Home > Not Happening Again (Navarro Triplets #2)(39)

Not Happening Again (Navarro Triplets #2)(39)
Author: A.M. Madden

So, for my friend’s sake, and her husband’s, I swallowed my pride and put my plan on hold. I chose not to delve too deeply into why I was a nervous wreck all day. Or why I spent a little too much time on my hair and makeup. Or why I put a little too much thought into choosing the black dress that fit me like a glove. All I tried to focus on was that this would be the last time I’d be seeing him in a sexual manner.

Jade arranged for me to hitch a ride with Max’s gym manager, Arlene. The girl wouldn’t shut up, going on and on about how much she loved running Max’s gym, which served me well, since I wasn’t in the mood to talk. It also made the ninety-minute drive to Long Island go by fast. But the moment Arlene found a parking spot around the corner, on Jade’s request, my nerves spiked.

By then I’d figured out what I was most afraid of—caving in to Nate’s charms. It was easy to say I was done when he wasn’t near to influence my decision. Spending time with him in any capacity would most definitely cloud my judgment. Let’s not forget, attending his cousin’s wedding as a couple was what had started all the confusing emotions to begin with.

A woman greeted us at the front door, took our jackets, and directed us to where a few dozen guests were already milling around. The traditional center hall colonial had been decorated with streamers and balloons in various shades of gray. Servers passing an assortment of appetizers, a bartender filling cocktail orders, and sultry jazz music completed the festive vibe.

I knew Jade had rented a large tent that covered most of the backyard, complete with heaters, scattered high-top tables, and a dance floor where people could dance to the music played by a DJ. On the invites, Jade had insisted no presents, and that instead people should make a donation in the Navarro brothers’ names to a favorite charity. She wanted the night to be sophisticated but fun, and from the looks of it so far, mission accomplished.

I scanned the crowd, searching for Jade’s family, but Monica saw us first.

“Hello!” she exclaimed, rushing over. “Arlene, how are you, sweetheart?”

“Great, thank you. This looks amazing.”

“All Jade. She thought of everything,” Monica replied before turning her attention toward me. “Amy. It’s so great to see you again.” She pulled me into a firm hug, swaying us back and forth.

“Same,” I pathetically mumbled.

“You look stunning,” she said, holding my upper arms when she leaned back, continuing to grin at me as though I held all her son’s intimate secrets.

“Thank you.”

“Well, Jade just texted me. They’re about ten minutes away. Help yourselves to food and drink.”

Another couple walking through the door pulled Monica away. Meanwhile, I said hello to Mitch, a few familiar faces I had remembered from Max and Jade’s wedding, and finally found my second family—Jade’s parents; her sister, Sapphire; and her brother-in-law, Greg—in the family room.

“Amy, girl,” Jade’s mother, Ruby, called out when she saw me approach.

“God, am I glad to see you guys.” I hugged her hard, taking comfort in the warm embrace.

“It’s been too long.” Lawrence stepped closer to swap places with his wife. It didn’t matter if days or months had gone by since I saw the Eastons; it always felt as though no time had passed at all.

Last to be hugged were Sapphire and Greg. Sapphire had always been the older sister I never had. Her husband, Greg, having been part of their family for so long, assumed the brother role for both Jade and me.

“How’s Mom?” Ruby asked. When my father died, the Eastons had lost their best friends… one through death, and the other when my mother spiraled into a midlife crisis.

“She’s fine,” I lied. I hadn’t spoken to Mommy Dearest in weeks due to her gallivanting around Central America with her current love. Wanting to change the subject, I molded my hands around Sapphire’s swollen belly. “Any day now.”

“And I can’t wait,” she grumbled. “I’m too old for this crap.”

“Which is why we should’ve stopped after two,” Greg countered, equally as grumpy.

“As I recall, you were a very willing participant in getting us here. So suck it up.”

Greg grinned at his wife. “This is true. At least I can drown my anxiety with booze.” He snatched a frosty pilsner off the tray of a passing waitress, and then a flute of champagne. “And you can drink for Saph,” he added, handing me the bubbly.

“To drinking for Saph.” I tapped my glass against his, and we both laughed when she shot us a death stare.

A small commotion came from the other room. “They’re here!” Mitch yelled above the chatter while his wife ushered guests forward like a herd of cattle. With frantic hands, she prompted others to move closer to the front door. I was perfectly content to keep my place beside my adopted family toward the far corner of the dining room. But Monica was scanning the crowd as though she had radar, causing her attention to focus on me. Before I knew what was happening, she grabbed my hand and dragged me into position directly in front of the entrance.

I had no time to run, to react, to hide when the door flew open. Jade walked through first, and the harmonized chorus of “Surprise” rang out just as the Navarro triplets came in behind her.

Max instantly embraced his wife with a dimpled grin.

Brad raised his hands like a rock star meeting his groupies.

And Nate’s green eyes landed right on me.

The room suddenly became stifling, and I couldn’t blame the number of bodies surrounding me.


Except for a chaste kiss, albeit on my lips, Nate had otherwise been busy greeting friends and family for a good part of an hour. Sooner or later, he’d focus on me, but after two champagnes, I truly needed to get some fresh air… or find the strength to stick around.

Once outside, I enjoyed sitting on the front steps. My sleeveless black dress wasn’t exactly appropriate for the chilly November temperature, yet it soothed like a balm over a bad sunburn. Away from the noise of the party and the pressure of his presence, it felt good to be alone.

Modest houses lined both sides of the street, all with their perfectly manicured lawns. The quiet neighborhood reminded me of the one where I had grown up in New Jersey.

When goose bumps riddled my flesh, a shiver forced me to stand and head back inside just as the front door opened. There stood Nate, staring at me almost angrily.

On their own accord, my eyes skimmed over every inch of him, from his ridiculously sexy hair to a face that should’ve graced billboards… not to mention a flawless body that had my own pulsing with want. He had donned black slacks with a black button-down shirt, rolled-up sleeves revealing thick forearms, and that ever-present hot watch.

All of him, every damn inch, was perfection.

And I hated how he could instantaneously turn my insides to mush.

“Are you hiding from me, Jersey?” he asked in that gravelly tone of voice. Add that to the long list of things about him that turned me on.

Not trusting the timbre of my own voice, I didn’t bother responding. Even if I denied it, he’d assume otherwise. My silence fueled him to come closer, too close. Those electric pulses I’d felt the first night we came together, and every time since, resurfaced. The difference now being that the physical reactions I always had toward Nate included a weird new sensation that hit smack in the middle of my chest.

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