Home > A Crowe's Song(52)

A Crowe's Song(52)
Author: Leddy Harper

She rolled her eyes as her neck and cheeks glowed pink and grabbed her cell off the nightstand next to me. “It’s almost nine. Don’t you have to do some work today?”

“I have a few things to do, but they won’t take long. I can probably have them all done within a couple of hours. And I’ve already told the kitchen staff that I won’t be in tonight, so I don’t have to worry about that.”

“Why would you cancel your shift?”

She either truly didn’t know why I would call off work her last night here or wanted to hear me say it. It didn’t really matter one way or the other, because I answered her anyway, “Well, I thought I could spend time with you instead. But if you don’t want to…”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said with a teasing tone and curled lips. “Of course I want to.”

“Good. But in the meantime, what would you like to do?”

Glancing at her phone again, she checked the time before returning it to the side table. “Well, if I will be with you this evening, I should probably get all my stuff together so I don’t end up leaving anything. And I have to call my mom. I texted her last night to let her know I was all right, but I’m sure she’ll want to hear from me once more before I leave.”

I didn’t like the idea of her packing up her things, but there was nothing I could do about it. And I certainly wasn’t going to mention my issue with it, especially when I couldn’t understand it myself, so it wasn’t like I would even be able to explain. It was best to let things play out the way they were meant to and leave it at that.

“And you have work to do,” she said right before lowering her head to press her soft lips to my neck just below my ear. It was something she’d discovered last night—the sensitivity of that spot and the reaction it caused. So the fact that she did it again meant she either wasn’t as sore as I’d thought or didn’t care how tender she was.

“Yeah, well…you’re making it kind of hard.”

“Kind of?” She wiggled her bottom, situating my growing erection between her warm and wet folds. “Feels a little more than kind of hard. Which is actually a good thing, because if it wasn’t, that would mean I wasn’t doing it right.”

“Oh, so this is what you want?” I flipped her over, pinning her between my body and the mattress. Situating myself between her legs, I rolled my hips, adding pressure to her clit and causing her eyes to close. The barely-there exhales that slipped past her parted lips were enough to let me know I’d hit the right spot. “You’re insatiable, woman.”

The corners of her mouth curled more and more until her cheeks were high and round. “What can I say…you’re a hell of a lot better than a toy.”

Grabbing her hip, I slid back, positioned myself at her entrance, and thrust forward, proving just how much better I was.



There was nothing in the world sexier than seeing Kenny with wet hair. I wasn’t sure what about it garnered such a reaction from me, but I could only assume it was the knowledge that she’d recently taken a shower. Which made me think about her wet, naked body and how much I greatly enjoyed showering with her.

“Did you get everything taken care of?” I asked as she slid onto the bench seat of the golf cart. Before dropping her off this morning, we’d agreed to do what we needed to get done so we could spend the rest of the day uninterrupted. So the second I finished dealing with my daily tasks, I raced to her cabin to pick her up.

“Yup. I’m all yours for the rest of the day.” She leaned against me and planted a quick, intimate peck on my lips. It was the first time we’d greeted each other that way, and while I hadn’t expected it, it was quite a nice surprise.

It made me wonder what it would be like to experience that every day. I’d spent so long feeling lonely and accepting my fate of never having a real relationship that I’d never let myself imagine what it would be like to have someone waiting at home for me. To have someone greet me at the door as I walked in or kiss me when I entered a room. And that one tiny exchange—likely something she hadn’t put much thought into—was all it took to know without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted to have that.

“I told my mom about you,” she said, breaking through my thoughts and making me very aware that I hadn’t moved since she kissed me.

I released the brake and slowly began to turn around in front of her cabin. “Oh, yeah? Did you tell her how amazing I am?”

Her giggles floated in the breeze and swarmed me like a whirlwind, sweeping me up in the melodic sound. “Pretty much. She asked what I’d been up to and why I didn’t call last night, so I told her that I was hanging out with you. And of course, I couldn’t do that without telling her about you, so I told her about meeting you the first night here and how you kind of own the place. She sounded rather impressed.”

“Wait…how much did you tell her? Not everything, right?”

“Should I not have?”

My stomach knotted and my throat closed, making breathing almost impossible. It also didn’t help that my chest had tightened, squeezing the life out of my lungs, making it that much harder to get the amount of oxygen needed to stay alive. Then again, it seemed as though my options were to die from self-suffocation or by the hands of a very angry mother.

“I’m just kidding,” she said, laughter billowing out around us. She must’ve found my reaction comical, because she slapped her hand to her chest and dropped her head back. “All I said is that we’ve hung out every day, and how you took me to the falls and out on the boat. Trust me, I did not give her all the details. We’re close, but we’re not that close.”

“I’m not going to lie, Kenny…that is very good to know.”

“She sounded skeptical, though, like she didn’t want to voice her opinion until I got home. Which means she probably thinks I have a crush on you or something.”

I waited and waited for her to make a comment about that. I would’ve taken anything—a laugh, a giggle, red cheeks. Anything. But when she acted like what she said was no big deal, as if she’d just told me what she had for lunch, I decided to test the waters. “Well, you do, don’t you? You can’t possibly be the only woman immune to my charm.”

“Oh, yeah. Sure thing, Drew.” Sarcastic humor dripped from her voice. “I’m utterly infatuated with you. In fact, I was going to propose to you tonight, but you’ve ruined that now, so I guess I’ll have to leave it and hope I’ll get another chance in the future to make you mine.”

“Laugh all you want, but we both know you’ll miss me.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught her pulling her mouth to one side and biting the inside of her cheek as she stared off into the wilderness around us. “She did have good news, though.”

The change in topic practically gave me whiplash. “News about what?”

“Do you remember what I was telling you the other night about how my mom has been fighting with the courts over my grandfather’s estate? Well, she found out yesterday that the judge granted emergency access to his financial assets.”

“Wow, that is really good news. So now she can take care of him without having to stress about money?”

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