Home > Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(84)

Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(84)
Author: Siobhan Davis

Videos of her performing were all over social media the next day, and it garnered a lot of good will.

Tonight is our last night on the US tour, and it’s extra special because Easton is joining us on stage. This will be his first time up here, and I’m stoked to be accompanied by my son on guitar. Originally, I had planned on letting him join us more often. Until Viv and I talked about it and she explained her concerns, which were all valid. She doesn’t want him living under a media glare, and she’s done her best to protect him over the years. Kidnapping is also a very real worry.

I thought East would throw a fit, but he’s happy getting to jam with us on stage during rehearsal, and now he’s getting his wish to play before a packed stadium. We’ve been practicing like crazy to get this performance right, and his perseverance, talent, and determination have impressed me to no end.

Vivien doesn’t know I’m about to embarrass the shit out of her, but she’s going to find out in a couple of minutes.

“Are you ready to hear our new single, Las Vegas?” I shout into the mic, grinning at the deafening roar of approval from the massive crowd. I pace across the front of the stage, wiping my sweaty brow with the back of my arm. “This is an extra special performance tonight because we have an extra special guitarist joining us.”

I turn around, grinning when I spot East standing in the wings with Vivien. We planned this together because I need to get her out on this stage. I want to sing the words to her so she has no doubt how much I love her, and then later tonight, I’m going to propose. “Please welcome my son, Easton, to the stage,” I shout, facing him as the crowd whoops and hollers.

Easton struts across the stage like he owns it, and Jamie cracks up laughing at his swagger. He’s holding Vivien’s hand, beaming proudly at me for playing his part. “Thanks, buddy.” I lean down, and we do our special handshake with our elbows and our arms. The crowd goes nuts because he’s the cutest fucking kid. He turned six in May, and we threw a special party for him backstage at the venue in DC.

“What’s going on?” Viv mouths, looking a little nervous.

“Stay put,” I tell her, smirking.

Helping Easton up onto his stool, I fix his guitar around him, and then I reposition his mic so it’s at the right level. “Hellooooo, Las Vegas,” he booms into the mic, and Jamie almost pisses his pants. Ro nearly falls off his stool he’s laughing so hard. Conor is as zoned out as ever. Vivien and I exchange smiles as the crowd screams for our little wannabe rock star.

“I asked my son to help me tonight because this is the first time I’m singing this song in public, and as it’s about the love of my life, I wanted to make it personal by singing it to her.”

Oohs and aahs echo around the giant stadium, as one of the crew rushes out with a high-backed stool for Vivien.

Vivien’s eyes pop wide as I walk toward her. I pull her flush against me. “In case you’re confused, that means you.” She slaps my chest as laughter wafts around the large arena. I spin her around to the front of the stage, wrapping my arm around her waist. She’s wearing a short, tight strapless black leather dress that has panels cut out at the waist and sky- scraper heels that make her slim legs look even longer. I’m on a permanent horn looking at her. “How hot does my woman look tonight?” I ask the crowd. A chorus of catcalls and wolf whistles rings out, and I flash the audience a trademark grin.

“You are so dead,” Vivien says, turning around to look at me.

Discreetly, I move the mic closer. “I can’t hear you,” I mouth.

“I said you are so dead.” Her statement projects through the mic, bouncing around the venue, and everyone laughs.

“That means she wants me,” I tell them, winking. “This is our version of foreplay.”

“Jesus, Dillon!” she shrieks, gesturing toward Easton.

“Shit.” I had almost forgotten he was there.

“A dollar for the cuss jar, Daddy Dillon!”

After the laughter has died down this time, I turn her around in my arms. “I love you.” Before she has a chance to reply, I lower her back a little and kiss her hard.

“That is just gross, Daddy,” Easton says into the mic.

I pull Vivien upright, both of us laughing along with the audience.

“He is such a carbon copy of you,” Vivien says into my ear.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I reply into hers.

“I meant it as one.” She smiles, and I’m relieved I’m not in the doghouse.

Tucking her under my arm, I maneuver us so we’re facing the crowd again. “This woman is the love of my life and the only woman who has ever owned my heart. Every love song I’ve written from the time I’ve met her has been about her. She completes me in every way possible.”

I hope someone records this and puts it online, and I hope Aoife sees it. Last I heard, she is back living with her folks after she lost everything in court. She had to liquidate all her assets, and she still fell short. She’ll be paying us back every year for the rest of her life, and it will be a constant reminder of all she’s lost thanks to her jealousy and her greed.

I stand in front of Vivien, taking her hand and bringing it to my mouth. My lips linger on her skin as I drink her in, my heart consumed with love for her. “I only ever want to exist with you, Vivien Grace. This song is for you.”

The crowd swoons, and I know once we start the song I’ll have them eating out of my hand.

I lift Vivien up onto her stool, planting another kiss on her lips before rejoining my son. East is sitting, so I’ve chosen to do the same. This song is a little different than most of our stuff, and it lends itself to this acoustic version. I put my lips to the mic, speaking to the crowd. “This is ‘Exist with You.’”

I keep my eyes locked on Vivien as I sing the words that have come directly from my soul. A deathly hush has settled over the crowd as they listen. Easton messes up a couple of times, but he catches up, and I’m so freaking proud of him. To deliver a performance like he’s just done at six years of age proves this little guy is destined to belong on stage. Whether it’s a rock stage or a theater stage remains to be seen.

Vivien is crying by the time we finish to massive applause from the audience. Scooping Easton into my arms, I walk toward her as she rushes across the stage, throwing her arms around us. “Dillon,” she croaks. “That was so beautiful.” She kisses me before turning her attention to East. “I am so proud of you, Easton. You were awesome! You are every bit as talented as your daddy.” She dots kisses all over his face, and he beams, delighted with her praise and high off his performance.

“We’re going to wrap this up now,” I say, placing Easton on his feet. “Go wait with Ash.” I kiss her again because I can’t get enough of her tonight. I crouch down to Easton, opening my arms, and he gives me a massive hug. “You did amazing, buddy. I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

“I loved it, Daddy! Can I do it again?”

I straighten up, chuckling. “The tour is over tonight, and we’re going home soon, but there will be more tours and more opportunities to join us, I promise.” I ruffle his hair. “Time to go with Mommy.”

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