Home > Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(58)

Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(58)
Author: Siobhan Davis

I was half expecting to be turned away. I think if Lauren Mills was home alone that’s exactly what would’ve happened. “I wouldn’t have come if it wasn’t a serious matter.”

A frown mars his tanned forehead, and he looks deep in thought as we walk. “How are things going with Easton?” he asks after a few silent beats.

“Great. He’s a fantastic kid, and I’m mad about him.”

“That’s good, Dillon.” He squeezes my shoulder. “I’m glad to hear it.” I can tell he means that. He comes to a halt at the end of the hallway, opening double doors which lead to a large sunroom, where Lauren awaits.

She stands as I enter the room, offering me a tight smile. “Hello, Dillon.”

“Mrs. Mills.” I nod respectfully.

She rolls her eyes. “Please. You know better than to call me that. Sit down, and let’s hear what this is about.”

She doesn’t beat around the bush, and I like that about her.

I sit across from her and her husband. “I’m here about Vivien. I’m a little worried.”

“In what way?” Lauren asks.

I clear my throat. “She is talking about pulling Easton from school and hiring a tutor for him.”

Lauren knots her hands in her lap. “I was afraid of that. She called me yesterday, and she had worked herself into a tizzy over the incident at school.”

“I’m going to deal with that,” I say. “It will be a non-issue in a few days.” I have already spoken with the school and reached out to the parents of the other little boy. I’m just waiting for them to return my call, but I’m confident I can make it go away.

“There will likely be more incidents,” Jonathon says.

“I know, but I believe Easton can handle them once we provide the right support. I don’t think taking him out of school sends the right message, but it’s more than just this. Are you aware Vivien hasn’t taken him anywhere besides camp all summer long?”

Lauren frowns. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, he goes nowhere. She drives him to and from school because she doesn’t trust anyone else to drive him. Nash comes over for playdates, and occasionally some other kids, but that’s it.” I feel so disloyal telling Viv’s parents this behind her back, but they need to know how bad the situation has gotten. “She is terrified of something happening to him. She can hardly bear to let him out of her sight.”

“Oh, princess.” Jonathon shares a concerned look with Lauren.

“Why didn’t Audrey tell us this?”

“I’m not sure how much Audrey is aware of. She’s been gone for weeks.”

“Does Vivien know you’re here?” Lauren asks.

“No, and she’s going to kick my ass for it, but I just tried talking to her, and she won’t listen to me. I thought she might be more inclined to talk to you about it.” I wet my dry lips. “I love her and Easton so much, but she’s still keeping me at arm’s length, which I understand. I’ve given her space, but this is something I believe she’ll end up regretting. I’m going to work on getting both of them out of the house more, if you could talk to her about the tutor thing.”

“We’ll talk to her.” Lauren bobs her head. “I understand why she wants to do this, but you are right; it’s not a good idea for Easton. He’s an extrovert, and he loves being around others.”

“Thank you for bringing this to our attention,” Jonathon says.

“I hate going behind her back, but I didn’t feel like there was any other option. She’s moving full steam ahead already, so there was no time to waste.”

“We will try to make her understand that you had her best interests at heart,” Lauren says, fighting a smile. “But you know our daughter.”

“I do.” I stand. “Thanks for listening. I can see myself out.”

“Don’t go just yet, Dillon.” Lauren lifts her brows, pointing at the seat I’ve just vacated. “I have something I’d like to say.”

“We have,” Jonathon corrects her, as I sit back down.

She pats his hand, and they share an intimate look that only comes from years of loving and understanding one another. Her expression is more somber when she turns it on me again. “I’m not happy about certain things you have done, and it will take a lot more convincing for me to fully trust you, but I’ve had a lot of time to think in recent months. We both have, and the only way to truly let the past go is to wipe the slate clean. We believe you are sincere when you say you love our daughter and grandson, and everything Vivien has told us about how you have behaved these past couple of months confirms that.”

“We also know you were responsible for her happiness in Ireland,” Jonathon adds. “She was glowing when we visited her, and we know she was deeply in love with you. Vivien is a good judge of character, and you are Easton’s father, so we are giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

“We loved Reeve. He was our son, and we miss him a lot,” Lauren says, her eyes growing glassy. Jonathon slides his arm around her shoulders. “For him to include you in his will tells us a lot about his intentions. Reeve wasn’t perfect. None of us are, but he loved Vivien, and he loved Easton with his whole heart. I know, without a shadow of doubt, that he would want them to be happy. If their happiness lies with you, we want you to know we won’t stand in your way.”

“Provided you always put them first,” Jonathan supplies, drilling me with a look that his wife usually reserves for me.

“That’s a given.” I run my hands through my hair. “Even if Vivien and I never reunite as a couple, I will always be there for both of them. I give you my solemn promise. There is nothing or no one who could tear me away from them now.”









“So, is Dillon still in the doghouse?” Audrey asks, smothering a grin as she peers at me through the screen of my laptop.

“You’d better believe it.” It’s been two weeks since Dillon went behind my back and spoke to my parents, and I’m still livid. “I can’t believe he went to Mom and Dad or that they actually sided with him.”

“Is that what you really think?” Audrey arches a brow while leaning back in her chair.

I sigh. “No.” I drum my fingers on the top of my desk. “I know they were right, and I know Dillon acted out of concern for E.” It’s why I canceled all the tutor interviews and Easton is still in kindergarten. I can’t let my insecurities mess up my son’s life.

“And concern for you,” she reminds me.

“I’m working through my fears with Meryl, but it’s hard. East is all I have left and I’m terrified of anything happening to him.”

“Easton isn’t all you have left, babe.” Audrey looks up, lifting one finger. Her head lowers again, and she moves in closer to the screen. “You have Alex and me. You have your parents. You have Ash and Jamie and Ro.” She pauses for dramatic effect. “And you have Dillon.”

“He’s irritating the fuck out of me. He’s always on my ass about something, and he’s being…all flirty and shit. When I say stuff to annoy him, it only seems to amuse him.” She grins, and I narrow my eyes at her. “Don’t tell me you’ve moved to the dark side.”

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