Home > Mated Enemies(20)

Mated Enemies(20)
Author: Jordan Silver






If I force her she’d probably hate me for the rest of her life, and that’s something I could never bear. I know only too well how it feels to be at the end of that shit, having someone dogging your heels when you have no interest. Will I become like that now? Will this be my life?

Hell no, I refuse to believe that she can be that indifferent to me. She hadn’t been when I had her pressed up against that tree, but that was physical. Her horny ass nymph would hump that very tree if she were in the mood. I want more.

What the hell is wrong with my thinking? Since when had I become this hump? When you took one look at her bare ass naked going into the water. Oh yeah! Was that only yesterday? I was tempted to call my parents and whine but that made me sound like too much of a little bitch so I benched the idea.

I was making myself crazy and knew I had to go back. As dangerous as it was, being there with her was better than this, this might lead to me doing some harmful shit to her or someone else. I have enough control to leave when shit gets to be too much. Hadn’t I proven that earlier?

I sat there souping myself up, convincing myself that it was okay to return to her side even

after that very close call. The clock was running out though and I really don’t have much of a choice. At least I’d found a way in with the cardinal. Wonder how she’s handling his disappearance?

I ended up heading downstairs with the rest after I heard them return to kill some time until well into the night. The house seemed a bit fuller than before I left and I called Vespasian over to my side covertly while his brothers and cousins were busy playing billiards on my two hundred year old table.

“What’s going on? Why are our uncles here?” He cleared his throat and looked down at his folded hands.

“Some of the others thought that maybe it would be best. I don’t know what the elders were thinking, and grandfather too. They know that since you outrank all of us it won’t be easy for us to get you to do our bidding. But since the uncles are older…”

He looked at me sheepishly. “What exactly did our grandfather say?” He looked around behind him like he was telling state secrets or some shit. “Well at first he wanted us to bring you home, but the elders talked him out of it. He’s afraid that something might go wrong and he already has the Magi looking into ways to cure you if… you know…”

“So the old man thinks I’m going to lose my mind.”

“Not necessarily, I think he just doesn’t want to take any chances after the last time. It was his son that was lost after all.” I turned the glass of cognac in my hand and studied it as I let his words sink in.

“And now?”

“Well since the elders convinced him that it was better to let you try with your mate, he decided to send the uncles here as backup. They’re not going to get in your way, they’re just here in case…”

“Got it. You go on and play I’ll sit here for a while then I have somewhere to go.”

None of them approached me but I knew they were very aware of my presence in the room. It’s the same reason my parents had gone into hiding. There can be no interference at this time, it’s like letting your kid ride his bike without training wheels for the first time. You just let him go and watch as you hope for the best.

That and the fact that mom would lose her shit and try to stand in the way. Any suggestion that I might be hurt, that I may not come out of this thing unscathed and she’d battle the whole sky clan to protect her baby boy. That reminds me of Natalia and the way she’d called out for her mom who never answered. Had her parents been ordered to stay away as well?

That would make sense, since they’re under our rule it would make sense for the elders to step in and give them orders to stay put until the deed is done. No doubt they’re also terrified for their daughter. What a mess.



The sun had been down for hours and I still sat there alone in the dark. I’d left the others long ago for some peace and quiet and to keep my head clear. I’d already decided on my next course of action and had peeked in on her once to see what she was doing.

It’s more like I couldn’t help myself. Her lure was already that strong and we hadn’t even fucked yet, I can’t wait to see how this shit plays out after. As much as I fear what might go wrong, there’s a part of me that’s excited. This is my engagement after all. Though instead of a ring all she’ll get is a hard cock and a sore twat; the rings will come later.

This is good; think beyond the mating to what comes next. Like the ceremony that will be attended by my royal family and all the nobles from all the clans, even enemy clans will send out an envoy for something as big as my wedding. They’d better or I’ll singe their asses for disrespecting my wife.

As the future ruling monarchs of the immortals, our wedding will be the biggest party in millennia and thank fuck I won’t have to do shit to bring it about. But the more I imagined her on that day the more at ease I felt. I’m turning into a girl!

I went back to sneaking peeks at her throughout the evening as she went about her usual life; if I didn’t know better I’d swear she was schizophrenic, she kept morphing from one thing to the next. One minute she was soft spoken and sugary sweet when talking with her sisters, and then the next she was bitching, all within the same conversation.

I tried following along but it was almost like watching a play where she played all the leading roles. I got the gist of what was going on from the sisters who teased her about her personality change when she has PMS. So that’s what that is. It sure was fun to watch and listen and I found myself getting lost in her antics.

I was the only one that saw the smile and animation leave her once she retired to her bedroom a few hours later, well me and the bird. She was nervous, afraid and alone. My heart ached. I sent a soft kiss to her brow and hoped it helped.

I made myself look away when she went to take a shower and rolled my eyes when she came back into the bedroom wearing another one of those gossamer gowns again, this one a pastel yellow. How many of those shits does she own anyway?

She walked over and looked out the window and for a moment her thoughts turned to me. I steadied myself as she relived in vivid detail our little encounter against the tree. Where her body heated up naturally with the memory, mine went into overload.

I pulled back quickly before I ended up with another icepack on my balls and downed another glass of cognac. It’s not going to do shit, but it’s something to do while I wait. I’m giving her at least another hour or so to fall asleep before making my return.

I rested my head back against the chair and let my mind drift through the last couple of days. I’ve been so preoccupied with what could go wrong that I haven’t really stopped to enjoy the fact that she was my wife and that a new phase of my life is about to begin.

Some might say the most important part. From and I will come the future monarch, the son who will rule after me. It won’t be for a very long time, but it’s still something my people will look forward to.

Just as my grandfather does not have to die for me to take over the reins, neither will I have to for my son to take my place. It’s just always been this way since my kind does not die, not the high immortals anyway. Though lesser ones can be destroyed. Like Sabrina’s clan.

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