Home > Grim (Perished Riders MC)(13)

Grim (Perished Riders MC)(13)
Author: Nicola Jane

“Right. Okay.” She squares her shoulders and begins to walk away. Something inside me aches, and I find myself reaching for her and turning her to face me.

“We’ll talk about this,” I say. “We should talk about it.”

She nods, then pulls free and heads back towards the clubhouse.



I see two of everything—two of Ghost, two of Nelly. Good. It’s the numb feeling I want. “Another,” I mutter, shoving my glass towards Nelly, and she fills it.

“You look like a bundle of happy,” she observes.

“Top of the world,” I mumble.

“What’s bothering you, brother?” asks Ghost.

I tap the side of my head. “In here.”

“Drinking won’t help,” he answers.

“I’m the VP, I can do what I want.”

He holds up his arms and shrugs. “Fine.”

As I stumble to my bedroom later that night, I feel a hand on my arm and spin to find Meli, smiling that cute smile of hers. “You look lost.”

“I’m . . . erm . . .” I look around. Next to me is Hadley’s closed bedroom door, and I frown. It’s not my room.

“I’ll show you,” Meli offers, taking my hand and pulling me away, leading me to the next flight of stairs. We stop outside mine. “Are you going to invite me in?” Before I answer, she pushes the door and goes inside. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

“Not avoiding,” I mumble.

“Why are you so hung up about it? It’s not like it’s serious or anything. You overthink everything.”

Meli pulls at my belt. I watch her hands tug at the button on my jeans and I come to my senses. I place my hand over hers to stop her trying to eagerly undress me. “No, Meli. We can’t.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. Give me a minute to wake it up,” she says, winking.

I shake my head and pull her hands from me. “No. We can’t.”

She rolls her eyes. “You really are getting boring, Grim. I thought hooking up was your specialty?” She stomps out, and I fall on my bed. Staring up at the ceiling, it suddenly hits me hard.

Fuck, I like Hadley.







“Why are you looking so smug?” asks Meli, taking a seat beside me at the breakfast table.

I press my lips together. I’ve spent the night thinking about Grim and that kiss. “No reason.”

“You were serious about the new wardrobe,” she adds, nodding at my chosen outfit for the day. I run my hand over the knee-length pencil skirt. I teamed it with the white silk blouse the shop assistant suggested, and she was right, it looks great together. “You look good, like a power-hungry businesswoman.”

I smile. “I feel great, actually.”

“I’m glad, but it still doesn’t explain the smile on your face.”

“Maybe it’s just a good day to be alive.”

We look round as Grim stumbles in, looking terrible. Mav frowns, watching closely as Grim slumps into a chair and blindly feels around for a coffee pot. “What a fucking mess,” Meli whispers in disgust. She’s never really liked Grim and doesn’t bother to hide it.

“What’s wrong with him?” I ask casually.

“Lord only knows. He probably got drunk and found a random whore to take to his bed.”

I swallow hard, watching Grim from under my eyelashes. “He seems strange lately, don’t you think?”

She scowls. “No, I think he’s just as annoying as always.”

“Maybe something’s bothering him?”

“You know your problem, Hads? You spend too much time worrying about the men here. They’re big enough and ugly enough to watch themselves. And some brothers, there’s just no helping. Grim is a mess of depression and confusion. And I know you used to like him, but seriously, he’s not the same guy he once was. He doesn’t care about anybody but himself.”

“Still, he’s Mav’s friend, and I’m worried.”

Meli rolls her eyes. “You’re always worried. Get a new hobby.” She flounces out the room without a look back, and Faith fills her spot.

“Have you been back to see Carol?” she whispers.

I shake my head. “It’s impossible now because we have to take one of the guys with us.”

“Aren’t you at work today?” she asks, and I nod. “Then can’t you slip out? The guys aren’t going to spend the day camped outside your office. They’ll drop you and collect, right?” I nod. “So, go and see her. I keep thinking about her and wondering if she’s okay. Maybe she just needed food and to see the place cleaned up.”

I smile. “If only addiction was so easy to overcome. But I can maybe go and see her, put your mind at rest.” She smiles, and I add, “It’s sweet you thought about her.”



Faith was right. Ghost drops me at the office on the promise I’ll call him if I need to go out for anything. I spend the morning working on Harriett’s divorce, and at noon I tell Amanda, my boss, I’m nipping out for lunch. She doesn’t bat an eyelid as I slip out. Hailing a cab, I head straight for Carol’s place. It’s not far from where I work, but I don't want to risk the guys seeing me out and about.

For once, Carol’s front door is closed. I push it and it’s not locked but it’s a hopeful sign. There’s no clutter on the floor, and I smile as I pass the almost tidy kitchen and head for the living room. I’m unprepared for the sight of Carol lifeless in her chair. She’s half-naked with a needle hanging from her arm. Dropping my bag, I rush to her side, gently shaking her. When she doesn’t respond, I press a shaky hand to the pulse point on her neck. There’s a very faint heartbeat, and I almost sob with joy. I call an ambulance and follow the call handler’s instructions to place Carol in the recovery position. Next, I call Mav.

“What’s up, little sis?” he answers.

“Confession time,” I begin, and he groans. “I’m with Carol, Grim’s mum. She’s not well, and I’m waiting for an ambulance. Can you meet me at the hospital?”

“Hold the fuck up!” he snaps. “Why the hell are you with her?”

“Long story. Meet me there.” I disconnect and check Carol’s pulse again, relieved when I still feel it.



By the time the paramedics get Carol stable in the ambulance and get her to hospital, Mav is already waiting for me. He glares at me angrily as I head towards him. “Have you told Grim?” I ask.

“No, I haven’t. What would I say?”

“He’s been to see her recently,” I mutter. “He knows she’s using.”

“But he doesn’t know you’re interfering, does he?” Mav growls, and I shake my head. “He’s dealing with shit right now, half of which I think is down to Carol, and now, you’re meddling in crap that’s nothing to do with you. What are you playing at?”

“I just wanted to help. He mentioned her, and I didn’t know he was seeing her, so I went to the house. I was hoping she was clean, that I could talk to her about Grim, maybe help reunite them.”

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