Home > Mated Enemies(23)

Mated Enemies(23)
Author: Jordan Silver

I’m still fighting to come to grips with the injustice of it all. It had all happened so suddenly and right at a time when I was finally beginning to think that it might not happen. Lucien was nearing the end of his mating age and it was widely suggested that maybe he might be one of the lucky ones who got to choose his mate and not suffer the restrictions of an imprinting.

Everyone knew it was a hopeless cause; that there was no way the powers that be would leave something as important as choosing his mate unattended. But those whispers had fed my hope and kept me going for a long-long time.

It’s so unfair! We’re a perfect match him and I. Even though I was born to a lesser family and was of less regal birth than his, and my parents had been caught up in a rebellion that had cost them their lives, I’m still better than her, than all the women he’s taken to his bed.

We spent most of my childhood together even though he’s much older than I. And when everyone else made me feel like an outcast, he, the heir to our kingdom had always been by my side. Sticking up for me, and using his place and prestige as heir to the throne to protect me from others.

Even when I crossed the line, when I ran off anyone who he showed an interest in, or anyone who got too close, he never scolded me too harshly. Doesn’t that mean that he harbors tender feelings towards me? I’ve always thought so.

He never once believed anything bad of me, never took sides against me, though he never took my side when he knew I was wrong, that was okay, that’s just what the heir to the sky kingdom should do and I never blamed him for it, those times I got caught doing something I shouldn’t and was taken to task by one of the elders.

He’s been away these past many years while I’ve been stuck here but even then I lived for the times he visited though they grew far and in between as the years went by. I was never allowed to join him on these earthly escapades. And though I’ve had moments where I thought he’d done this to escape my grasp, those moments of doubt never lasted for very long.

Each time I’m plagued with one of those awful thoughts I only have to remember those many days and hours spent together just him and I, studying, or sometimes I’d watch him train with the sword for even longer.

I never grew bored with his company, not even the times when he’d ignore me for hours on end. That was just his way, he was so focused, so hardworking, because he was born knowing that he’d one day be the ruling monarch, not only of our kingdom, but of all the kingdoms of the universe.

“Speak, where is the crown prince? Why have you not answered?” I knew from my servant’s hesitation to answer that I was not going to like what she had to say. “He’s with his mate in the dream world.”

The words sent shocking pain riveting through my system. How many times have I tried luring him into one of my dreams? Not once has he ever answered the call. He’s known her for what, a few days? And already he’s been to his favorite place to think of her and now this.

“You say she’s a fairy, nymph mix?”

“Among other things. Her grandsire is also the elf king and....”

“So what? That’s still nowhere near the pedigree of woman our prince should be coupled with.”

“She’s also the grand niece of Princess Hyacinth of the North Valley kingdom.”

That last caught my attention, it sounded like something I should know. Granted all those hours I’d spent with Lucien in the classroom had been spent studying him more so than the books or listening to anything the old tutor had had to say.

“Why does that name sound so familiar?”

“She’s the fairy princess who was destroyed by the royal uncle during their mating ritual. The one who caused the rift between the kingdoms that has lasted even until today.”

Could that be it? Could that be his reason for giving into this, the reason why he’s going through with it, accepting it so easily? Of course, it’s his sense of duty to his people. He’s always put his clan first above everything else, even his own wants and needs.

What else could it be? Lucien has never loved any of the women who’ve found their way into his bed. I’ve always known this, I know him so well. Yes, that must be it, the pressure from the elders to put his own feelings aside, to sacrifice himself for the reunification of the clans.

The feeling of elation that thought brought didn’t last very long though because right this moment he was with her, sharing something as intimate as a dream spell.

“Did she see her? What did she say she looks like?” Jealousy burned a hole in my chest as I walked slowly over to the mirror that sat on my golden vanity. I saw the same face I always do at least a hundred times a day, golden perfection with the dark eyes of my people. Lucien is counted among the few with lighter eyes but he has the dark locks of our kind, while I was blessed with much lighter hair that stands out from the rest and make me in my opinion, unique.

I have many admirers these days. Once I’d grown out of my awkward stage and the others had come to accept me as part of the monarch’s household through his son and daughter in law who had adopted me into their fold, the teasing and bullying had tapered off somewhat.

These days there is no shortage of men vying for my hand and affection, but I will never accept any of them. No one will ever take his place in my heart. “She looks the same as all her people, only…”

“Only what? Why is it taking you so long to answer me today?”

“She said the girl possesses a unique beauty even among the fae. Her locks are a reddish hue the shade of a rich wine and her eyes are the palest blue, the kind that is prized….” I threw the silver brush from the vanity top at my trusted servant who barely ducked out of the way in time to avoid being hit. How could she say those words to me? Words that cut deep, like a saber each one.

Drusilla dropped to her knees in obeisance and bowed with her head touching the floor. “Forgive me your highness I did not mean to offend.” I took a deep breath that was meant to calm but had no effect whatsoever.

Damn her, why did she have to be beautiful? Why couldn’t she be like all the others? Though not unattractive, there’s never been anything special about any of them but…

“What else did she say? Tell me.”

“She said, she said the crown prince is very protective of his mate, that the reason he hasn’t taken her yet is because he doesn’t want anything to go wrong with the mating that may harm her.”

“She said that?” Drusilla nodded in misery, the same misery I felt at her words. Men usually don’t care too much about the female’s feelings when it comes to the mating ritual. Since the woman will be bound to them forever anyway they never see the need. For Lucien to care this much…

The pain took me to my knees and I crumbled to the floor feeling broken. Drusilla rushed over to my side as the first teardrop fell onto my cheek. “Don’t be sad mistress, it doesn’t mean anything. You know the crown prince has always been kind.”

I knew her words were only meant to appease but still they were just the thing I needed to hear right this second. I patted the hand she rested on my shoulder as I gazed off into space. I was already second-guessing my decision to have someone keep an eye on them.

When the night hag had approached me with the offer I’d jumped at it so desperate was I for news. I knew it was a risky thing to do since they were our sworn enemies and not to be trusted. But they didn’t want Lucien and the fairy mating any more than I do. They have their reasons, which she didn’t share and I could care less.

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