Home > Grim (Perished Riders MC)(38)

Grim (Perished Riders MC)(38)
Author: Nicola Jane

“Gas and air. Mum was great, really calm.”

“I hate I wasn’t there.”

“Even if you weren’t in prison, you wouldn’t have been there, Grim.”

I laugh, amused by her strong act. “Of course, I would have been. Who the fuck would have stopped me being at the birth of my daughter? Why didn’t you read my letters?”

“What was the point?”

“I just needed you to know I was thinking about you. Did you think about me?”

“No,” she lies, and I smile again.

“It hurt you didn’t visit or write. I thought you might come on Oakley’s first visit.”

She sighs heavily. “Why would I? We weren’t together.”

“Of course, we were,” I say. “I fucked up, but it’s done now, and we have Oakley to think about.”

“You can’t just decide we’re together, Grim. You fucked up, and I left you. That’s it. End of story.”

“What about when Oakley asks why we aren’t together?”

“I’ll tell her you fucked Aunty Meli and I couldn’t move past it,” she hisses.

I stop abruptly and grip her chin between my fingers. “It was before us. I didn’t cheat.”

“You may as well have,” she whispers.

“But I didn’t. The only thing I did was keep it from you, and for that I’m sorry, but it’s over with now. You have to move forward. You’ve forgiven her, so why not me?”

“She’s my sister.”

“And I’m the father of your baby.”


“You’re kidding yourself. I know you love me, I can see it in your eyes,” I say, smirking.

She pulls away and begins walking in front. We get to the park, and she takes a seat on a wooden bench and pulls out her phone.




Just because Grim forced me to join him today doesn’t mean I’m going to play happy family. I’m reading my emails from work when I hear my name called. I stare in panic when I spot Harry walking my way with his dog in tow. “Is the head any better?” He beams, kissing me on the cheek. I glance at Grim, who’s busy with Oakley and hasn’t noticed.

“Yes, much better.”

“Do you want to get brunch?”

I shake my head. “Actually, I’m here with Oakley and . . . my friend.”

“Oh,” he looks around the busy park, “okay. Maybe later?” I nod eagerly, hoping he’ll leave before Grim spots him. “I was thinking maybe you could come for dinner one night this week and stay over. We could get a movie?” It’s the first time he’s invited me to his place.

“I shouldn’t leave Oakley overnight,” I begin.

“You could leave her with her father,” comes Grim’s voice, and I cringe with embarrassment.

Harry smiles, holding out his hand. Grim stares at it blankly until he retracts it. “I’m Harry.”


“Right. I’m,” he smiles at me before shrugging, “seeing Hadley.”

“Nice. I’m fucking Hadley,” says Grim coldly, and my eyes widen in shock. Harry looks at me for an explanation.

“That’s not true,” I say quickly.

“Don’t you recognise me?” Grim continues. “You took my driving licence from me.”

Harry looks uncomfortable. “You do look familiar.”

“I am so sorry about this,” I say, my cheeks burning with humiliation. “This is Oakley’s dad. He’s recently come into her life again. We’re definitely not a thing anymore, and I promise I’ll explain everything later.”

“She’s got a kid with a criminal,” says Grim. “How’s that look for you being a judge?”

“In fact, maybe we can grab brunch now,” I say, moving towards Harry, who looks confused.

Grim grabs my arm. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Hads.”

“Stop,” I hiss.

“See, I’m her ol’ man, and now I’m out of prison and back in her life, I plan on keeping her. So, you’re wasting your time if you think you’ll win this because she’s always loved me, since she was a kid. Ain’t that right, Hads?”

“Call me,” says Harry, his expression blank. “We’ll talk.” Then he walks off without looking back.

“He won’t answer your calls,” says Grim.

“Yes, I realise that, thanks to you!”

“The judge, Hadley, really?”

“He’s perfect. He’s honest, kind, patient, and above all, a nice guy. He wouldn’t sleep with my sister, or anyone else for that matter,” I snap.

Grim gets in my face again, and Oakley strokes my cheek. “But could he fuck you like I do?” he whispers in my ear. “Could he make you scream his name?”

“Yes,” I snap, turning away from him and sitting back on the bench.

Grim stares at me for a long minute before taking Oakley over to the baby swings.







I let a few days pass without bothering Hadley. Since her comment at the park, I’ve felt angry. I have no right to be, but I can’t help it. The thought of her with someone else kills me inside. Deep down, I don’t believe she’s serious about the judge, cos if she was, she’d have told everyone.

She comes home from work, and I’m in the kitchen trying Oakley on some new food Mama B whizzed up. Hadley recently began weaning her and it’s my favourite part of the day. She kisses Oakley on the head and makes a fuss. I love her, and it’s these moments that make me regret every fucking bad decision I ever made. “You’re a great mum,” I blurt out, and she smiles awkwardly. “Sorry, I just felt the need to tell you.”

“I’m really impressed with how you’ve taken to fatherhood actually,” she admits. “I didn’t expect you to be so hands-on. I think she’s loved spending time with you while I work.”

I grin, happy she’s noticed. “Thanks.”

“Look at us being adults,” she jokes, shrugging her coat off.

“It would be nice to get along like this more often,” I say, and she nods in agreement. “I don’t want Oakley to grow up seeing us arguing.”

“Will you back off trying to involve yourself in my personal life?”

“I’ll try.”

“I’m Oakley’s mum, not your property.”

“Okay. Understood.”

She nods, looking pleased with our new truce. “Good.”

We bathe Oakley together and laugh as she splashes us. I get her dressed for bedtime, and Hadley makes her a bottle and feeds her while I read a story. Then we put her in her cot to sleep. “I guess I’ll leave you in peace,” I say, hovering over the cot.

“Thanks for helping.”

“I love being with her.”

“Maybe on Saturday we could do something as a family,” she suggests.

I nod eagerly. “I’d love that.”



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