Home > Bound by Fate (Ravage MC Bound #9)(58)

Bound by Fate (Ravage MC Bound #9)(58)
Author: Ryan Michele

You had no clue. Fuckin’ watched you in the clubhouse too. That was a fuckin’ joke.

Cooper pulled out his phone, dialed, and put it to his ear. “We need a sweep of the clubhouse, all Ravage houses, and companies. This fucker’s been watchin’ us.”

Always tryin’ to fit in with those assholes. So I thought what the fuck, I’ll take them down too.

“That makes no fuckin’ sense. He wanted to be you and take over your life, yet he wanted to take down Ravage too which is a big part of said life,” Nox spoke, relaying my thoughts exactly.

“I have no clue. The fucker is wacked,” I answered.

It wasn’t the initial part of the plan. He told me not to deviate from it, but … well, you know how it turned out better than I do.

“So he was a pussy who was jealous. Anyone getting anything else from this babble?” Ryker asked.

“You hit the nail on the head,” Micah replied.

“Who the fuck is ‘he’?” I asked.

“Someone else?” Micah asked.

“Fuck, I hope not,” Cooper responded, running his hands through his hair.

Bottom line. You had the life I should’ve had, and I was going to take it. Including your bitch. I’m gonna assume she’s still alive, but I hate to break it to ya, but not for long.

The fucker then smirked, and my heart dropped to the floor.

Not even listening to another word, I ran through the apartment, down the stairs and out the door.

Katie was pounding on the widow trying to get out. I yanked on the handle, but it was locked.

I didn’t know what was going on, but I needed to get Katie and Ensley out of this fucking car.

Taking out my gun, I shot at the front window. It was fucking bulletproof of course.

“What is it?” I asked Katie.

Her voice was muffled through the glass. “Bomb under the car.”

And there was the fucking bomb. Fuck me. I dropped to the ground, searching for the device and finding it by the gas tank of course. That would make the biggest punch.

Pulling off the cover, I recognized it immediately and took in all the different wires. When I did this, the timer started at thirty seconds. Then ticked down to twenty-nine…

Fuck, I had to get this disabled.

I could hear the women kicking at the windows and doors trying to get out. I needed them out.

This particular bomb had a trick wire in it that was hidden under the counter. It was the only line to cut to stop it. The problem was if you so much as moved the timer in any way shape or form, it would automatically detonate.

“What’s goin’ on?” Micah yelled, shaking the SUV.

“Stop shakin’ the fuckin’ car. Bomb. I’ve gotta have still.”

“Fuck me.” Micah was down, eyes on the bomb. “Fuck. The damn trick wire.”

“Hence why I need you to stop movin’ the fuckin’ SUV,” I clipped, pulling my pocket knife out of my jeans pocket and opening the small scissors on the side. Then grabbing my phone, I turned on the light so I could see it better.

“I see it,” I told Micah. “It’s jammed into the far end of the timer.”

“Fuck me,” Micah said. “We gotta get them out.”

“Can you get the fuckin’ doors unlocked?” I asked him as I lifted the knife and pulled all the useless wires out of my way.

“No, somehow the failsafe to keep them locked is engaged.”

Fuck me. “So killin’ the bomb is all we’ve got.”

“I’ve got a tire iron,” Ryker called out, and I looked to Micah.

“It could bust through, but doubtful.” I looked at the timer, and we had twenty-three seconds left.

“Two hits and then no more.”

The SUV moved, but nothing shattered.

“Still,” I yelled to everyone.

Crying could be heard from the inside of the car. “It’s alright, Wild Kat. I’ve got you.”

The timer’s countdown felt like it was going faster, but it was steady. My heart was the one that was racing.

Slowly I inserted the scissors on the knife. There was only a few millimeters between the timer and motherboard. Touching either of them could set it off. The scissors were bigger than the flat of a knife, but once I hit the wire I didn’t know if I’d be able to slice through it with the blade.

Sweat trickled down my face, and I could feel my hands starting to get clammy from the heat. One fucking slip, asshole. Focus!

Eighteen seconds ticked…

The scissors only in about a half an inch.

Sixteen… Fifteen…

I had another inch and a half to go. Fuck, time needed to stop.

I kept going, my fingers ready to snap as soon as I had the wire in my grasps. My hand jostled, and I stilled. Fuck, did I hit it? When nothing happened, I sucked in a few calming breaths only to look at the timer and see seven seconds.

That one slip up cost me so much precious time.

The woman I loved was inside this car. The woman I thought of as a sister was in this car. And my brother was still next to me under the car.



I moved touching the wire with my scissors, but not getting it in-between the blades … fuck.


I tried again…



I sliced the wire, and the timer stopped.

“Son of a motherfuckin bitch,” I said, laying down, my arms falling to my sides.

“You’re tellin’ me. Let’s get these women out of here.”

Micah held out his hand and pulled me out from the car, righting me. “How the fuck you gonna do that?” Micah nodded to the far end of the parking lot and the tow truck from Banner Automotive was on its way.

“Jaws of life are the only thing openin’ that door,” Micah told me as he looked in on his woman.

“Next fuckin’ car you get has to have a way to get the fuck out,” I ordered him going around to Katie’s side and putting my hand on the glass. “You’re gonna be okay, Wild Kat.”

From around the building, Deke, Ax, Raid and Booker all came, each one rubbing some part of their body.

“Where the fuck were you?” I barked at them. They were supposed to be protecting the women.

“Fucker had a tranq gun;” Deke said, pissed as all fuck. “He did me first and before I could grab my gun, these two fuckers were hit and we were all goin’ down.”

I looked to Booker.

“He got me right here and must’ve dragged me to the back with these guys.”

“Who the fuck is this he?” I asked everyone. Katie banged on the window, and my focus went back to her.

“It was Danny.”

My vision covered in a red film as anger moved through every part of my body. My hands balled into fists.

That motherfucker was working with the twin. He was the ‘he’ the asshole was talking about. Fucking didn’t see that coming either, and rage boiled in my veins. He was a dead man.

It took a bit to get the girls out of the car, but once it was pried open, Katie fell into my arms, and I wrapped her up tight. “So sorry, Wild Kat. So fuckin’ sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. It was Danny. He even smiled at me.”

“What do you mean?”

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