Home > Sweet, Sexy Heart(68)

Sweet, Sexy Heart(68)
Author: Melissa Foster

She was so personable during dinner, she got to know all about Tyrell’s and Clay’s families, and Troy shared pictures of his daughter. They laughed a lot, and when Tyrell asked if she had any single sisters, she told them she had one who never left her research laboratory and another who was probably tougher than all of them.

By the time Dash led her to the dance floor after dinner, he was so in love with her, he ached with it. He gazed into her eyes as they swayed to the music. “I’m so glad you’re here with me. Are you having fun?”

“I’m having the time of my life. Your friends are so fun, and you guys are so close. I bet you miss them a lot.”

“Yeah, I do. But we stay in touch.”

He held her closer as Tyrell and Clay sauntered over and began slow dancing with each other next to them. He narrowed his eyes. What are you up to?

“Oh, Tyrell,” Clay said in a high-pitched voice. “When you look at me like that it makes me all squishy inside.”

Amber giggled.

“Baby, I’ll make you feel something inside, but it ain’t squishy.” Tyrell’s deep laughter followed.

“I have a brother who might be perfect for you guys,” Amber teased.

“Hey, if he’s as cute as you, he can be my wingman,” Tyrell said.

Clay tsked, feigning disgust. “Tyrell, you two-timing scoundrel.” He spun on his heel and stomped off the dance floor.

“Now I’m in trouble. I better go put my boy’s ego back together.” Tyrell winked and headed off the dance floor.

“Idiots.” Dash shook his head.

“I adore them, and they obviously love you to pieces.”

“They feel the same about you, sweetheart.” Each of his buddies had snuck in a few words about how great Amber was and how happy they were for him.

She looked up at the lights and the stars dangling from the ceiling, and she sighed dreamily. “This has been the best night ever. The best day and night. I hope I didn’t embarrass you at the card tables. It was just so fun, I couldn’t hold in my excitement.”

“Baby, what did I tell you before? You could never embarrass me. You outshine everyone in this room. In this state. Hell, on the planet.”

“There you go, making me feel like the belle of the ball again.”

“You’ll always be the belle of my ball.” He pressed his lips to hers and whispered, “Sorry about your lipstick. I had to do it.”

“More, please.”

He lowered his lips to hers, and they kissed and danced to several songs, their bodies pressed together, the fire between them growing hotter by the second. “What do you say we get out of here?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”


AMBER TRIED TO focus as they made a quick round of goodbyes, promising to get together with Dash’s friends soon, but she was too sidetracked by the lust consuming her. They hurried out to the limo. She craved Dash’s touch and couldn’t get her lips on him fast enough. Thank goodness for the partition blocking the driver’s view of them. Dash lifted her onto his lap, and she gathered her dress around her thighs, straddling him as they made out like long-lost lovers. His arousal was tempting and insistent beneath her. She whimpered into their kisses. His hands moved beneath her dress, over her panties.

“Ruffles?” He gritted out, “God, I love you.”

Reclaiming her lips more demandingly, he pushed his hands into her panties and palmed her bare ass. She ground against him, his hips rocking urgently and needfully. Even through their clothes, the friction was overwhelming. Her sex swelled and pulsed, heat eating her up like wildfire.

She reached down, frantically working his pants open. She was desperate, greedy, her body igniting at the prospect of taking him right there. It was completely out of the realm of anything she’d ever imagined doing, and she wasn’t about to stop. She freed his cock, and their eyes locked as her hand circled his thick shaft and she rose onto her knees. He tugged her panties to the side, and she held his dark and dirty stare as she sank down, taking in every inch of him. She felt her body stretching, squeezing, needing. Lightning scorched through her, drawing a needful sound from her lungs.

He grabbed her hair with both hands, dragging her mouth toward his, growling, “How am I going to leave you tomorrow?”

He crushed his mouth to hers, slicing her last thread of restraint. She gripped the back of the seat, riding his cock fast and hard, every stroke earning more hungry, passionate sounds that drilled into her, turning her on even more, making her want to see him lose himself in her. He held her ass so tight, she was sure it would bruise, and she didn’t care. She’d wear those marks proudly, remembering every second of the titillating sensations enveloping her, the greed driving her, and the orgasm building inside her, pulsing and pumping, mounting to painful levels. He moved one hand between them, expertly working the sensitive nerves that sent her head reeling back, moans and whimpers escaping through gritted teeth. Her eyes closed as pleasure slammed into her in turbulent waves, taking her up, up, up, then crashing over her, sending her soaring. Just as she caught her breath, she was hit with another relentless wave, pummeling her in a maddening, erotic rhythm like nothing she’d ever known. Dash pushed off the back cushion, fiercely reclaiming her mouth as he gave in to his own magnificent release. He groaned into their kisses, tugging her hair, their teeth gnashing, bodies bucking, a symphony of sexual sounds floating around them, until she collapsed against him, and his head fell to her shoulder, their bodies jerking with sporadic tremors.

When their blissful, hazy state finally started to clear, Amber realized they were stopped at the curb outside his condominium complex. “Ohmygosh. We’re here.” She scrambled off his lap, and he quickly put himself back together, but he didn’t move to get out of the car.

His head lolled back. “Damn, baby. You destroy me.”

Nervous giggles bubbled out, and he laughed, too, tugging her into another kiss.

She pointed to the driver standing on the sidewalk with his back to the car. “He knows what we did.”

Dash had a goofy grin on his face.

“Oh God! You’ve done this before, haven’t you? You think I’m being ridiculous.”

He shook his head. “No, baby. It’s a first for me, too. I was just thinking about how I’ve gone years protecting my reputation, and when you and I are together, I can’t hold back. Nothing else matters. Nothing else exists.”

“Yeah, well, see these red cheeks?” She pointed to her burning cheeks. “They matter. What now?”

He pulled her closer, whispering, “Now you’ll have to make an honest man out of me.”

“Stop making jokes.” She laughed, because what else could she do? Die from mortification?

“You’re right. We have no choice. We have to kill him to protect our secret.”

She buried her face in his shoulder. “Dash.”

“Come on, wild thing. I’ll protect you from his evil, knowing gaze.”

And Dash did just that. He tucked her beneath his arm, shielding her from the driver as they made their way into the building and straight into the elevator, where she wished she could climb beneath his skin and never have to leave him again.


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