Home > Mated Enemies(5)

Mated Enemies(5)
Author: Jordan Silver

They do not see, they cannot know what danger moves among them, these humans with their short life spans. Had we, and others like us not been here throughout time, I’m afraid they would not have survived as a species, this thing they call humanity, as there are things, those things they cannot see or sense that would’ve done away with them long before now.

But my ancestors have taken up the gauntlet, placed themselves between men and their natural predators to see that their lives go on unhindered and with as little disturbance as possible.

There’s only one thing stronger than us, the only thing we fear and for centuries we’ve stayed out of their way. Hidden away in small towns and villages was our best cover, since our enemy prefers the bright lights and hustle and bustle of a thriving city.

As my eyes drifted closed, I saw a face, the same one I’ve been seeing for the better part of half a year now. Who are you? And why do you seem so familiar when I know without a doubt that we’ve never met?

The warmth that always follow the vision of his amazingly gorgeous face engulfed me as I fell into the darkness of slumber. A name echoed in the recesses of my mind just before I lost consciousness…Lucien…



Outside the wind blew in a strange way as if heralding something to come and in the distance one who as yet did not know of her felt her in the deepest part of himself. “What the fuck?”






My eyes flew open in that final instant just before the sun lost its shadow in the western sky. What was that? I stayed still, straining to hear whatever it was that had interrupted my rest.

My eyes scanned the room as my body remained still. I sensed no imminent danger to myself, but something was a little bit off in the atmosphere. There was something there that hadn’t been the day before when I went to bed.

Whatever it was had been strong enough to intrude on my senses which is not the easiest thing to do. Especially here in the earthly realm where mortals lacked the kind of power it takes to effect a high immortal like myself.

I sent my senses out around my immediate surroundings but felt and saw nothing out of the ordinary. The humans who serve me were already long gone by now and my relatives wouldn’t be here for a few days more at least.

There wasn’t so much as a leaf out of place on the property, so I’m still no closer to figuring out what it was that had disturbed me. Maybe it was just a dream, or a lingering affect from drinking too much the night before. But then I felt it again.

Around me everything remained still except for my heart, which beat erratically in my chest. All of my senses were now wide-awake, and the blood sang sweetly beneath my skin in a way it never has before.

What new excitement is this? After almost two thousand years there isn’t much I haven’t done here or in my home place among the stars.

There was something building inside me as I tried to capture the essence of what it was that had awakened me so suddenly.

There it is again, but no, it wasn’t a sound, it was something…I jumped out of bed when reality hit me in the gut. She’s here!

My pulse raced with lust and anticipation. My incisors elongated at the same pace as my cock and a wild untamed need threatened to consume me.

“It’s about bloody time!” I wonder what she looks like this woman of mine. I’d kept myself from taking a peek all these years but now in the final hours before we finally meet I find it hard to wait.

Control and discipline kicked in and I was able to fight the sudden urge but barely. I was tempted to use my inhuman strength to get ready for the long awaited trip to finally meet my chosen one, but warned myself against it.

With my lust this high it was best that I take my time before going to her. I hope to fuck she’s not human. The elders have a sick sense of humor and sometimes like to play tricks on us unsuspecting immortals. Nothing like spending eternity with someone who won’t live past seventy!

I rushed through my shower though I didn’t need one. My kind have no need of such human traits, but millennia of practice made it necessary. Don’t want to freak out the blood donors with our otherworldly behavior.

Saints forbid a human should ever detect the differences in one such as me. I’d grown tired of having to pick up stakes and move about a thousand years ago when one of my tricks had scared the human help my mother insisted on subjecting me to half to death.

Dad had not been amused that time and even now, even though I no longer have the form of a six-year old boy, but that of a twenty-five year old human male, old habits are hard to break.

I pulled on a new pair of black leather pants and a white Henley leaving the buttons undone. I slipped my feet into black lace up leather boots that came to just below my knees and grabbed the keys to my Harley on my way out the door.

Tonight I needed the coolness of the wind so I bypassed the six luxury cars in the garage bay and chose my favorite bike. The need to get to her was even stronger now that I was outside and I was barely able to saddle my bike because my dick was back on full hard. “Calm your jets! We’re going to get ‘er.”

“Where are you?” I left the estate and flew down the highway letting my senses guide me. I didn’t panic when I couldn’t find her scent right away. I still had seven days before I’d start to lose my mind if I didn’t take her.

That’s the way it is with someone as high up as I am. Once we get the scent of our mate we’re given just a short window of time to find and claim her otherwise the bloodlust that would come upon us could wreak mayhem and chaos for years.

I had no doubt that I’d find her before the night was through though, I’m not the strongest of my kind for nothing. And no one wants what would happen if I can’t find my mate in time so I’m sure this was going to be a walk in the park as the humans say.

Getting her under me might pose a different problem though, some women are very skittish around me, and that’s before they see the size of my cock. But I’ve never failed with a female before, I’ve always been able to bring them around so I’m not too worried.

The fact that some couldn’t return for seconds because their pussies were torn to shit by the monster is a different story altogether. So even though her scent eluded me on the first leg of my ride and my hackles were starting to rise, I didn’t let it bother me I still have more than enough time to find, conquer and mount; no biggie.

Actually that’s a lie. With my luck she might be the first to deny me, and she’s the only one that actually matters. If she makes me work too hard to get inside her things can go way south real fucking fast. That thought was damn near sobering and I felt the first sting of unease.

I tried not to think of my ancestors who’d failed at claiming their mate and the fate they’d faced. It had only happened twice, but both times the results were disastrous. The kind of shit that the elders still whisper about and mothers use as cautionary tales of horror. It’s amazing that after all these years of not letting my dick rule me when so many others around me had that the shit might be my downfall.

I wasn’t about to fail though, so no worries. I flew by the other traffic on the road on my specialized Ducati, grinning as I imagined the phone calls being placed to the authorities about the strange phenomena they’d witnessed.

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