Home > Mated Enemies(7)

Mated Enemies(7)
Author: Jordan Silver

“Nowhere near, why, do you need us to come?”

“I might!” My words were beginning to sound like feral growls as my control began to slip. “Dad!” I felt like the young boy I’d once been who needed the shelter of his parents to protect him, something I haven’t felt since my early teens when I started coming into my own.

“You’ll be fine son, I have every faith in you.” He must’ve heard the panic in my voice, that’s why he was speaking to me so calmly. The way you’d talk to a wild thing that was about to lose his shit any second now.

“But our history…” I swallowed hard as my eyes tracked her, not missing anything.

“Yes that, if the prophecy is true, then you two will be the ones to fix all that.” I barely heard him now as he explained just why the elders had decided to fuck me up the ass. “Why the hell am I the one to fix their shit?”

“Because you are our leader. You’re the only one with the power and the wherewithal to withstand that particular test. Your mother and I have every faith that you can do this son, just stay calm.”

I wasn’t too sure about that. Already I could feel the crazy need that would turn into true madness if this shit went wrong as I followed her through the woods to the water’s edge. I’m not afraid of much, not anything to be honest, but the thought of what I could possibly do to her if she refused me left me cold.

“Dad, can’t I have a second choi…whoa.” She chose that moment to drop the gown she’d been wearing and I saw all of her for the first time.

“Go away dad, no looksees.” I heard him grin as he faded away, but someone else took his place.

“What the fuck do you lot want?”

“Young master Star, that is no way to greet your elders.”

“You meddling fucks did this didn’t you? Wait, can you see her?” I moved as if to hide her body from view even though I knew that was impossible.

“No, we’re just here for the first meeting between you two. To make sure all goes well.” You mean to make sure I don’t lose my shit and level the whole damn town. Why the fuck didn’t y’all think of that before?

I turned my attention back to her now, holding the rising lust in check by sheer force of will. She was perfect. Her body was pale as the moonlight that had just disappeared, her hair dark as the deepest part of the forest away from any form of light.

The red of her lips was natural, like crushed berries in the warmth of spring. And when she turned around abruptly as if sensing me, the blue of her eyes were like an ice-cold fjord in the Norse country. They were like diamonds shining out of the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen.

Damn, I could see why they’d chosen her. Then again they wouldn’t have known what she’d look like when they made the decision to pair us together, that’s not how this works. But was her beauty a good thing or bad? If she denied me the shit could very well be her undoing.

Her body was ripe; her breasts would easily overflow my palms. Her waist was tiny, her stomach flat over the sweet flare of her hips. And that place between her thighs was a deep vee of hidden secrets beneath the silky bush of hair that grew there.

It was the way she moved that told me what she was before my senses finally interpreted for me. I actually took a step back in disbelief. Nymph and faerie mix, with a touch of human. “The fuck!” How can this be?

This felt like a set-up or someone in very high position was very upset with me. There can be no other explanation for the fuckery that is this. I don’t have the temperament to be mated to a nymph and everyone knows this.

My possessive nature could not bear the strain of having a mate with her sensuality and her natural need to flirt seductively with every man within ten feet, even if she didn’t mean to carry through with the promise of what she offered.

Her very nature could cause me to harm her. But the deeper fear for me now was what had happened to that other unlucky pair all those centuries ago. Another one of her kind that had been matched with one of mine.

He’d waited too long to find her and by the time he did the madness was upon him and he ended up killing her by mistake when she resisted him. We’ve never been a good mix her kind and mine for all the reasons I’ve already mentioned. Why would they do this? Hadn’t they learned the last time?

It had caused a rift between our people that still lasted to this day. Not that there had been any love lost between the two factions before. We’ve always been at odds with each other. It’s the reason my ancestor’s intended had resisted him, out of fear.

Not because she did not want him, which no one will ever know, but because among the fae, vampyre are reviled and looked down upon as something dark and evil. While they themselves are of the light. It is true that my people didn’t have the most enviable of beginnings.

No one really knows how we came to be in fact. But the prospects are not good. We know that we were made from another race of people that had existed before time begun, but how or why is still up for debate. Our true ancestry goes back way longer than we have been, but those records are lost to us.

My people came into public awareness for the first time sometime back in the beginning of the relatively new Babylonian empire, before that we’d remained hidden in plain sight for millennia. Some nosy ass human had seen one of us in our true form quite by accident as the story goes and the myths and legends begun.

But not even they can recount the true story of how we came to be. There are legends of course, everyone has those. But even in our most ancient writings there is a cloud of secrecy surrounding our very beginnings.

Some say the first of us was born from the mating of an angel and a human woman. Still others say it was an angel not of the light, but of the dark one. There might be a bit of truth in both tales.

Some of us are darker than others. I happen to fall somewhere in the middle. My family is one of the most ancient of our kind. Pure of line. We’ve never mixed with anything other than our own. Over the centuries that purity has gained us more strength, making us the noble house not only by blood, but also by our powers.

My ancestor and hers would’ve been the first bond of our kinds to intermarry. Something that had been frowned upon at the time. But for my ancestor there had been no choice.

Once the call of your mate is heard, it matters not who she or he may be, you must answer or suffer a fate worse than death, or even death itself.

After she’d died at his hands, her people had called for his head. The mythical ones who live on the outskirts of humanity had gathered together and decided that he should be destroyed.

The animosity between the different factions had been festering for some time before then. But as long as we stayed out of each other’s way, there was never anything more than a few skirmishes here and there.

That little episode had taken things to a whole new level and it was now everyone else against the vampyre. Most of them stay out of our way though because they know, in this fight, they’re bound to lose.

The wolves are still pains in the ass from time to time and every once in a while they’d get a wild hair and start some shit that they never win. It’s amazing to me that they’re so much more readily accepted than us. Not that me and mine give a fuck. We haven’t suffered any major loss for lack of their friendships. Fuck ‘em.

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