Home > Mated Enemies(9)

Mated Enemies(9)
Author: Jordan Silver

Once again she looked around as if sensing my presence, and swear to fuck she looked right at me before turning and running hell bent for leather away from the woods back to her home. I know she couldn’t see me in my invisible form but damn it sure looked like she had. I’m pretty sure she’d sensed me though, and the fact that she’d ran told me that this shit wasn’t going to be easy.

I felt the elders leave and breathed a sigh of relief. I hung my head, giving myself time to collect my thoughts and bring my senses under control before soaring towards my bike and heading for home. There was much for me to think about, much to plan.

First I have to think of my approach. Among other things she’s going to be my queen so from beginning to end she must be handled with the utmost care and respect. What a fucking mess. I have six days to talk a woman who I’m sure was taught all her life to fear me and my kind into letting me fuck her.

A situation that can cause her death if things go wrong. As it stands my cock is already ready to revolt and this was only the first day, or half at least. I know the more time passes and the more exposure I have to her this shit is only going to get worst.

I also know that now that I’m aware of her I won’t be able to stay away. The problem is that she doesn’t have to accept me if she doesn’t want to. She’s not under the same bullshit curse as I am, where she has to mate with the one who imprinted on her. I’d like to find the fuck who came up with that shit and skin his ass in the desert.






That was weird. I could’ve sworn there was someone, or something in the woods just then. I looked around once more sensing that presence strongly, but seeing nothing, carried on to the water. My dreams had chased me out of bed and this was the only way I knew to clear my mind.

I played in the water feeling the unease dissipate as I splashed and dove to the bottom before coming up for air. It was then that I noticed the strange actions of the fish, they weren’t following me up to the surface like they usually do.

Wait! I looked around the woods trying to see into the trees as I recalled the absence of my four legged friends when I made my way here. That’s odd! I can always expect an escort to the water whenever I make this trek.

It’s the only time they’re not fighting with each other and something I look forward to. But today they were eerily silent. That feeling of being watched grew stronger and I climbed from the water much sooner than I’d planned.

As my feet touched land that overpowering feeling hit me again, stronger this time. It was the same feeling from before, the one that’s been dogging my steps for weeks, months, only it was more intense than before. I felt as if something was standing close to me, something I couldn’t see. A presence that was close enough to touch.

My skin began to tingle and my fight or flight kicked. I grabbed my gown and pulled it on in one fluid motion as I ran back towards the house somehow knowing that I couldn’t win against whatever was out there.

My heart thundered in my chest when I bounded into the house and closed the door behind me, slamming the bolt shut. But just as soon as the feeling of fear came it went away again, only to be replaced by something new, something I’ve never felt before.

What’s out there? I peeped through the glass that ran along the side of the thick mahogany door and saw nothing, not even when I opened up my senses and searched the darkness.

My pulse raced as the feeling intensified and I felt a strange sensation between my thighs. Lifting my gossamer gown slowly above my thighs I looked down to see wetness there, a wetness that did not come from the stream.

Sticky, with a hint of arousal. Sudden realization dawned and I shook my head in denial. It can’t be, but I knew that it could and is. But why would my mate instill fear in me, and why hadn’t anyone told me that the time was near? Granted it can come at anytime and sometimes without warning.

Is that why I’ve been seeing the strange man in my dreams? But who was he? I know most of my people and he did not look like anyone I’ve ever met. Besides, in my dreams he seems much darker than my kind who happens to be fair.

Unless he’s some weird mix like myself. Then again if he were like me why couldn’t I feel him, sense him completely? Why had he been shielding if he is in fact my mate? It was too confusing and I called out to my mother with my mind.

She didn’t answer which was strange but she could be asleep seeing as she was in a completely different time zone. No, she’s never ignored my call before. Is something going on? It’s amazing how many avenues the mind can go down when things are out of order.

Okay Natalia think! You’ve been having weird dreams about a handsome sexy stranger, some strange feeling has been following you around for weeks, and you just sensed what or who may or may not be your mate out in the woods surrounding your home.

I’d always expected my mate would be one of my kind, that’s the way it’s always been and what the one who would be leader of her clan should expect. There were more than enough suitable candidates among the fae after all.

So why did I get the sense that this man I’ve been seeing was not someone known to me, was somehow different? I tried to remember if anything had ever been said in the past. Of course there has been talk about my future marriage over the years.

As the one who would lead my people my marriage is of the utmost import. But no one had ever said who or when I would be married. My mind traveled back in time to conversations of the past but I still came away with more questions than answers.

I decided to put it aside until I could talk to my mother later. I’m sure she’d have the answers and me making myself crazy wasn’t going to help anything. It helped that I have enough faith in the elders to know that whoever they choose will be right for me. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something afoot.

All through my shower and as I got ready for school that odd feeling stayed with me. My body felt strange to my touch, sensitive, and I knew what it meant. It was preparing to mate. I tasted fear on my tongue, fear of the unknown.

Should I tell the others? If what I suspect is true then all our lives are about to change. I’d always hope that we’d find our mates together, had woven dreams of the four of us staying together always. But would my mate be satisfied living in the mortal realm, or would he insist on going back to our ancestral home?

What kind of person will he be? Will we get along? Just because you’re mated for life does not necessarily mean you’ll have a happy and smooth existence. There are countless stories among our kind of marriages that were miserable, loveless unions that lead to empty dispassionate lives.

It’s because sometimes someone may imprint on someone who does not return their feelings, something I find barbaric. At least the humans get to choose, well nowadays they do anyway. There was a time when girls were bound by the choices of their fathers, still is in some cultures come to think of it.

But for us and others like us, it can mean life of death. I rubbed my arms as a shiver ran through me. No sense in looking for trouble. I closed my eyes on a silent prayer as I hoped for the best. I’ve lived my life in such a way that I should be spared the indignity of a loveless marriage.

With that last thought and the knowledge that as the future ruler of my people I wouldn’t be expected to spend my life in misery I tamped down my fear and misgivings and got my sisters up and ready for school. It was getting harder to shield my inner thoughts while appearing normal but I got through breakfast with no one the wiser.

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