Home > Mated Enemies(21)

Mated Enemies(21)
Author: Jordan Silver

Why did my mind go there? It’s true I feel a bit sorry for her but I have no guilt. I never once encouraged her, never once led her on. But I did once see her as my sister, as someone I cared for. I now realized that her actions in the last years had made me dislike her somewhat. Or was it the thought of what her presence might mean to my wife that now has me feeling this way?

She’d ran off more than a few of my sexual partners and anyone I’d shown an interest in in the past. But because I hadn’t been too invested I never made too much of a big deal about it. But Natalia’s different she’s my mate in every sense of the word. If Sabrina steps out of line with her it can very well lead to me doing something to her that the others may not like, especially my mother.

Since she’d raised her as her own for so long she’s very protective of her. There was a time when she too thought it was a good idea for me to take Sabrina as a side consort. That had only led to hurt feelings and recriminations. I can only imagine what would happen if I snapped and ended her for crossing Natalia. That’s something that everyone should no is grounds for termination, family or not.

As my thoughts turned once again to my mate I had to wonder if she’s someone I’d have chosen for myself if given the chance. It’s not something I ever gave much thought to since I always knew since birth that my mate would be chosen for me.

As to my taste in women, I can’t say that I’ve ever had a preference, perhaps for the same reason. There was no point in getting my feelings overly involved with anyone since I knew there was someone waiting on the horizon. That’s the other reason I never formed any lasting relationships, that and the fact that they all run as fast as they can after getting a taste of the dragon.

There are some who’d have loved to reap the benefits of being the woman on my arm, even those who’d been back for more, but in the end they chose to ability to walk without a limp to another stint in my bed. That’s a crass joke told among my so-called friends, but I suspect there might be some truth to it.

As to my beauty, other than my fear of what being married to a nymph might bring out of me, I can’t say that I find fault with anything about her. She’s a lot more delicate than I’m used to but for some reason, maybe because it’s her, I find that I love that she’s a tiny little bit of a thing.

I’m also growing fond of her quirkiness, the way she flits from one personality to the next. I love her heart, the heart she has to take an injured bird into her home and try to mend it. It’s obvious from the way the animals follow her around that she’s got a good soul, something she’s going to need as my queen and the one who will rule over my people with me.






Something else I haven’t given much thought to since this whole thing begun is the fact that once she becomes my woman in every sense of the word and is crowned Crown Princess Consort her life is going to change.

She may have to leave this place for years on end and I’m not sure how well she’s going to do in the sky kingdom having never been there before. All the stringent rules and regulations may be too much for her free spirited heart. As future queen she wouldn’t be allowed to run free and do all the things she enjoys doing now.

The thought left a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t want that for her, don’t want anyone curtailing her in anyway. How long will she be able to hold onto that innocence that I’ve felt in her beneath the strain of being the wife of a high immortal?

Even her nymph is still wet behind the ears, a mere babe. But that side of her may be more equipped to deal with what lays ahead. Her fairy seems too gentle to deal with what being my wife would entail and I have yet to meet her elf. Maybe that’s why she’d been chosen. That, and the fact that all of the things she’s made up of are the very clans that had fallen away from us after the whole mating debacle from centuries ago. What a coincidence.

If that’s the case then we’re both going to have our work cut out for us. I’d planned that when I took the throne I’d bring all the races back into the fold, that I’d find a way to do it without too much bloodshed.

But it looks like the choice has been taken out of my hands. Our combined forces could more than mend the breach, but first we have to get through the mating. Always I come back to that.

I touched her mind to see where she was hours later and came face to face with myself. She was dreaming of me again. I watched and listened for a few minutes before pulling back once more. She wish! Her dream me was a real gentleman and from the way she was ordering him around in the little garden in her dream told me all I need to know about her crazy ass.

I gave her another hour before going out to the balcony and taking flight. I could’ve taken the bike but this way was faster. Plus I needed to cool night breeze to keep my mind clear before going to her. I landed just outside her bedroom door and listened. The rest of the house was asleep, the only one up was Patrick and I shushed him as soon as he opened his beak to sound the alarm.

‘Go to sleep.’ No sooner had I said the words than he lowered his head and fell into a deep sleep that should keep him the hell out of my business at least ‘til morning. I opened the door and walked slowly, stealthily into the room that was lit only by the moon.

I walked over to the bed where I could hear her soft gentle breathing and stood looking down at her. She looked like an angel with her hands clasped beneath her cheek as she slept. Those lips of hers were a direct challenge to my self-control. They looked like they were made for kissing, my kisses.

Her alabaster skin was free of blemish except for the single freckle on the tip of her pert little nose. My eyes travelled down to the slope of her breasts beneath the light gown that his nothing. And since she wasn’t wearing a bra her red tinged nipples were plain to see. I guess her nymph chose her night wear.

I stood over her for the longest while, fighting the urge to touch her. My mind and body was more relaxed now though, now that I was here with her again. The hours away were agony and I knew tomorrow will be even worst, it’ll only get harder the longer I wait to take her, but…

I turned away and sat on the bedside chair watching her all the while for any sign that she was aware of my presence while I removed my boots as quietly as possible before placing them under the table out of the way.

She didn’t stir, not even when I got to my feet and approached the bed again. I gingerly lifted the light sheet she had thrown across her hips and climbed into bed beside her with my eyes peeled on her face the whole time. If she woke up now it will be game over.

Once I laid my head on the pillow beside her without incident I breathed a sigh of relief and let myself relax and take in everything. I’ve never felt such peace before in my life the feeling was instantaneous. As soon as my head hit the pillow it was as if there was no one else in the world but her and I.

There were no worries or fears plaguing my mind and my heart felt light, full joyful. I turned my head to look at her while I laid on my back and took in her sleeping face in repose. Those damn lips! I covered my dick with my hand and willed myself not to move on her when it sprung to attention at the first hint of her scent.

Why am I doing this shit again? She’s mine, I can take her now and no one can stop me, not even her. Lucien you fuck, you better not! ‘But she’s yours, you’re the crown prince of the sky clan, everything belongs to you. Take her, take her, take her…’

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