Home > Grim (Perished Riders MC)(11)

Grim (Perished Riders MC)(11)
Author: Nicola Jane

“That’s what bikers do, right?” I ask, forcing a smile. “The road is where I’m happiest.”

“But now Mav’s settled here as the Pres, it’s not so easy to up and leave?”

“I could just go without him.” But I know I won’t. He’s like a blood brother. “He’s happy here with Rylee, and I’m happy for him, but it’s not me. It’s not my life.”

Hadley takes a deep breath. “I could use a hand right now if you’re free.” She pulls a heavy-looking box from the floor to her bed. “These are old files I had couriered over from Harriett’s former solicitor. She filed for divorce once but later retracted it. Apparently, they make an interesting read.”

I flop down on the bed opposite her as she removes the lid. “What are you looking for exactly?” I ask, peering into the dusty box full of papers and files.

“Anything we can use to get this restraining order granted. I have a meeting with the judge bright and early.”

Hadley passes me the first paper file and a highlighting pen. I smile gratefully because this is exactly what I need to take my mind off Mum and the unhappiness I have in my heart. And somehow, Hadley knows that.







I’m vaguely aware I’m uncomfortable, so I stretch out an aching arm and groan. Opening one eye, I notice sunlight streaming through the blinds and it suddenly dawns on me it’s daylight. I sit up in alarm. Grim is asleep at the end of my bed with a highlighter pen still in his grasp, and we’re surrounded by paperwork. “Shit!” I hiss, grabbing my phone. I have to meet the judge in less than half an hour. “Fuck . . . shit . . . damn it! Grim, wake up.” I shake him, and he sits up quickly, almost headbutting me. “We fell asleep.”

He looks around confused. “What day is it?”

“The day I have to meet the judge!” I rush to the bathroom, slipping out of my joggers and tee and diving under the cold spray of the shower. I hiss, waiting impatiently for it to warm up before I carelessly rub soap over my skin. Once I’m done, I squirt toothpaste onto my brush and stuff it in my mouth while wrapping myself in a towel and running back into my bedroom. Grim watches in amusement as I pull clothes from the shopping bags we filled yesterday. I find the black dress I picked out. It’s perfect and something I’d usually avoid, but today, I don’t have time to talk myself out of it as I run back to the bathroom, grabbing underwear as I go.

I’m staring at myself in the bathroom mirror with a mascara wand in my hand when the door opens and Grim steps in. He raises his eyebrows, letting his eyes run down my body. “Wow.”

“Please don’t say anything because I don’t have time to change and—”

He grips the tops of my arms and turns me to look at him. “I was going to say, you look amazing, Hads. Like, really great.”

I blush. “Really?”

“Really. Now, where are you meeting this judge? I’ll take you.” He then picks up my toothpaste, puts some on his finger, and rubs it around his mouth.



The outfit isn’t ideal for the bike, but as Grim pulls to a stop outside the courthouse and I carefully slide off, I notice how he positions his arm to help cover my modesty. I smile to myself as he hands over my bag and case file. “What will you tell the judge about me?” he asks, following me up the steps. Mav insists one of the men shadow me at work.

“That the firm hired security because of who Nick Cambridge is,” she explains.




I shudder as we step into the large, intimidating building. It’s not the first time I’ve been inside this place, and chances are, it won’t be the last. We place our belongings on the trays the security team holds out, and then we step through their body scanner before being cleared to go through. We head up some winding stone steps and stop outside a door. “Please stay quiet in there, Grim. It’s really important.” I nod. Hadley knocks, and a young woman opens the door and smiles wide.

“The judge is waiting for you,” she says, stepping to the side so we can enter. I stay positioned by the door, and Hadley breezes into the room towards a gentleman sitting at the head of a large oak table. He stands and looks pleased to see Hadley, embracing her and kissing her on the cheek. I frown. I didn’t know she was so familiar with judges and such like.

“Hadley, it’s so great to see you,” he gushes, pulling out the chair to his left and waiting for her to sit down.

“Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice.”

“It’s a pleasure. I’ll always make time for you. How’s life?” he asks, taking his seat again and staring at her like she’s the most interesting person in the entire world. The young woman smiles at me as she exits the room. If I wasn’t here, Hadley would be alone with this man, and that pisses me off.

I tune back into their conversation as the judge flicks his eyes to me and asks her, “Who’s the oaf?”

“He’s here to watch over me. The guy we’re dealing with isn’t above trying to stop this going through,” says Hadley, placing her file on the table and turning it towards him. “Harry, you would not believe the things I’ve read in the last twelve hours.”

I listen while Hadley goes into work mode. She’s fucking awesome at it. The way she knows this case and recalls facts and dates astounds me, and even though I read those notes with her, I don’t remember half of what she does. By the time she’s finished pleading Harriett Cambridge’s case, the judge is already buzzing his secretary to draw up the court papers.




Harry is putty in my hands. I smile as he signs the prevention order and hands it to me. “Amazing. I’ll have this served on Mr. Cambridge today.”

“Now that’s out the way, will you have some breakfast with me?”

I smile politely, not wanting to offend him in case I need to work my magic on him another time. “That would be amazing, but I have so much to do. Could we arrange another time?” I ask, tucking the paperwork into my file and standing.

Harry tips his head to one side. “One day, Hadley, you’ll agree to one date, and then I’ll talk you into a second and a third.”

I laugh, lightly touching his arm. “Harry, you know I can’t wait to join you for dinner sometime, but our schedules are always clashing. Have your secretary call me to set something up.” I kiss him on each cheek and head for the exit. The dress gives me a power vibe, and I march past Grim, winking at him and leading the way out.

We get outside, and I let out a relieved breath. “Harry, you know I can’t wait to join you,” says Grim in a screechy tone. I arch a brow at his attempt to mock me.

“I’m a little fish in a big pond, Grim. I have to play the part.”

“Of a hooker?”

I gasp. “As a working woman in a man’s world.”

“You flirted your arse off in there. You practically pushed your tits in his face at one point.”

I feel my cheeks colour, and suddenly, Dad’s sneering face fills my vision. I look down at the dress and horror takes over me. Who the hell do I think I am dressing like this? I rush down the stone steps, taking off towards the tube with Grim shouting my name.

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