Home > An Immortal Guardians Companion(47)

An Immortal Guardians Companion(47)
Author: Dianne Duvall

SHELDON: Thanks for sitting down with me again, guys.

SUSAN: Of course.

STANISLAV: Happy to do it.

SHELDON: [slides Susan a glance and sighs] She’s blushing again.

STANISLAV: [grins] That’s why I’m happy to do it. I love it when she blushes.

SUSAN: Behave.

STANISLAV: I am behaving.

SUSAN: [smiles] No, you’re not. But it distracted me, so thank you.

STANISLAV: [winks] Anytime.

SUSAN: [sends Sheldon a wry smile] You do realize that song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, right?

SHELDON: [laughs]

STANISLAV: What song?

SUSAN: “Alabama Song.” The Doors. He’s singing it in his head so I won’t read anything in his mind that will make me blush again.

SHELDON: [grins] It’s a trick I picked up from Richart. Whenever he doesn’t want Lisette to listen to his thoughts, he starts singing a song in his head.

STANISLAV: [laughs] Smart man.

SHELDON: Okay. So, last time we learned a little bit about how Susan found you, Stanislav, and her reaction to your abilities. Susan, rumor has it you’re very good with a gun.

SUSAN: Yes, I am.

SHELDON: How did you acquire your skills?

SUSAN: My brother was in the military and used to take me to the firing range quite a bit.

SHELDON: I hear you also throw a mean right hook and uppercut.

SUSAN: [laughs] Apparently.

SHELDON: So you can kick ass.

STANISLAV: [slides Susan an admiring glance] Hell yes, she can.

SHELDON: Dude. Strong women are so hot.

STANISLAV: Yes, they are. [frowns and narrows his eyes at Sheldon] Wait. Not to you she isn’t.

SHELDON: Nope. Not at all. Not to me.

SUSAN: [whispers] He’s thinking about Tracy.

SHELDON: Damn it. I forgot to keep singing.

SUSAN: Ah! Hurry up! Hurry up! Start singing again! [throws a hand up as if blocking Sheldon from view will also block his thoughts]

STANISLAV: [laughs]

SUSAN: [sighs and lowers her hand] Seriously, why do I keep seeing your naked ass in your thoughts, Sheldon?

STANISLAV: [laughs even harder]

SHELDON: [face reddens] Okay. There’s an explanation for that. Tracy—

SUSAN: Never mind. I don’t want to know.

STANISLAV: [corrals his mirth and shakes his head] Why don’t we get back to the interview?

SHELDON: Sounds good. [pulls his cell phone out and consults it] Okay. I asked some of the network employees to offer up some hot seat questions for the two of you.

STANISLAV: What are hot seat questions?

SHELDON: Quick and easy questions that will give them a little insight into your personalities.

STANISLAV: Okay. I’m game.

SHELDON: Great. Here we go. Cats or dogs?

SUSAN: Dogs.


SHELDON: How’s your dog getting along with the cats at David’s place, Susan?

SUSAN: Jax gets along fine with David’s cats. But Roland’s cat is…

STANISLAV: [arches a brow] Crazy as a bedbug?


SHELDON: [nods] Marcus’s cat is a total nutcase, too.

SUSAN: And they do not like having a dog around. But Stanislav’s ability to manipulate emotions is helping a little with that.

SHELDON: Dude, you can manipulate animals’ emotions, too?


SHELDON: Cool. Next question. Summer or winter?

SUSAN: Summer.

STANISLAV: Here in North Carolina, I prefer winter. I can’t withstand much exposure to sunlight, so I like the longer nights.

SUSAN: Oh. That’s right. I hadn’t thought of that. [looks at Sheldon] Winter.

SHELDON: Chocolate or vanilla?

STANISLAV: Chocolate.

SUSAN: Rocky road.

SHELDON: [grins] Beach or woods?


SUSAN: Me, too. I love all the trees around our place.

STANISLAV: [drapes an arm around her shoulders] I love that you called it our place.

SHELDON: Don’t get sappy on me, guys. City or country living?

SUSAN: Country. I’m telepathic. So in the city, I’m constantly bombarded with other people’s thoughts. In the country, I can actually enjoy some peace and quiet.

SHELDON: What about you, Stanislav? With your heightened sense of hearing, I would think you’d prefer the country, too.


SHELDON: Susan, I’m guessing this one is for you. Beard or clean-shaven?

SUSAN: [cups Stanislav’s face in one hand and smooths her thumb across the stubble] Five-o’clock shadow.

STANISLAV: [kisses her palm] Because you like the way it feels against your bare skin.

SUSAN: I really do.

SHELDON: [sighs] Now his eyes are glowing. Stanislav, beauty or brains?

STANISLAV: Susan has both.

SUSAN: Awww. Thank you.

SHELDON: I see that didn’t help. How about… [consults his phone] Boxers or briefs?

SUSAN: Seriously? Network employees want to know what kind of underwear he prefers?

SHELDON: Yyyyeah. Apparently some of the women think he’s hot.

SUSAN: [winks at Stanislav] He is hot.

STANISLAV: [smiles] Boxers. I was born several centuries ago when undergarments fit loosely and prefer to keep it that way.

SHELDON: I hate tight underwear, too. That’s why I go commando.

STANISLAV: I don’t know what that means.

SUSAN: It means he doesn’t wear anything under his pants.

STANISLAV: That’s more than I cared to know about him.

SUSAN: [mutters] At least you didn’t have to see it.

SHELDON: I heard that. Next question. Lover or warrior?

SUSAN: He’s both.

STANISLAV: So is she.

SHELDON: Great. Now his eyes are glowing again.

STANISLAV: Because her strength turns me on.

SHELDON: And this is just going to make things worse. Shower or bath?

STANISLAV: With Susan, I’m up for either.

SHELDON: Ba-dum-tish.

SUSAN: [laughs] Me, too.

SHELDON: [frowns at his phone] I really don’t want to ask this one. Naughty or nice?

STANISLAV: [eyes brighten further] Susan can be very naughty.

SUSAN: So can you. [meets his eyes, then sucks in a breath]

SHELDON: You’re reading his thoughts, aren’t you?


SHELDON: He’s picturing you doing naughty things to him in the shower or a bath, isn’t he?


SHELDON: [sighs] All right. I’m out. [stands] Thanks for the interview, guys. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

SUSAN: [lips twitch] is there anything you wouldn’t do?

SHELDON: [laughs and closes the door behind him]

STANISLAV: [rises] Let’s go draw that bath.

SUSAN: Absolutely.



August 2019

Death of Darkness Blog Tour



SHELDON: Thanks for agreeing to an interview, sir.

SETH: No problem. A lot has happened lately.


SETH: And there has been more activity down at network headquarters, so I worried some of the human employees might be feeling a little…

SHELDON: Unsettled?

SETH: Yes.

SHELDON: Concerned?

SETH: Perhaps.

SHELDON: Riddled with anxiety, the likes of which they’ve never—

SETH: [laughs] I get it. They’re unnerved by recent events. I don’t blame them.

SHELDON: I don’t either. I mean, first mercenaries blew the hell out of the original network headquarters. Then Gershom wreaked havoc at the new one. Now this.

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