Home > Mated Enemies(6)

Mated Enemies(6)
Author: Jordan Silver

It’s the equivalent of playing with my food. I still do love messing with humans on occasion and one of the ways I do that is by going blazingly fast on my special bike. I could run, or fly faster, but I needed the feel of the bike under me, the power of the engine helped to keep me centered.

I finally picked up her scent again and it didn’t register in my head that she’d been able to hide from me until now. She was on the edge of town, way on the other side from where my home is at least a good half an hour away. I picked up speed, was seconds away from her when I came up short and almost wiped out.

“Fuck me no!” She’s not human but something far-far worst. “What the fuck she’s fae?” That can’t be. I felt the cold finger of dread slide down my spine as I stopped my bike in the woods outside the place where her scent had led me. My mind was going from one place to the next as I tried to make sense of what had to be a mistake. Somebody had fucked up, there’s no other explanation for this shit. But even as I thought it I knew I was only kidding myself. We don’t make these kind of mistakes.

Why is fate fucking with me? I inhaled deeply of her scent and knew that this was a place where she spent a lot of time. Her aroma was very strong here. My last hope after accepting that there was going to be a battle ahead in the coming days was that she was anything but nymph.

My senses only allowed me to capture the fae in her, but there was something else, some hint of something else mixed in with the musky bouquet. My heart thundered in my chest at the implications.

I left my bike lying on its side in the damp leaves of the dank forest and moved towards the edge letting my senses guide me before moving deeper into the thick foliage of the forest.

I sensed more bodies but they were of no interest to me now. The closer I got to her the stronger the pull became until my incisors were damn near cutting into my lip and my cock was about to bust through the leather of my pants. I came to a stop once I was well hidden from view of anyone and anything except the animals that had gone deathly still at my presence, as if I couldn’t sense them there. When will they learn.

A buck went barreling through the trees at break neck speed and the hares started nattering to each other in complaint. “Calm the fuck down, I’m not here for you.” When they didn’t stop their shit I listened in closely to what they were saying to one another. “Oh?”

It seems they were here to protect her…from me. I smiled for the first time since I realized that she was something other than what I expected. I do love a nice little skirmish. I felt the and scented the red fox as it crept up behind me while I stood in place.

“Seriously, you chose today to die? Didn’t I say I wasn’t here for you?” He stopped dead in his tracks just a few feet away from me. I didn’t turn to look at him, I didn’t need to; I could see him well enough in my mind. He was a brave little thing though since he bent my ear with why I shouldn’t be here.

“She’s my woman, now back off and take the rest of these clowns with you before I pick my teeth with you for breakfast.” Well shit, that just started the whole lot of them blabbering some shit. If this was her only line of defense she’s fucked. When their bullshit got on my nerves I turned in the moonlight and showed them my nifty enamel daggers or what the humans call incisors. That shut them the fuck up and made them back away enough to give me my space.

I turned and looked up at the lighted windows of the house up ahead. Could she sense me here? No, that’s part of the problem. If she was one of my kind she would feel me coming to her, but the fae shared nothing with us except a very dark history.

The one and only time one of my kind was imprinted on one of hers, it had ended in a bloodbath that still had repercussions almost three hundred thousand years later. I thought of the legend as I stood there in the dark under the light of the full moon and wondered if I was destined to lose my mind.

There was no use fighting it, there never is. I have to have her if I want to keep my sanity. I could probably take a few days to wear her down, but I know even if she doesn’t come to heel that I’m still going to have to take her one way or the other in order to survive, something that does not sit well with me. I like my women willing.

I was there for what felt like hours just staring at her home, taking in her scent and plotting in my head.

“Natalia!” The name came to me on the wind and I saw her in my mind. My cock grew to its full length in my trousers and my incisors elongated once again.

My every instinct was to scale the walls and search each and every corner of the massive structure until I found her. I knew that was out of the question though. There was bound to be a fight if I took that route and for me that would be like cutting off my own arm.

Because the other side to this fucked up equation is that even though I might end up having to fight her to let me fuck her, it’s anathema to me to ever hurt her, either mentally or physically. Just an added little bonus that some fucked up elder had come up with to fuck with us young’uns.

I have to think. I’ve never had to woo a woman before. I never even have to use my powers of persuasion to get women to share my bed. They usually take one look at me, and if that doesn’t work, the mix of classical British with ancient Venetian accent would always do the trick.

“Fucking fae!” I stood there until the sun was on its way up and though it was a myth that my people cannot bear the light of the sun, I didn’t want to be seen.

I had the strong urge to linger for just one moment more, almost a compulsion and was glad I did. I knew it was her when the figure left the confines of the mansion and headed into the woods heading straight towards me.






I made myself transparent in the split second before she picked her head up as if sensing me there but stood in the same spot watching her. The closer she came the greater the hunger grew and I could feel my need stir as the blood sang in my veins.

I clenched my fists and inhaled deep taking her essence into me until it danced along my blood. This is so fucked, my need was way too strong and all the horror stories of the past came rushing to the forefront of my mind.

Just when I thought I would explode I felt a calming presence surround me. “Mom…dad what the fuck!”

“Watch your mouth boy your mother can hear you.” Yeah, like I had time to worry about that shit right now. And why the fuck is he so calm? Oh, he’s doing that to keep me from popping my leash no doubt.

I gritted my teeth and tried to block out her scent and tried to concentrate on anything else but her and what she was already doing to me. A good screaming match with my parents is just the thing I need. “Did you know about this shit?”

“Yes!” Not now dad. No one word answers like I’m one of your fucking lackeys.

“And you didn’t think to tell me?” I forced the words through gritted teeth. “Why? You would only have stressed over it all these years.”

What the fuck is she? Her essence was eluding me even as she got closer. How many kinds of fae are they anyway? Fucking mutt!

“Where are you?” I panicked as she stepped into the shaded trees where I was still hidden from view and I had to strain to keep from pouncing on her. Whatever the fuck she is this was more than the usual lust I’m supposed to feel towards my mate.

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