Home > Tarnished (Triple Canopy #4)(46)

Tarnished (Triple Canopy #4)(46)
Author: Riley Edwards

“I’m coming,” she mewed.

I didn’t need to be told, I could feel it.

“Take it, baby.”

She stopped bouncing and started grinding. Each rock of her hips brought me closer, each flutter of her pussy closer, every twitch closer. Until I couldn’t hold back and came with her.


A breathy groan. So damn sexy.

“Fuck, baby.”

I could say no more. I was swept under, waves of pleasure washed over me. I released her hair only to hold on to her hips, keeping her rooted deep.

Rooted deep.

Me in her.

Her on me.

Exactly the way it was meant to be.






Being driven to work with an entourage wasn’t something that I ever thought I’d experience. But there I was in the passenger seat being chauffeured by Logan with Echo and Lenox following us. And if that wasn’t enough Jasper and Brady were standing out front of the building waiting for us.

Logan pulled into a spot, Echo parked on one side, Lenox parked on the other and as soon as Logan turned off the car he turned to me.

“Wait for me to come around.”

Then without waiting for me to answer he was out of the Suburban and rounding the hood, his eyes scanning the lot. My door opened and I was hauled out—as in Logan reached in and scooped me out of the seat and set me on my feet. Once there, his arm slid around my shoulders, and if I hadn’t already been freaked right the fuck out, Echo, Lenox, Brady, and Jasper meeting us at the car and flanking Logan and me as we walked across the parking lot would’ve done it.

By the time we walked into TC what little calm I had was gone. Not that I’d had all that much since I’d woken up and found Logan on-edge which only fueled my anxiety. The men dispersed and Logan halted me in front of my desk.

“Not taking any chances, Ren,” Logan reminded me for the five hundredth time.

“I know.”

The reminders started as soon as Logan had pulled me out of bed and guided me to the shower. He continued through getting dressed, coffee, when we walked out of the house and I saw Echo and Lenox waiting for us, and every five minutes on the way to work. I will admit I had difficulty being in a vehicle, and it didn’t help that Logan lived around the corner from my house—or I should say my old house—so the route to work was the same. I knew if Logan could’ve taken an alternate route, even if it added an hour to our drive, he would’ve. But unfortunately, there was only one road for him to take.

“Ethan will be here in a few minutes.”

This was a reminder as well. Ethan had called before we left the house to give Logan a heads up he was coming in this morning with his partner Jace.

“I know,” I repeated.

“And Jackie—”

“Logan, I know Jackie’s coming by to have lunch with me. I know Ethan’s on his way. And I know you’re not taking risks. I know you’re worried about me but I’m fine.”

That last part was a little white lie that I felt no guilt telling. Logan looked more worried than I felt.

“Plus, you’ll be with me when I talk to Ethan and Jace. Everything’s fine.”

“You said you were scared.”


I tilted my head back and to the side so I could catch his gaze. Logan helped accomplish this by dipping his chin and holding mine.

“Yesterday, you said you were scared.”

I was wrong. Logan didn’t look more worried than I felt. He looked conflicted.

“Yesterday I was terrified when we were being shot at. I was horrified when I had to return fire. I was scared about everything. I will admit driving in wasn’t pleasant, it was a little scary being back on the same road. But I had you next to me. It’s a little alarming having a police escort to work, but I understand when it’s necessary and I’m not stupid enough to turn down people looking after us. And I’ll remind you that last night you were worried I wouldn’t be able to sleep and I did that just fine because I went to bed knowing you were there.”

That was the God’s honest truth. I slept like a baby in Logan’s—now mine, too—big comfortable bed with super-soft sheets that Dee had bought, washed, and put on the bed. Incidentally, today after work we were all going back to my house to pack up and move more stuff to Logan’s—personal items since Quinn had practically carted all of my clothes to Logan’s yesterday. Then Dee, Ian, and Jackie would be staying there instead of at a hotel. Dee had declared she was staying until she felt Logan and I were no longer in danger. Ian being madly in love with Dee had backed her play and simply called his office to tell them he wasn’t coming back as planned. Jackie seemed to be content to stay. That might have had something to do with a certain six-foot-five blue-eyed beast of a man, but I wasn’t bringing that up to Logan.


“Will you stay with me?”

“Fuck yeah!”

“Then I’m fine.”

“Ren, baby—”

“Stop, Logan. You’re freaking out over nothing.”

His eyes flashed and he leaned in closer.

“You being terrified is something. You being horrified is something. You being scared and there not being a goddamn thing I can do about it until I find Guy is something.”

There it was—Logan couldn’t hide his fear.

And he was pissed he couldn’t control my fear. The same way he couldn’t control his mom getting beaten, or his sisters getting hurt, or his own safety when he was a kid. Whether his protective instincts came naturally or they were beaten into him the way he once thought that his capacity to love was beaten out of him didn’t matter. He was the one who was terrified but he wouldn’t appreciate me pointing that out. So I took a different approach.

“What do you need from me?” I asked.

“Need from you?”

“Yes, what do you need from me to make you understand that even though I’m scared all I need is you?”

The worry slid from his features and a new look took its place. Something gentle—no, more than gentle—tender. It made my heart stop beating and my breath catch.

“Baby,” he whispered.

I lost sight of his eyes when his face went to my neck and his arms wrapped tighter. I had no choice but to return the embrace—not that I’d ever choose differently. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

“We’re going to get through this,” I told him. “Ethan’s a friend; you know he’d never hurt me. Jasper, Levi, Lenox, and Clark are kicking in with bodyguard duty. Echo is, too. All the guys are working double-time to find the driver and the passenger. Ian’s helping Dylan. We have good men all around us pitching in, protecting us. And, Logan, I have you. I know I’m safe. I know you’re safe. I’ll be okay. But I need to know what you need so you’re not—”

“You’re right,” he interrupted me. “About everything.”

“As much as I like hearing I’m right, you still haven’t answered.”

Logan’s head came up but he didn’t loosen his hold when he said, “I need you to let me worry. I need you to let me be me and part of that is you understanding that I’ve got no control over the situation which pisses me the fuck off. I need you to let me do what I feel I need to do to keep you safe, even if that means I got men camped on the front lawn. And I need you to roll with that—me being me even if that means I go overboard.”

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