “Kelly’s ankle doing better?” he asked.

I nodded. “She can’t teach for another week, but I should be fine with coverage.”

Aiden folded his arms over his chest. “How often do trainers get injured like that?”

“Not often,” I told him. “I think she aggravated an old injury.”

Without realizing what I was doing, I stretched my wrist out and flexed my hands. He noticed.

“What is it?”

My hand stopped. “Oh. Nothing. Still just a little sore from yesterday.”

He looked like he was going to say something, opening his mouth, then closing it with a tiny, almost imperceptible shake of his head. Very slowly, he and I were treading onto more neutral ground.

“My elbow,” he said, after another pause. “Hyperextended this more times than I can count. Worst one was my second to last year fighting. Cortez caught me in an armbar, and that asshole would not let go.” He unfolded his hand and tapped the side of one thumb. “Comminuted fracture in one of my early fights. I swear, I still feel it sometimes when it gets really cold.”

“I remember,” I said quietly before I could stop myself.

He studied me carefully. “Do you?”

Turning the chair back to the computer, I started randomly clicking … things. “Kind of. I watched a lot of fights.”

My neck went damp with sweat because the injury had ended the fight, and to this day, I remembered worrying about his future fighting after they’d announced the bone had broken in two places.

There was no response from him, but he didn’t move away either.

We weren’t alone in the building. About half a dozen people were working out on the equipment. But even with those people sharing space, I had to remind myself that we weren’t alone. Ever since my long-hidden vixen decided to bombard me with all sorts of fantasies involving me and him and dark rooms and whatnot, it was almost impossible to be this close to him.

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