Home > Soar High (Sons of the Survivalist #4)(36)

Soar High (Sons of the Survivalist #4)(36)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

“See, now, Tucker?” The other man shook his head. “We’ll have to give that Gabe a lecture. He’s getting’ busy with po-lice work and forgettin’ to cast a line now and then.”

They obviously knew Gabe, Audrey, and Caz, if Regan went fishing with them. Kit relaxed.

“Tucker, what good timing.” Audrey crossed the lobby to the receptionist desk. In tan jeans and a button-up pink shirt, she looked casual, but professional. “The movie you requested came in today.”

Guzman’s smile appeared within his thick beard, and Tucker’s grin was even wider.

“Be worth running the generator for a couple of hours,” Tucker said to Guzman. After nodding to Kit and Regina, the two men headed toward the stairs to the library on the second floor.

Audrey smiled at Regan and Aric. “Kit and Regina are going to talk about boring stuff, but I have coloring books and picture books.”

Regan edged closer to Audrey and whispered, “Can we get a Coke on the way up?”

Kit smothered a laugh. Regan’s father had firm opinions about what children should eat, and sodas weren’t on the list. No one at the Hermitage was strict about following Caz’s rules—and Regan knew it.

“Yes, but only if a Coke means I get quiet children in my library.” Audrey glanced at Kit. “Bribes are an accepted practice in child-sitting.”

“Absolutely.” When Aric squirmed to get down, Kit laughed. “Are you sure you want two children on your hands?”

“I’ll love it. The library closes in half an hour, so go run errands, and I’ll drive them home. I still have one of Aric’s seats in my car.”

Over the past weeks, the people at the Hermitage had acquired extra car seats and passed them around as needed.

“If you’re sure, then thank you.” As her son and Regan followed Audrey like quiet little mice, Kit shook her head. “I’ll have to remember the power of a bribe.”

Regina grinned. “A mother needs many tools in her parenting toolbox.”

“Look how big he’s getting. I swear, just yesterday, he was just a tiny baby.” Kit made a cradle of her arms. “And now? I’m going to need bigger tools.”

“For sure. Wait until he’s a teenager. I needed a whole new toolbox then.” Regina shook her head solemnly, then smiled. “Do you have a minute to talk?”

Worry swept through Kit. Did she owe money for the medical visits? Maybe her benefactor, Doc Grayson, had changed his mind? “Caz said you needed to see me. Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no, girl. I heard you’re job-hunting.”

Possible employment? Kit straightened to look more job-worthy. Unfortunately, after playing with the children, she had grass stains on her jeans and dirt streaks on her T-shirt. “Yes. Do you know someone who’s hiring?”

“I am.” Regina patted her desk. “Right here.”


“As it happens, I have a beautiful new granddaughter.” Regina picked up a photo off the desk to show a two-month-old little girl with wispy hair, a button nose, and a rosebud mouth.

“Ooooh, she’s precious.”

“She really is.” Regina smiled fondly at the photo. “Lauretta doesn’t want to lose her job at McNally’s and asked me to babysit three days a week. Later, they’ll use the day care onsite at the resort, but—”

“But not when her baby is this young.” Kit felt hope rising inside. “You want me to be receptionist for the three days you’re babysitting until you return to being full-time?”

“That’s it in a nutshell.” Regina nodded. “Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The job will be part-time and temporary, but it’ll bring in some money while you’re still healing up.”

Hope rose inside Kit. Rescue’s pre-school and summer school were open on those days, and just yesterday, Aric had attended with Regan and done fine. He’d come home filled with enthusiasm about his new friends and the caregiver named Erica. “I think that would work great.”

“Part-time will be all right?”

Kit sighed. “Much as I’d love full-time, less is probably better right now. My strength is improving, but not quite there yet.”

“Excellent.” Regina slapped her hand on the desk. “C’mon around. Let’s get started on the paperwork.”

“Yes, let’s.” As hope for the future set up a bubbly sensation inside, Kit sat beside the older woman.

With a job, there would be money coming in. She wouldn’t have to move to a bigger town. Could stay where her friends were.

And maybe Hawk would come back someday.



Chapter Fifteen



There’s nothing better than a best friend—unless that best friend has chocolate. ~ Unknown


Just over a week later, Kit stepped into Bull’s Moose Roadhouse and stopped to let her eyes adjust to the dimmer light inside. Halfway through July, the sun was still high and bright at seven in the evening.

The bar always felt warm and welcoming with its golden log walls decorated with antlers, antiques, and pictures from years past. What with it being Friday during tourist season, the tables were mostly filled.

“Hey, Kit.”

She smiled at the greetings from Tucker and Guzman, who were seated near the door. “Hi, guys.”

Obviously hearing, Felix turned and waved. The slender, flamboyant server was one of the friendliest people she’d ever met. Working in a restaurant and bar was totally his jam.

“Hey, kittycat.” He headed across the room. “How’s the homework going? Want a squeeze?”

After the Fourth of July, she and Frankie had been here, drinking piña coladas to celebrate summer, and Felix had joined them.

Being out of drinking practice, Kit had gotten chatty and confessed she was having trouble being touched because of the PZs. She told them she’d assigned herself the homework of giving and accepting hugs.

“My hugs are getting so much better.” She held her arms out and wiggled her fingers. “C’mere.”

Laughing, he let her give him a hug, waited a second, then hugged her back.

When he let go, they were both grinning.

“I give you an E for Excellence.” Felix pointed to a table in the corner where JJ, Frankie, and Audrey were sitting. “Your crew of troublemakers is over there.”

“Thanks, Felix.” She patted his arm. “Really. Thanks.”

“Girl, I’m here for you anytime you want a hug. But for anything sexier, you’ll have to find a different stud-muffin.” He batted his eyeliner-rimmed eyes.

She laughed. And her mind immediately supplied a picture of Hawk’s rugged masculinity, how his solidly packed muscles flexed beneath his T-shirt, and the disconcerting way his steel-blue eyes could turn so gentle when he looked at Aric…or her. Now there was a stud muffin—and it was pitiful she should be thinking that.

With a wave, Felix headed back to his customers, and Kit went the other direction.

“Hey, people.” She greeted the women at the table. “Sorry I’m late.”

“No problem.” Frankie pushed a chair out for her. “I was hoping there wasn’t an emergency or anything.”

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