Home > An Immortal Guardians Companion(43)

An Immortal Guardians Companion(43)
Author: Dianne Duvall

SHELDON: Alyssa was a gifted one.

SETH: Yes.

SHELDON: Would you explain what that is for the newbies at the network?

SETH: Gifted ones are men and women who were born with extremely advanced DNA that lends them special gifts that ordinary humans lack. Alyssa, for example, could heal with her hands.

SHELDON: That’s awesome.

SETH: Telepathy is another gift. Telekinesis. Teleportation.

SHELDON: I so wish I could teleport.

SETH: I admit that’s a favorite of mine.

SHELDON: What is the source of gifted ones’ advanced DNA?

SETH: You’ve asked me that before and know I won’t tell you.

SHELDON: Because bloodshed always follows when you do?

SETH: Yes.

SHELDON: Dude, that is so annoyingly cryptic.

SETH: [shrugs]

SHELDON: Fine. So you liked Robert. What about Bethany? Did you like her?

SETH: I did indeed.

SHELDON: What was she like?

SETH: She reminded me a bit of Krysta, or Heather.

SHELDON: I assumed you mean Étienne’s Krysta and Ethan’s Heather?

SETH: Yes. Beth was strong. Brave.

SHELDON: Strong women are so hot.

SETH: Yes, they are.

SHELDON: I guess Bethany would’ve had to be strong since she was a bounty hunter.

SETH: Yes. And I thought she handled unexpectedly landing in the Middle Ages remarkably well.

SHELDON: I wouldn’t. I like my creature comforts.

SETH: [wry smile] Yes, we know.

SHELDON: [laughs] What else can you tell me about her?

SETH: [smiles] She was funny, with a teasing, mischievous nature that often inspired smiles and laughter.

SHELDON: I’ll ask you the same thing I asked Marcus. Did she have a hard time adhering to the tighter social strictures of the time?

SETH: [laughs] What makes you think she adhered to them?

SHELDON: That’s what Marcus said!

SETH: [grins] I remember one time she—[breaks off and frowns when his cell phone vibrates, then retrieves it from a back pocket] I’m sorry. I have to take this.

SHELDON: No problem.

SETH: Oui? [listens for a moment, then addresses Sheldon] I’m needed in France.

SHELDON: Okay. Thanks for the—

SETH: [vanishes]

SHELDON: Interview.



September 2017

Blade of Darkness Blog Tour



SHELDON: Hi, guys. Thanks for agreeing to do this.

AIDAN: No problem.

DANA: What are we doing again?

AIDAN: Sheldon is interviewing us.

DANA: For what? [eyes widening] Seth didn’t decide to go public with the whole immortals, vampires, and gifted ones thing, did he?


SHELDON: [shakes his head] This is for the network. Some of the humans who work at network headquarters have been a little… antsy after what happened last year.

AIDAN: [mutters] That’s an understatement.

DANA: Well, I can kind of understand that. Aidan told me what happened. And considering it wasn’t the first time the network has come under attack, I’m not surprised that they’re worried about it happening again.

SHELDON: [glances at Aidan] It’s not so much another attack they fear as…

DANA: As what?

AIDAN: [rueful smile] Us.

DANA: [eyebrows flying up] They fear Immortal Guardians?


DANA: Why? I mean, the whole reason they work for you is because they know you’re the good guys. Without Immortal Guardians, vampires would roam unchecked, killing humans at will.

AIDAN: Yes, but until the past couple of years, very few of the network employees actually encountered us in person. They spend their time in labs researching the virus or developing new weapons and technology that make our job easier, or in offices monitoring the internet for leaks and the like.

DANA: But didn’t you pretty much live at network headquarters for two years before you met me?


SHELDON: And apparently working for powerful immortals who possess special gifts and spend their nights hunting and slaying psychotic vampires is one thing. Bumping into them in the hallway at work is another.

DANA: [lips twitch as she glances up at Aidan] Well, you are kind of a lot to take in.

AIDAN: [winks] I don’t recall your complaining when you were taking me in.

DANA: [flushes and gives Aidan’s shoulder a shove]

SHELDON: Gross. Let’s keep the sexual innuendo to a minimum, guys.

AIDAN: I make no promises.

DANA: [laughs]

SHELDON: So, Aidan, let’s start with you. For the newbies at the network, would you explain what a gifted one is?

AIDAN: Gifted ones are mortals who were born with advanced DNA that lends them various and assorted gifts ordinary humans lack.

SHELDON: You were once a gifted one yourself before your transformation.


SHELDON: I think everyone down at the network already knows this, but just in case: vampires are humans who have been infected with the vampiric virus, and immortals are gifted ones who are infected, right?

AIDAN: Right.

SHELDON: Can you tell us what your gifts are?

AIDAN: I’m an elder. My bloodline has been less diluted by ordinary human DNA, so I have more gifts than younger immortals.

SHELDON: Such as?

AIDAN: I have telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

SHELDON: You can move things with your mind? [yelps as his chair abruptly rises into the air, nearly bumps his head on the ceiling, then drops back to the floor] I’ll take that as a yes.

DANA: [grins] I still think that’s cool.

AIDAN: [smiles] Fun, too.

SHELDON: What else?

AIDAN: I can teleport.

SHELDON: That. Is. Awesome. Richart never teleports me anymore because of what happened in Italy.

AIDAN AND DANA: What happened in Italy?

SHELDON: [shifts uneasily] You, uh… you didn’t hear about that?


DANA: Why?

SHELDON: Oh. Uh… nothing. It’s nothing. It wasn’t a big thing. Would you teleport me somewhere if I asked, Aidan?

AIDAN: Hell no.

SHELDON: [grumbles] Fine. What else can you do?

AIDAN: I can heal with my hands.

SHELDON: You can just lay hands on a wound and heal it?

AIDAN: That’s correct.

SHELDON: That is so cool. Dana, what gifts were you born with?

DANA: I only have one. I’m psychic.

SHELDON: So you can see people’s futures?

DANA: Yes. I also get glimpses of their pasts and present. But people usually come to me with questions about their future.

SHELDON: Is that how you met Aidan?

DANA: [smiles up at Aidan] Yes.

SHELDON: Can you see my future? And did you know I was going to ask that?

DANA: No. My gift stems from touch. I have to touch you in order to see your future.

AIDAN: [scowls] Don’t get any ideas.

SHELDON: Dude, you can hurl me across the room with a thought. I’m not going to ask your girlfriend to grab my package.

DANA: [laughs]

SHELDON: [extends his hand to Dana] Would you tell me my future?

DANA: I’ll give it a try. Anything in particular you want to know?

SHELDON: Is Tracy ever going to get over our age difference? Or is she going to ditch me and go with an older man?

DANA: [takes his hand and concentrates for a minute before her eyes widen and she yanks her hand back] Oh. [face flushes] Wow. I did not need to see that.

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